Mountain Lion Artie


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I was getting ready to go to bed a bit earlier tonight..up early Saturday and Sunday. I was in the kitchen taking my evening meds, and getting some food for the cat for during the night. I had not seen him for a while. I heard a bit of noise, thinking it was from upstairs, or outside, I did not think anything of it…it was like a ‘rustling’ …

All of a sudden I felt like I had eyes watching me. I thought I caught something out of the corner of my eye. 

Then I heard a soft meow….MY DEMON cat had climbed ONTOP of my kitchen cabinets!!!!!!!!! and was running the length of them meowing at me!!!!!!! These cabinets are really hight! My step stool will not even reach the top of them!!!  And he is 11 years old~not even a kitten or a young cat  with young muscles!!!!!!!!!

How in heaven’s name did that cat get up there and how was I going to get him down??!!!!

He was running back and forth on them, meowing and wanting ME to get him!!! Unbelievable!

I was yelling at him, telling him to get down, telling him he was a bad boy and pointing my finger downward….He was arguing with me!!!

Artie, acrobat cat, jumped onto the top of the refrigerator and then jumped right down from there to the floor….

He knew he did bad because his ears were back and down~~~~he ran right into the extra bedroom…..

He never did that before….11 yrs old and doing this…..shaking my head..the comparison in for an 11 year old cat in human years is 60 yrs old! and he jumped like that!!!!!!!!!!!!  

If he keeps me up tonight, he is getting the boot and the broom!!!!

That next night, I was on the phone. I saw Artie go into the kitchen to eat, and he never came out. I was suspicious. I was still on the phone, and quietly walked into the kitchen. He was not eating...I looked up and there he is!

He is on top of the cabinets, the corner one, curled up~~all comfortable, looking at me if to say, "Yeah, want something??"

I was furious!!! I was afraid he was going to eat something bad up there, like paint chips, dust bunnies, whatever...

I just had to get the broom. I never used one before on him. He must have been trained with them, because he runs away when I take one out. I had a hard time shooing him down from there!

To stop this from re-occuring, I kept dishes in the dish drain, and some stuff on the refrigerator...

Did that stop him????? NO!!

This time he somehow managed to jump on to the top of my microwave!! That is a full size one and is sitting on a cart opposite the refrigerator!! How did he do that?????!!!!!!

My kitchen now looks like a war zone!

I am keeping pans in the dish drainer. I have all kinds of stuff on top of the refrigerator. I even put tin foil on top of the pans and the refrigerator. I put tin foil on top of my microwave!!

It has been one night now---I think I will try to get rid of some things...........

My acrobatic, demon Artie Cat!!!



In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
 Welcome to our world. BooBoo slept on top of the kitchen cabinets for years, right between Snoopy and a bean pot. He loved it up there. I awakened one morning around 2:00 or so to the sound of him meowing. Loudly. Stumbled out to the kitchen, turned the kitchen light on and....there he was. "Hey Mom! Look at me! And, oh yeah, can you get me down?" But then he got the hang of it and he slept there for years.

BooBoo also loved to walk on the top of our bedroom door. Honest. I have pictures. He'd jump to the top of the door, then spread his paws out and jump down to the bed. He would do that over and over and over again. He also tried to walk on the door jamb above our bedroom closet door, but it was too narrow for him and he kept falling off. After a while, he decided that it wasn't a good idea to keep trying.

Ms. Pepe slept on top of our fridge. She wouldn't come down. I got her a nice, large, comfy pillow and flopped it there. When we'd open the fridge door, she'd hang her head down and said, "Whatcha doin' Mom?" She's 19 and it's only been within the past couple years that she stopped napping there.

Da Pumpkin Boy knew that we kept his Sip in the fridge. So every time we opened the door, he'd come over and get into the fridge, looking for his Sip.

My take on Artie? Put a pillow up there and let him sleep. 
 He's going to go there anyway, so he might as well be comfortable. 
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 23, 2014
My happy place.
Some cats like to be up high, the higher the better but I do understand that some people dont like their cats on any surfaces in the kitchen. Personally I dont mind but thats just me.
Do you have anywhere else thats high up that he could claim for himself like on top of a wardrobe for example?
Our girls used to get up on the wardrobe in the spare room and thats where we used to keep piles of books. We took the books down and put a couple of cardboard scratch beds there for them and now if we cant find them we look on the wardrobe and they will be there chilling out away from all the hum drum of the house.
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  • #4


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I am afraid that the top of the cabinets are too high for him. I am also afraid of what kind of dust and junk is up there. I cannot reach it..shoulder issues also....

Fearful That Artie may hurt himself jumping down..After all, he is 11 years old. He never did that before.

I gave him a higher cat tree for Christmas.. this means that he is now over my head. I am 5 feet 8 inches tall...

Artie has pretty much free reign in this apartment. I try, and i mean try, to keep him off the kitchen table, counter tops and definitely the stove...He is pretty good about that. 

I have 2 cat trees for him.. one in front of a window; the other in front of my balcony sliding doors....he has plenty of toys..a box and a bed...he prefers my bed....

When stressed, he either runs under my bed, behind the bureau, or in the corner~behind my computer chair....

I was shocked to see him on top of the cabinets....

oh well...all in the life of a cat...

at one point I was thinking of getting him a his age, and being so settled-possesive of me, I do not think that is a good idea. I even asked the Vet about it. She agreed with me...

He would be too stressed out. We do not want that. He could very easily go into an iFLUTD mode.....


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Would it be possible to move one of the cat trees next to the kitchen cabinets? I know it's far from ideal, and doesn't tackle the possible junk issue, but at least it would give Artie a safer way up and down.

Just be glad he's still up to being as cheeky as a kitten ;) :lol:
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  • #6


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
No, I would not be able to move the cat tree in there. I am hoping this was a one time thing and he has gotten it out of his system...

It is just crazy to find him up there! I almost started laughing at him!! 

I adopted him in March of 2012. I would have thought that he would have discovered the top of the cabinets before now....

He is happily sleeping now, on the cat tree which is in front of a wide open window...with a strong screen...

sweet baby......little boy...

He is so spoiled. Everyone who comes in here asks, "where is the spoiled cat?"  because of all the stuff I have in here for him.....