Moving kittens


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 27, 2021
Hi there,
I'm new on here and a new cat mom,
After going to a farm there was a big cage of cats and one that looked very scared to the others, backed in a corner hissing so of Corse I took her home!
After what seemed like a hard start with luna got even more crazy,

So at first she was showing signs that maybe she was abused as she would hide under my bed and not come out for days on end unless the room was empty, she would cry day and night and would really hiss if you tried to touch her, so after giving her some space I decided maybe a friend would help bring her out her shell, and keep her company, so we got a kitten, this helped luna a lot and by 3 weeks in she was sleeping on the bed, eating, drinking and playing, she does allow lots of strokes but does not like to be picked up. Luna also sleeps on the bottom of the bed and gets closer and closer to your face through out the night!

I noticed not long after we had her home she was putting on quite a bit of weight,
Witch then turned into a rounded belly!
I thought maybe she needed worming and a vet check so I took her to the vets not knowing her age or past history for advice!

The vet checked her over and found she was actually pregnant and I did Infacy get a scan to confirm.
After tons of research I got luna settled in my room for her pregnancy with access to other areas,...
I set out a nesting box in each room knowing she hadn't been with us very long and wanted her to be as comftsble as possibly when the time came.

The week before due date was approaching I got luna another vet check (overly paranoid) and another scan to make sure everything was good.

I would limit the contact luna and kitty had and also the children and luna as I didn't want to scare her with the noise of 2 little boys, so kitty took residence in there room on a night and luna had the rest of the house to choose from then during the day let kitty back out.

Monday night luna didn't seem right she just seemed to be in my face 24/7 and was cherping a lot, although still eating ALOT,
Tuesday morning she was fine I put kitty in the downstairs area and closed the doors as I just had a strange feeling telling me to do so, I done the school run popped to my mom's and pets at home for kitten formula and feeding kit as a precaution,

When I got home there was 4 kittens on my bed and number 5 had just came out, I checked all were breathing then left the room to give luna privacy after checking in a few times luna was finally settled with 6 kittens, however the kittens are on my bed, there is blood and dampness off her labour, I was concerned for the kittens getting cold however the radiators are on full and the room is like a sauna!

This morning I popped my head in and noticed luna had moved the kittens and herself to the edge of the bed in the clean area however I'm scared they might fall off as they are crawling all over,

Am I able to move them? I haven't touched them ad of yet but would really like to get them in a cleaner environment and a warmer place just to be on the safe side

Thankyou x


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  • #2


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 27, 2021
Also mammy cat is eating and drinking and kittens all seem to be alive and well, although I have noticed mammy cat keeps putting the 2 greedies of the bunch to one side after feed to feed the smaller 4 is this normal?



Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Yes, all is normal, but you do need to move them into a clean birthing box or area that is large enough for mom to fully stretch out for nursing. With six kittens, watch for a runt and feed mom as much food as she wants. She needs it for nursing.

Thanks for saving her from the cage. 😊
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 27, 2021
Yes, all is normal, but you do need to move them into a clean birthing box or area that is large enough for mom to fully stretch out for nursing. With six kittens, watch for a runt and feed mom as much food as she wants. She needs it for nursing.

Thanks for saving her from the cage. 😊
Thankyou so much iv moved her into a pop up play pen (for cats) iv put warm towels down and kept the heating on full, iv been feeding mam a bowl of dry kitten food and bowl of wet kitten food I just keep topping them up, also put her water fresh every couple of hours and been giving her kitten newborn formula milk for nutrients.

Iv noticed one kitten being pushed to one side and not getting as much feed as the other kittens, although it's still getting fed it's finding it harder to find mamma's teats and when it does the other kittens pushing it away, I have formula milk from birth and also the feeding kit, maybe some advice on when to step in and help as I'm trying to keep distance to mama and kittens x
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 27, 2021
Mamma also had access to a cardboard box with a blanket in then a towel on top, although she didn't choose this after nesting here iv still left it out.


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
If she doesn't mind you there doesn't hiss, etc. she is fine with you being there. You could handle the runt for a few seconds with no problems as long as it is in front of her. give it some alone time with mom when the others are full so it gets enough to eat. You should weigh him daily to see if he is gaining weight they should gain 10grams, 1/3 ounce daily. if he is losing, you should supplement with a dropper, putting a few drops in the side of his mouth while he is laying on his tummy, NEVER his back. The kitten getting pushed to the side will die if not getting enough, sometimes mamas do this knowing something is wrong, but mostly they will survive if helped.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 27, 2021
If she doesn't mind you there doesn't hiss, etc. she is fine with you being there. You could handle the runt for a few seconds with no problems as long as it is in front of her. give it some alone time with mom when the others are full so it gets enough to eat. You should weigh him daily to see if he is gaining weight they should gain 10grams, 1/3 ounce daily. if he is losing, you should supplement with a dropper, putting a few drops in the side of his mouth while he is laying on his tummy, NEVER his back. The kitten getting pushed to the side will die if not getting enough, sometimes mamas do this knowing something is wrong, but mostly they will survive if helped.
Thankyou mama didn't hiss when I moved them into a clean area I pointed at the kittens a few times before I touched and as soon as I moved the first one to the clean area mam went for some food and then counted them all and started with her next feed, yes the runt is still getting a feed once the other kittens are asleep it just seems they all huddle together and he's not ad close I just keep adding him back with the other kittens.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 27, 2021
I agree, you should weigh the runt daily who is being pushed aside, and I would begin supplementing right away. It sounds like the baby needs it.

Here is a helpful video:

Syringe Feeding — Kitten Lady
Thank you iv taken a screen record of this and screen shots of the amounts I aready have a feeding kit I'll get to it and take the weight and do the same time tomorrow Thankyou
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 27, 2021
I agree, you should weigh the runt daily who is being pushed aside, and I would begin supplementing right away. It sounds like the baby needs it.

Here is a helpful video:

Syringe Feeding — Kitten Lady
Hi iv got another question so today I booked luna for a check on Tuesday to make sure she's well and everything is healing as it should be,

However iv noticed her panting from time to time through out the day,

She also looks like she's got a little wave/ripple of contraction however her belly feels squishy but swollen there doesn't seem to be anything left inside.

With the panting and the fact she keeps leaving the kittens to lie on the cool floor outside the room they are in witch is so warm. I wasn't sure if this was normal weather it was her body contracting back to normal, maybe if the panting was because of the heat and its only 34 hours since giving birth or if I should try and get her vet check moved forward?

I'm a worrier and worry about every little thing with pets and never been in this situation to know if this is normal and been rining the vets for advice however they are shut now...


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
She is likely experiencing after pains which help to shrink the uterus back to normal. It is normal to have these pains/contractions for 2-3 days after giving birth.

Nursing is hard work so it causes panting. Low calcium can also cause panting, so make sure she gets extra calcium in the form of a dish or two a day of kitten formula. This will help.

It does sound like it may be a few degrees too hot in the room, so you may want to lower the heating temperature in the room a bit. However, it is normal for mother cats to want to take a break outside the nest as well. If you also have a heating pad going in the nest, there needs to be room for mom and kittens to move off of it if they get too warm.

It really does not sound like she needs the stress of a vet visit right now. Things sound pretty normal to me other than maybe the room being a bit too warm. If you do take her to the vet the kittens need to go with her.

How is the runt doing today?

Demillunakittyx Demillunakittyx
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 27, 2021
The runt seems to be doing great I managed to use a droppler to feed him yesterday and then every feed time iv been waiting for the bigger ones to finish and guide him to mamas teats where he's been taking a little longer then the rest but defanitly is feeding,

Iv still got 6 well alive kittens, iv been feeding mama new born kitten formula since 3 days prior to birth and still now, mamma has not eaten anything at all since yesterday morning and been laying around a lot and having a few odd behaviours,

Spoke to the vet via telephone appointment they advised to take her to vet at 5:15 if mama doesn't eat or drink by this time they said to BRING kittens. They also said maybe mama has a kitten stuck inside or possibly need a calcium supplement..

There is a very mischrvious little boy always crawling away and squeezing mama keeps bringing him to me and dropping him at my feet as she goes for a break away.

Last night I dropped the temp by 5 degrees,
Then another 5 this morning as I didn't want to have a dramatic change in temp.

Thankyou for all the advice.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
If mom is not eating she may have a fever or infection. It could be uterine, or she could be developing mastitis. In general she may need calcium, or iron, or antibiotics. Did you take her to the vet? If not I think you should. Not eating is a sign of her not feeling well. Let us know!

Are you weighing the kittens? With 6 you really need to see that all are gaining properly. If the runt is not he may need supplementing more than a few drops once a day.

Good you lowered the temperature to a more comfortable level.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 27, 2021
I weighed them about half hour ago most have put on about 7g but the runt only 5 I have fed him by surynge again,

Also yes mom's not eating but I have a vet appointment at 5:15 with mama and all babies need to be checked to incase of infection,
Worried is a understatement been crying my eyes out at the thought of moving them around.

The nurse said it could be mama needs extra calcium or maybe a kitten left inside but she's booked in for tests and also an ultrasound.

They said it maybe nothing but it's not a risk I'm willing to take with mama having a hard start in life i couldn't possibly chance any more suffering as long as she gets checked and cleared or the help she needs will my anxiety rest even if I got to feed all 6 kittens myself I just hope mama is well and able to get well if not as it feels like she's grown so much in the 5 weeks iv had her she's like my shadow and is the most loving cat.
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 27, 2021
Hi vet said maybe mama is to warm in the room and getting over heated, her temp is slightly high, btt this could be just with been just after birth.

Everthing felt fine in the tummy just a bit gassy, she's had a full lot of bloods done and they are all normal, try and give her the food she likes, chicken and tuna ect along with full fat cheese and plenty kitty formula but said her calcium levels are better then to be expected and also she could just be finding it hard work when feeding x
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 27, 2021
They said she does have a fever but nothing that would cause concern all blood work is normal even infection markers are all okay maybe mam is just working hard to feet and slightly over heated
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 27, 2021
Hello there all the kittens weights are here
1. 5.5oz
2. 5.65oz
3. 5.5oz
4. 5.35 oz
5. 5.3oz
6. 4.85 oz

Should I be worried about kitty number 6..

3 days old.