Moving from big to small.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 25, 2013
In about a month I moving in with my bf of 3yrs, my cat adores him. Right now I live with my father and Bing (my cat) has 4 floors from basement to attic to run and play witg my sisters cats. when we move, we are moving into a tiny apartment and no other catS to play with. I am worried about this Change, I am worried about her being depressed with no other cats to play with and not much room to run around.does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep her happy? Feedback is appreciated.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
You could offer her vertical space; in the form of a cat tree or even shelving that is sturdy enough for her.  That may not be as feasible if the apartment is a rental because it would take mounting.  But a good, sturdy cat tree can go a long way.  Make sure you give her one on one playtime every day to get her energy out.  Things like wand toys and da bird really help get them moving.  Also be sure she has some things to play with when you can't entertain her.

Be sure to bring things she is familiar with that smell like "home" for her.  So her bedding, food and water dishes, litter box etc.  It's a good idea to confine her to a limited space at first so she can settle and then explore as she feels comfortable.  If at first she is timid consider covering the sides of her kennel with a towel or blanket so it's like a dark cave for her.  Don't force her out; but sit with her and talk softly.  When we moved we were able to put the girls in one bedroom and I'd go in and sit on the floor or lay on the floor with them.  They'd come out for a while and go back to their safe spot when they'd hear a new noise.  I have these collapsible cube toys (Walmart carries them) that they were hiding in together.  It can take a few days for them to adjust.  I've also heard of bringing water from your old home at first so that smells familiar to them.  Cats often won't eat or drink as much at first; but some are fine.  It can just depend on their personality.

Good luck with your move!  I hope I answered your questions well enough for you. Feel free to post more if you think of them. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 4, 2012
You could offer her vertical space; in the form of a cat tree or even shelving that is sturdy enough for her.  That may not be as feasible if the apartment is a rental because it would take mounting.  But a good, sturdy cat tree can go a long way.  Make sure you give her one on one playtime every day to get her energy out.  Things like wand toys and da bird really help get them moving.  Also be sure she has some things to play with when you can't entertain her.

Be sure to bring things she is familiar with that smell like "home" for her.  So her bedding, food and water dishes, litter box etc.  It's a good idea to confine her to a limited space at first so she can settle and then explore as she feels comfortable.  If at first she is timid consider covering the sides of her kennel with a towel or blanket so it's like a dark cave for her.  Don't force her out; but sit with her and talk softly.  When we moved we were able to put the girls in one bedroom and I'd go in and sit on the floor or lay on the floor with them.  They'd come out for a while and go back to their safe spot when they'd hear a new noise.  I have these collapsible cube toys (Walmart carries them) that they were hiding in together.  It can take a few days for them to adjust.  I've also heard of bringing water from your old home at first so that smells familiar to them.  Cats often won't eat or drink as much at first; but some are fine.  It can just depend on their personality.

Good luck with your move!  I hope I answered your questions well enough for you. Feel free to post more if you think of them. 

Also window perches will expand her world a great deal. Nothing like kitty TV!

Though cats hate change, they are highly adaptable. She'll adjust as long as she has you.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 18, 2011
The beautiful boonies of the North Carolina coast.
I totally agree with Mooch's response.  Before you move, buy a couple cat trees and some scratching posts, whatever you can afford, and set them up so that when you move they'll still smell like "home" and be a place of comfort for Bing.  Same for bedding / litter box / food dishes / toys if you'll have to buy them for the move.  The extra, familiar, scratching posts will hopefully make the furniture in the new place look less appealing to sink her claws into.

Don't change her litter or food for a while before and after the move.  Try to put both of those in the room that will be her "comfort zone" (not too close together) so that she doesn't have to leave it to go potty or to eat, which can exacerbate the anxiety caused by a move.

My cats have always loved laser pointers and other such toys, which can help Bing still get the exercise she needs.  The only problem that I've encountered with them is that when I ended the play session my cat would still search frantically for the red dot, so I taught her a phrase that lets her know the play session has ended.  She now stops looking for the laser after she hears "all gone."

I wish you and Bing luck on your move!  Feel free to let us know if you have any problems!