Moved to a new place


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 30, 2013

i adopted my cat one year ago. He was in many foster homes before. We just moved and I am a bit concerned. We used to live in a high rise he liked to perch on the window (he has a window hammock). Now we moved to an apt on the second floor, i thought he would enjoy watching people walk by, trees etc. however, since we moved he hasnt sat on his window perch, he growls whenever cars pass and there are quite many cars that pass by my apt. I feel sad bc I feel like I took his window relax time away from him. Will he get used to seeing cars and perch again? He was a indoor/outdoor cat in his foster homes so I am not sure why hes scared of passing cars. From what I know he was never in a car accident. Any opinions? How can I help him? Thanks!


TCS Veteran
Aug 13, 2013
Southeastern USA
His behavior is likely just due to the new environment, especially since he was passed around in foster homes.

I would invest in some feliway diffusers to help reduce his stress level. (Amazon has the cheapest prices I know of.) Also, keep his routine as typical as possible. It'll likely take him a bit of time to get use to his new home (though it certainly helps that he has you!)

And, while he may not have been injured by a car, if he lived around a busy street or neighborhood, I could definitely understand being fearful of cars. Feliway may offer help with this as well.

There are also other holistic approaches to dealing with stress such as Composure treats, Composure Max and Rescue Remedy. All can be purchased on Amazon as well.


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
Two years ago I moved from the top floor of a four story condo (former apartment complex) to a ground level, single family, attached townhouse. I too was worried about how/when/if Ritz would adjust--she is a skittish, nervous cat (dumped when she was around 4 to 6 months old). She loved to jump up on the relatively wide, long window sill to see what she could see. The window sills in the new place are very narrow--not big enough for her to walk on/in.
I placed the furniture in the same place (as much as possible). I also happen to have (but would have bought!) foot rest (hassock), cat condos and tables (in my case, a cedar chest) that are around the same height as the window sill. So, she can perch/lay on the cedar chest or sit on the cat condo and watch to her hearts content. And wonder why she can't get to Peter the Rabbit, Charlie the Chipmunk, Arent the Fox, or Dora the Deer. (Make sure your window screens are secure!!!!)
One thing that did surprise me at first (but made sense later) was that she was afraid of the noises the traffic made. Three or four stories high, she couldn't hear--only see--people and cars going back and forth. But on the ground level not only could she hear cars but she could also sometimes feel the vibrations from large trucks. She'd initially jump off my lap and run and hide, but -- as I did when she moved into my condo from a private home -- I said, it's okay, hun, it's okay, you're safe (etc....). Within a week or two, she got use to the noises and they don't bother her anymore. I think your fur-one will adjust. Just reassure him, maybe put in some Feliway. And love him to pieces :)