Moving Cats


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 24, 2018

This may be the wrong place for this thread, but I figured it had something to do with my cats’ mental health.

I need advice on the best way to move while I have cats. I feel like I’ve tried everything. I’ve kept them in my apartment while moving which makes them anxious because their whole home is being uprooted in front of their eyes. Then, I’ve tried moving them first, so that things are slowly being brought to them (which they don’t really like because they are in an unfamiliar place all alone).

This time, I’ve brought them to a friend’s house, so that I could move all my stuff into my new place and then at least get my bed together so that I can bring them into something familiar. But I went to visit them and they were hiding under his couch, totally anxious and sad. I feel horrible for them, but I didn’t know what else to do.

For future reference, are there any other options that I haven’t thought of yet? It’s so sad for me to see my kitties suffering... I know they absolutely hate the process of moving and I’ve had to do it to them quite a few times. Please help!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 18, 2009
Hollywood, FL, USA
I’d be interested to see what people answer. I’ve also moved with cats several times and most of the time they’ve stayed with someone else. The last time I moved, they stayed behind at the old place, then I drove them to the new one. I think they were happier with that than staying somewhere else, but maybe I’m just projecting; the new house felt like home only once the cats were here :)


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
We have a couple of good articles about moving with cats. Let me see if I can find them...

How To Move With Your Cat To A New Home In A Safe Way
How To Help A New Cat Adjust To Your Home (some of this will help an old cat adjust to a new home, as well)

One thing that can help: A couple of weeks before the move, take an old bed sheet that you don't mind destroying (or buy a twin flat from Walmart for under $5) and spread it over your cat's favorite lounging spot. Let it get good and furry. When it is time for the actual move, cut that into 12"-18" squares, fold up, fur side in, place in a plastic bag and take to the new home. Toss a couple of these fur-mats in each room so that as your cat explores, she finds her own scent already there waiting for her. Instant territory, instant comfort, instant belonging. There will still be an adjustment period, but this gives you and her a leg up on it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2017
I just moved last month. The cats got put in the bedroom on moving day after the furniture was taken out. I took them over to the new house in pairs with their litter boxes. I ended up throwing clothes of mine all over the house to tell them it was a familiar safe place with the scent. When we started moving furniture in, all the cats were put in the master bedroom. Then furniture had to go in the master, so we put all the cats in the master bathroom. One cat stayed in a drawer in the vanity, another in the sink, another in a basket, and then my mouthy little tortie wouldn't settle into a place because everything that was going on had to be her business because MY MOMMA HASN'T SAT DOWN WITH ME TODAY.
They did really well. The last time we moved, the four of them were in carriers in the back of a Mini Cooper for 3 days while we stopped in Oklahoma and Indiana. We alternated 1 cat out per leg every time we stopped for gas.


Leroy's Mommy
Adult Cat
Apr 30, 2018
Philadelphia, PA
I’ve moved with cats quite a few times. The way I do it depends on the situation. When I moved across states, I had my cat with me during the whole process because we had to drive over together. I wasn’t taking any furniture so it was easy. Usually, I board the cats at a pet kennel or leave them with a friend the cats are familiar with during the move. For my last move, I moved my cat and his belongings into the boyfriend’s house first. Again, he was already familiar with my boyfriend and his scent, so the most traumatizing part for him was the car ride. The day I moved in, he hid in the bedroom while the movers worked. My advice would be to invite your friend over to meet (and feed) your cats before leaving the cats with him/her. They could leave their T-shirt or other belonging behind to let the cats become familiar with their scent.