Moving back to familiar place not going well for kitty


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 4, 2006
little town in the midwest
I have a 2 year old female cat (Layla), fixed, and she had been living with me since October. I moved back home yesterday, returning back to where she lived for a year and a half. At home, there are two other female cats, both fixed, about 9 years old- they are giving Layla space, but unhappy.

When I came home to visit back in December, she didn't have any behavioral problems with the other two cats or with myself. Typically she is very friendly, playful, patient, and she never growls or hisses! Her behavior is very new and sometimes it's hard to be patient with her when she's hissing, growling, and swatting at me.

I've placed some boxes around the house and have been doing my best to keep the cats all separated. What bothers me is her 180 degree personality change! She is eating and drinking water fine- totally normal there. But not sure what to do with her personality. Like I said before, she just isn't the kind of cat who is aggressive-- she never has been before.

Does anyone have any advice for me to help her transition better? I've been talking to her and after a while she'll growl (sometimes hiss) and leave. She really doesn't want anything to do with me; she does come when I call her still about 90% of the time so I guess that's good. She gets mad when I try to touch even in the lightest way. Not sure what I can do to help her since she has been so loving before I moved back yesterday.



TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Cats are very territorial and very routine oriented.  Even though she lived there before her scent is no longer there and she is left to wonder where she will fit in.  You will need to do cat to cat reintroductions.  Start with scent swapping with all of the cats.  Get 3 clean wash clothes.  Rub each cat all over especially on the scent glands under the chin and on the pads of the feet.  Then mix up the scents by rubbing each cat with the others scents.  You may need to do this daily.  This will help them all to smell the same.  Also do some room swapping.  Allow your cat some time in the others cats spaces without them present.  Then allow the other 2 cats time in Layla's space.  Next do some feedings behind a closed door.  Have the 2 cats on one side and Layla on the other.  See how close you can get the food right up to door before the cats react.  You do not want any hissing, growling or running away.  Do this 2x daily until all his calm.  Next move to a barrier (baby gate, screen door, or other barrier) that is covered.  The cats can smell better, but still not see each other.  Gradually move the sheet off the barrier then gradually remove the barrier.  Food is a great way to get cats together.  Most cats like to eat and eating will bring them together.

For right now I would keep them all separated except when you are working on the intros.  This may take awhile.  Are you planning to stay in your current location for awhile?

Here is a video and an article that tells of intros.  Yes, these cats have met before, but the length of time that has passed is too long so you need to start from scratch.


grrr cat

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 20, 2015
Have you taken her to the vet? She might be in pain, which is causing her to lash out when you pet her.