Moved with cat, not adjusting yet


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2012
I recently moved to an apartment with my cat that's 6 years old. While she has moved with me before, that was 3 years ago so it's been awhile since we've moved together.  We moved 4 days ago and she still isn't her normal self.  

1. While she is eating, she is eating in very small quantities.  She never finishes her food that I put in her bowl anymore while she used to every single time.  I have even given her treats, which seems to be hit or miss.  She will either not eat them or again, eat a small amount. I've tried different flavors, different places for the bowls, etc.

2. She has used the litter box, however she hasn't had a bowel movement since we got here.  I'm assuming this is connected with the not eating very much, but is this a huge cause for concern? I am planning on giving her vet a call on this issue tomorrow morning.

3. She normally comes out from underneath my bed when I'm home, however she hides under the bed a great deal of the time.  That's where she spent basically the entire day here and then finally came out at night.  Like I said, she does come out when I'm home, but she seems to constantly be exploring and sniffing.  If she isn't exploring or sniffing, she's either rubbing against me and purring or she's meowing for me if I'm in the next room.  This especially happens at night time when I'm in bed, I will wake up to hear her crying in the hallway even though my bedroom door is open.  She's NOT a meower and this really concerns me even though I know this is a huge adjustment... she never used to meow when she was alone at all, which brings me to my next and last concern.

4. She lived in a house with 3 other cats and I've just moved her to being a single cat.  Could part of her hiding actually be depression (or something such as it) because she can't find the other cats anymore? Will she eventually adjust to being a single cat? I haven't been leaving her alone for a long period of time, so she definitely hasn't been lacking human attention.  Would getting another cat help her? I'm wiling to get another cat, but at the same time I don't want to add to her stress.

She has always been a very anxious and easily stressed out cat, so I was prepared for her to act strangely, but I think I just expected her to adjust differently than this.  Like I said, when she's out of hiding, she still isn't her normal self.  For example, we used to sleep together every night but ever since we moved she refuses to lay in bed with me.  I'm getting really concerned that I've traumatized her and she might never be her normal self again, even though I think that's probably pretty dramatic and a stress induced thought.

Thank you so much for reading this (even if you just read part of it!!!) and any advice would be so appreciated. :)


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Think of this being like bringing home a new kitty.  Her entire world has been turned upside down.  All that was familiar is gone.  There's new smells, new sounds, new spaces and she is unsure about anything.  She's lacking confidence in this new environment and she may very well be missing her "friends".  She's stressed out because of all the newness. However, I think that might not be as big an issue as just all the newness.  So, I would invest in a Feliway diffuser and/or some Rescue Remedy and then work on the same socialization skills as you would bringing home a new cat.  Sit on the floor and talk to her about your day, read to her, play with her using a wand toy.  Leave dirty shirts with your scent on them under the bed for her to nap on.  If you can, confine her to one room or section of the apartment until she gets used to the new environment.  Be patient.  Give her lots and lots and lots and lots more love and snuggles.  Don't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do.  Allow her to set the pace.  Celebrate the small steps.  Give her time to get used to the new place. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 22, 2012
San Jose, Ca
If it wasn't for the no-poop-in-4-days thing, I would say give her some time.

Perhaps someone with experience can advise you something you can try to help that along...


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Oh, I missed the no pooping part.  She needs to see the vet if she's not pooped in 4 days.  Poor girl must be feeling terrible!  Or, start looking for places she may have pooped inappropriately.