Moved Feral Feeding Time Ahead 4 Hours, Now Few Come


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2020
My 83-year-old mother has been feeding two groups of cats at midnight for 16 years. A week ago, after totaling her car (though she is fine), she confessed she can no longer see at night. She finally agreed to move the feeding to 530 AM (daybreak). It has been a week, and only 1-5 of the 15 cat group, and zero of the 8 cat group comes to eat. (Nobody is available to help with the feeding, and I live a long distance away and do not drive. She cannot move the feeding incrementally because she can't drive at night now.)

Does anybody know if this low cat count signifies anything? For a long time, I have believed that most of the cats are domesticated and just come for supplementary meals (she feeds them canned and dry food). In the past, there were strays, but we spayed and neutered over the years, and none of the recent cats look hungry, although a couple of them scarf down the food before anyone can take it. Any thoughts?


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. Glad your mother is OK! I agree with the above - some of the cats, maybe not all, will figure out the feeding time change. So, she is feeding some of these cats in another location besides her home, is that why she cannot change the time incrementally?

If some of the midnight feeding was done at her home, did she do anything at that time, such as turn on a light or something of that nature? If so, have her do the same thing(s) with the early morning feeding and see if that changes anything.

Is your mother computer-savvy? If she is, she could join Next Door Neighbor and ask to be connected with other cat lovers in her area. She doesn't need to provide specific details unless she would hear from some of them and talk through private messages. There might be some that would like to help her.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
I agree with both of the trusted members advice above (and definitely check out the article that Furballsmom Furballsmom put a link to). And as a fellow colony cat feeder, I know that when even one goes missing - even if just for a meal or two, I get anxious, so I completely understand and empathize with your and your mom's worrying.

First of all - bravo to you and your mom for spaying and neutering the two groups! Too many people look the other way - thanks to you both for not doing that.

Cats are creatures of habit, and if they came and waited for food at their "normal times" multiple times and nothing appeared, they could have gone in search of (and found) another feeding source. That doesn't mean they won't necessarily all return, but if they don't, it's highly likely that's what's happened, so you can at least take some comfort in the fact that they are very likely being fed by someone (if not - they'd all likely have hung around hoping something would eventually appear). I definitely agree with the suggestion of trying Next Door Neighbor for her area or seeing if the area your mother lives has a Facebook group. I agree with FeebysOwner FeebysOwner - - -but don't advertise that your mother feeds these two colonies. Not everyone understands TNR, and she might end up with a slew of nasty feedback (or in some areas - feeding colonies is considered illegal, so you definitely don't want her reported if she happens to live in an area that has a law like that in place. Doing it just as FeebysOwner FeebysOwner suggested is perfect. She may end up finding out that she has other feeders near her who'd be willing to help out. That's how I found a feeder just a block away! We check in with each other any time one of our "regulars" doesn't show (we've since learned if we don't get our food out at "normal times" that they wander over to her area), and she'll often come feed ours hen we're out of town. So help may be closer then either of you realizes!

Good luck - and please keep us posted!!!