Moving To A New House With Feral Cats


TCS Member
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Jul 21, 2017
Hi, I want to tell you about my experience in moving with my cats to a new house.
I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I was very sad because I had to leave behind two cats that I was feeding.
They ate at home, slept in an open garage, but wouldn't let me touch them.
Finally I moved with two dogs and my four cats. I rescued three cats less than a year ago.
Two of them appeared, with a difference of a month or so, without a leg, full of flies. Apparently they were attacked by dogs. They were feral cats, but I could cure them and they adapted to my house, though they were very independent and went in and out to the street whenever they wanted.
I moved a week ago. I don't let them go outside, to the front yard, but they do go out to the back small garden. If I don't let them go out, they scream frantically. I wake up twice at least at night, because one of them, one that has only three legs, Garfy, screams as he wants to go out to the front yard and the street.
Today, Garfy climbed a two or three meter tall wall, with the help of a climbing plant.
When I noticed his absence, I went desperately out to the street to look for him.
Miraculously I found him standing in the driveway of a house around the block.
Evidently he wants to go back to the environment where he was born.
I realize it is very difficult to move with feral cats which are used to an area.
I'll walk with him twice a day, with a harness, so that he gets acquainted with the place.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I agree! He should no longer go out by himself for a few months until he settles in completely.

Can you go back and set a humane drop trap to catch the two you left behind?
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TCS Member
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Jul 21, 2017
Hi, Sarthur. I can't take with me the two I left behind.
First of all, I couldn't have wild cats in my house because they are afraid of my dogs.
Besides I know they would escape the second I open the door of the cage.
They don't let me touch them, they are too quick.
A neighbour told me she would feed them. Though I don't trust anyone too much, I can't handle six cats trying to escape.
Now I think that cats that are wild and not submissive shouldn't be taken away from the environment where they learnt to live.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
It is, sadly, very difficult (but not impossible!) to move completely feral cats to a new environment - - particularly without alot of the work being put into a slow introduction to their new surroundings (like you're seeing you'll need to do with Garfy!). It definitely can be done, but it's not easy. Kind of like socializing feral kitties Garfy to be inside (completely indoors if possible - or at least cared for outside - - after a super slow reintroduction to his new outside world). And obviously you've also got the issue of Garfy, etc learning to be inside with your dogs. But that too (getting dogs and kitties to live together safely) can often be made possible through SUPER slow, monitored introductions. I'm sure there are many people on this site (particularly this forum) who can help you with both issues. And at least you were able to save who you could save at your previous home- and it sounds as though you did the best you could as far as seeing that the ones who remained there will be looked after and fed. You've done so much already for them - far more than many people would do.

I have to ask (and sorry if I missed it somewhere) - have you been spaying/neutering all of the ones you care/cared for? If Garfy isn't fixed - -it's very likely that's a HUGE part of the reason (even more than getting back to his old territory) of why he's so desperate to get outside. Unfixed males in particular are driven SO much by the need to mate - - and if he's not neutered yet, he's likely sensing unfixed females in the area. So if that hasn't been done - I'd do that ASAP as that too will help lessen his desire to roam!
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TCS Member
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Jul 21, 2017
Hi kittychick! Yes, they are all neutered, I always neuter all my cats and dogs, and I collaborate with groups that neuter cats and dogs in areas where people can't travel to vets or to the zoonosis centers. It's a priority for me. All my cats and dogs, including Garfy, get along very well. Garfy's been been with me for almost a year, but I've seen him before, I think that he was born where I lived before. He wants to go back. I feel with this experience, that cats are different, some adapt, some don't. Garfy is suffering and so am I because I'm terrified that he'll eventually manage to escape.
I even thought about taking him back, but there's no one I can rely on to take care of him and I know he loves me, but his instinct is strong even with his handicap.:(


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Glad to hear he's neutered (along with everyone else!) - - it sounds like you absolutely already know how important that is :) Not everyone does, unfortunately, so I always ask just in case (especially when a kitty is being that verbally insistent about the outdoors!). I'm so glad to hear too that all of your animals get along so well!

I agree - not all animals are alike (just like people), but hopefully with a bit more time (and I think the walking him on a harness is brilliant!) to let him learn that he has NEW territory with all kinds of wonderful smells and "yard stuff" is perfect! I have a feeling he'll eventually learn to love his new territory just as much - since he already loves you :)
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TCS Member
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Jul 21, 2017
Thank you, kittychick for your words.
I understand Garfy because I also miss my old house, a lot!
I'll keep you posted. Thanks again!
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TCS Member
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Jul 21, 2017
Glad to hear he's neutered (along with everyone else!) - - it sounds like you absolutely already know how important that is :) Not everyone does, unfortunately, so I always ask just in case (especially when a kitty is being that verbally insistent about the outdoors!). I'm so glad to hear too that all of your animals get along so well!

I agree - not all animals are alike (just like people), but hopefully with a bit more time (and I think the walking him on a harness is brilliant!) to let him learn that he has NEW territory with all kinds of wonderful smells and "yard stuff" is perfect! I have a feeling he'll eventually learn to love his new territory just as much - since he already loves you :)
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Jul 21, 2017
Hi Kittychick. Good news on my second week!!
Garfy still shouted desperately to go outside to the front yard, at 2:00 am every night :(
I wasn't very comfortable with the harness because I didn't feel too secure.
And I found a great method!
Yesterday night, before going to sleep, I put him inside his little dog carrier, in the front yard, looking towards the street, behind the front gate, for about 20 minutes. He feels safe and enjoys being outdoors and looking at the cats next door. I felt he was happy and not too anxious to go outside the cage.
Tonight, he slept all night without shouting, for the first time!:thumbsup:
Today, I'll do the same several times during the day.