Moving cat into playpen


Emotional Support Cat "Owner"
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Sep 15, 2014
Hi, so my small 7 lbs cat was being pampered with LOTS of cat things (I've donated many items to get ready to move) and has had lots of room to run around in a 2 bdrm, 2 bathroom apt for the past 1.5 years. It's just me and my cat, however I suddenly became seriously ill and quit my job instead of requesting medical leave. Unless a miracle happens, I'll have to move back into my parents' rundown, junky apt where I'll have to restrict my cat to only my small bedroom so that she does not eat junk or race out of the apt to escape.

She's accustomed to nicer surroundings, so my parents' crappy apt will seem like a nightmarish place for her and me. I was trying to get my parents on Section 8 to move them to a better area and apt. I was going to give my cat back to the rescue shelter where I adopted her, but they have not responded to my emails. My other choice would be a PetSmart or similar no kill shelter or hoping to find a foster person.

I realized I could get a big playpen to keep my cat locked safely up when I leave my room. I think it's the best alternative although my cat won't understand it after having so much space to run around in normally. When I'm in my bedroom, I can let her out of the playpen to move around the small bedroom and sleep on my bed, but the bedroom door doesn't close properly so when I'm gone, she needs to be locked up. When I'm in my room, I'll use a chain lock to keep the door closed enough that there's no gap. I'll get small rugs to cover the truly terrible carpet so she can roll around like she likes.

My cat's situation could be worse...This way, she'll still be with me and she knows I adore her. I'll try to play with her more to keep her happy and I hope it'll just be for 6 months although I know that's a long time in cat years. My cat is so much better and much more domesticated from when I first adopted her, but she still bites sometimes and I think someone else would return her and/or hit her when she bites. Even a foster person. Please let me know if you think this playpen idea will work. I can't possibly clean up my parents apt. It's beyond me and they keep plastic and trash and food out and it's a junky place. I feel certain my cat would quickly race out the moment the outside door opened to escape if she was allowed out of my bedroom there when it's time to move. She's small and very fast. She's never tried to escape my apt, but my spacious apt is nice and she's usually well cared for except when I was seriously ill recently.

This playpen looks like a similar one I saw at the vet's office where a small black cat was being kept and advertised as up for adoption. At least this way, my cat will remain with me and be around me, which should be comforting in the strange new bedroom where some of our old, familiar things will be. It would break my heart later on to have to give my cat up although I was going to give her back to the rescue shelter before I thought of the playpen. The no kill rescue shelter had said to return her if I ever couldn't take care of her, but they never responded and now I think the playpen may be the best option for my precious cat baby.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
That looks like a nice pen to me. I think keeping her locked up is the best idea when you're not there to supervise. She'll soon get used to the idea. I have a similar pen that I used for Toby when we had just moved and I didn't want him to sneak out. It's been very useful, I've kept my past three rescues in there while they recover and get used to their new home.

Now I've taken the doors off and put a thick blanket on top. They use it as a bunk bed/climbing frame.
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Emotional Support Cat "Owner"
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Sep 15, 2014
Good news! I went back to my parents' apt and was able to close the bedroom door where my cat baby will be sequestered soon, so I don't believe I'll need the cage above.

I am still worried my cat will hate her new small, cramped, LOUD surroundings when I have to move her and me. I did go kooky buying and returning rugs at Ross the past 2 days until I found some nice-looking, matching ones I can lay down in my bedroom to cover the horrid, cheap, moldy carpet at my parents' apt so my cat baby should be much happier staying there temporarily. Not that she'll know it. I do have to keep her sequestered unfortunately. I can't go around their apartment hiding all small, dangerous objects and plastic like I've been doing at my current apt and my parents don't like cats or pets really, but I'm so glad about figuring out the bedroom door closes.
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red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
You may want to put a hook & eye catch on the door, both inside and outside, so that the door will never be opened suddenly by accident. 

You might also want to acquire a nice cat tree/scratcher.  There are very nice and yet inexpensive ones made by a company called Armarkat.  I have a nice one that has served the rescue cats very well for years, and their designs are endless.   You can get them onine with free shipping, and they are easy to put together.  I have mine up against a wall in a corner for stability since often there are up to 4-5 cats on it at the same time when they are playing.  The other side gives them a great window view of everything going on outside. 

You can search Armarkat's site but also will find them on Amazon, and frequently there are online coupons for Armarkat trees too.  The company generally has free shipping which is a big bonus, so be sure to figure in shipping when you make your final decision.

Here's the tree I have:

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Emotional Support Cat "Owner"
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Sep 15, 2014
Hi red top rescue red top rescue , Thanks very much for your advice! I was eyeing 2 Armarkat cat trees a while ago, so it's funny that you listed that particular brand.

I think I'll just stick with the cat tree I have for her for now. I donated the other one, which was nice. I'm sort of kicking myself that I didn't think to sell it on Craigslist, but I hope ASPCA cattery cats are enjoying it since my cat hardly used it.

As for the hook & eye catch, that's what I was going to do when I was so worried about my cat escaping. Now that I know the bedroom lock works, I think I'll use one of those lock mechanisms to lock the bedroom door when I leave. It locks/unlocks room doors using the hole in the middle of the lock. I have to find one at Home Depot. I really hope it works out and my precious cat's not miserable being confined to just one small, cramped bedroom.