Moving Backwards (Again) w/Intros

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Adult Cat
Jun 4, 2013
Cleveland, OH
I'm really not familiar with clicker training (I've only seen it done with dogs) but your whole regime sounds brilliant!
I like the way you're keeping a log, as we forget so quickly what works, what doesn't, and how the situation is evolving, even if it feels painfully slow.. :)
Yes, the log seems to be working- they've been getting along so much better since I began it! ;)

I started clicker training to bond with Gracie, who can come off as pretty aloof, and also to provide that crazy cat with stimulation. :) She sometimes purrs for me in our one-on-one sessions, which is amazing, cause she never purrs otherwise. I was originally enticed as well by the idea of making her tolerant of care-taking activities- for instance, I'm allergic to cats, so she gets wiped down with anti-allergen solution regularly, which she experiences as traumatizing- but they're not as fun to train and we really don't spend as much time on it as of now. Squeak is understands that behavior + click = reward, but is still mastering her first task of targeting- she'd rather rub up against the target stick and love on it, lol. But bc they both understand, its certainly come in handy here! Especially because, while the click marks the behavior you're trying to reward, it also inhibits behavior you're not trying to reward- once the click has sounded, no one wants to aggressive stare or whatever, bc everyone is like, "Click! I heard a click. I get a treat! Where's my treat? Omg, there's about to be a treat." ^^

Its hard not to be perfectionistic- "Oh, I didn't give them interactive playtime today, I'm terrible"- but I'm working on that. ;) As you can see, I really am trying! :D

Today's log is forthcoming... ^^
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 4, 2013
Cleveland, OH
This alone is wonderful progress and should reassure you that they WILL work things out. :clap: I too love this journal of their progress.

I know it seems like a dauntingly long process, but they are really doing what is pretty normal. Don't get upset by any hissing. It is not always a sign of aggression. Cats use it frequently to just say, your in my space, back off. That Gracie is learning to respect Squeaks hisses is also wonderful. Kittens tend to be oblivious to hissing until they are taught it can mean a little pain will follow lol.
Oh, Katluver, I am over the moon! I have no doubt they will throw us a few kinks and difficulties yet, but this is just a great! I had no idea we were this close to this level of tolerance. I am currently filled with faith that things will work out.

I agree with what you say about the hissing- and reading this site has really, really helped me with that. I've divided hissing into "constructive" and "non-constructive" with my girls. Constructive hissing sends a clear signal about a behavior without ingraining a negative behavior pattern in the hiss-er. (This is hissing that a cat can avoid by changing its behavior, as in the kind that occurs when you playfully swat a cat that doesn't want to be swatted.) Non-constructive hissing does the opposite, not targeting a specific behavior and risking creating a pattern of aggressive arousal on the part of the hiss-er. (This is hissing that can't be avoided- as in when you are followed around by someone staring and hissing at you, and no matter what submissive posture you take or how often you walk away, and the hiss-er eventually begins to chase you aggressively.) Recently, I've only observed "constructive" hissing, which freaks out the BF but which I am okay with/actually happy about. Squeak is sending a clear message about what she's comfortable with, which is her right, and Gracie is learning limits, which is necessary. They're simply never going to learn how to coexist without some constructive hissing. Non-constructive hissing is not "wrong", but it has the potential to take us in the opposite direction, so I'd like to limit it. And even constructive hissing can sometimes leave Squeak in "on alert against the enemy" mode, so I'd like I shorten that state of arousal if I can so that she can continue to associate Gracie with mostly positive things and relaxed behavior.

But I cannot tell you how happy I am!!!! (And BF is too, even if he's like "Oh no, Squeak just hissed!" sometimes. ^^)

Again, today's log is forthcoming... ;)