Mother Cat Doesn't Have Enough Milk For Her Kittens


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 27, 2016
Hello everyone.

I feel very worried and panicing. I also feel like a complete idiot.

Two weeks ago my old cat had 3 wonderful kittens. She's an outdoor stray, that I've been taking care of for several years now. I'm not sure of her exact age, but she's at least 15 years old. Regardless, the birth went well, the kittens seem healthy, and everything was fine until today.

First, momma cat carried one of her kittens to my doorstep (They are living in a big box at my backyard). I didn't know what to think of it, so i carried the kitten back. Then, all day long, all 3 kittens (2 girls, 1 guy) seemed extra hyper. They were screaming, loud, long, climbing out of the box for the first time since they're born. Mother cat seemed strange too. She didn't want to stay in the box. She kept climbing out, following me, hiding inside the house. I though she's exhausted over the kittens screaming, and wants some peace.

It was only a few hours ago when it finally hit me.
The kittens are not hyper, they aren't screaming because of it. They are hungry.
But it seems like the mother cat cannot produce enough milk for them.

Unfortunatelly i do not know how to feed kittens, i don't have a feeding bottle, and all i have is cow milk (I read that it's not good for them). I live in a small village, nothing open anymore, and it's almost midnight here, and I'm freaking out.

I could really use some helpful advice. Thank you


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Someone will come along in a minute to help. I am not going to pretend I know anything about the subject. Sounds like you are going to have to feed these kittens yourself.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 27, 2016
Thank you. I keep checking on them from distance. It's really dark now, and it's been quiet in the past hour, hopefully they managed to fall asleep. I won't bother them tonight, but tomorrow i need to be prepared. I don't have any pet stores nearby, so my best option for whatever i need is online purchase, that will take at least 1 or 2 extra days.

I was thinking what i could use as a feeder for them. I have an eye drop bottle, or i thought about pinching a needle hole on a plastic bag. I don't know which is better. But i don't have any other ideas.
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Charlie's Purrson
Feb 18, 2017
If you don't have access to KMR, you can feed the kittens lactose-free goat's milk (slightly better than cows milk) and feed them pedialyte or generic brand equivalent electrolyte solution. If you don't have a feeding bottle, a syringe will suffice. I can attach links to where you can purchase KMR, as I'm assuming you will be able to purchase the electrolyte solution from the grocery store. Also, make sure that you are feeding mom kitten food (starting now) as well as KMR (when you get it) to help with milk production.

PetAg KMR Kitten Milk Replacer Powder
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 27, 2016
Thank you, abyeb.

However, I'm afraid things are going to be a bit more complicated.

I'm not sure if it's obvious from my English or not, but i am not from the United States, i live in Europe.

I have(had) no idea what KMR or pedialyte are.
I don't have a syrinnge either, altough i might will be able to get one tomorrow.
The grocery store i have here only has dry cat food and cow milk, nothing else for cats.

I live in an impossible place, there isn't even a vet around i could call or ask.

To be honest, i'm not even sure if my "diagnosis" is correct. I'm an absolute beginner, I know very little of cats, i just assume that this is the problem, if there is a problem. I tend to overreact sometimes, especially with my cats.


Charlie's Purrson
Feb 18, 2017
KMR stands for kitten milk replacement; it's basically just what it sounds like, a formula that works as replacement for kitten milk. You might still be able to order this online from Europe. Pedialyte is essentially a diluted electrolyte solution that can help with hydration. You can basically make this at home by mixing water with a little bit of salt and sugar. I'm not quite sure of the proportions, but I did find this website: Cats and Dogs Naturally: Electrolyte Solution Recipe
Hopefully some other posters actually have experience with making this. For feeding mom, dry cat food that says "for kittens" on it should be fine. Kitten food contains more nutrients, so it should help stimulate milk production.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida

Can you bring mom and the kittens in tonight? It's very important that you do, as things are clearly going downhill.

You can make a homeade kitten glop to feed the kittens with. You can feed using a dropper or whatever works for you.

Do you have yogurt or eggs or mayonnaise? Please let me know and I'll walk you through the recipe.

Feed kittens tummy down, head up, in the side of the mouth. Never on the back.

Poor mama kitty is too old to be having babies. I'm not surprised that her milk might be drying up prematurely, as her hormones are surely no longer what they were when she was younger.

Where in Europe are you located?

Please update when you can.
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I want to add; if you manage to get goats milk, its entirely OK to use. It doesnt even need to be lactose free.
Many resucers use goats milk even if they DO have perfectly good kmr.

In a emergency, if you can get RAW cow milk from a peasant nearby, its less bad than the usual pasteurized you buy in shops.

If you dont have anything and are desperate, you can probably use a full fat mild yoghurt with a raw egg yolk in. Add a little honey. give at body temperature. Should work OK, at least to begin with.

HOW old are the kittens? Do they have open eyes? Ears up? Exactly which country are you in?

A home made pedialyte you can make of some honey and salt, and water. About one full tea spoon of honey in a coffe-cup. Just a little In some receipts its common table sugar, but glucose sugar / dextrose is better, it doenst need to be digested. And honey contains in half glucose sugar...
So use honey...

You mentioned you have a dropper. Its Ok to begin with.

Feeding them with a dropper / syringe: tummy down, head up, may be raised up diagonally. In the corner of the mouth, slowly a drop at a time, so they can swallow easily. If the kitten wriggle, you can hold it with a towel, or even wrap it up in the towel alike a burrito.

M matearss14
abyeb abyeb
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 27, 2016
Hello everyone, and thank you.

Things seemed fine this morning, everyone was okay, napping, momma cat seemed okay too.

- I could bring the kittens inside, but not the momma cat, she isn't used to it, and wouldn't stay in for long.
- I have yogurt, eggs and mayonnaise too at home.
- I am from Hungary

- I will try to get some goat milk soon, before heading home, but i might not be able to, so all i'll have is cow milk. A friend of mine will send me a feeder, and KMR, but it will only arrive on Friday.
- The kittens are 18 days old, already opened their eyes, and the ears are up too.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I agree with the earlier suggestion, you take in the whole family inside. You do hint momma is allowed to come inside no? So she isnt no real feral, she is just homeless.

Its possible her lack of milk depends on some undernourishment. Perhaps lack of calcium so she cant produce milk. so more nourishing food for her may help up the situation.
Meat. May be cheap meat, plain youghurt, a little cheese, goats milk as mentioned. Egg shell crushed into fine powder is a good calcium source. Sprinkle it alike salt on her food.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 18, 2015
BC Canada
You can pick up feeding syringes from a local pharmacy usually free.

*never feed kittens cold food. Never feed a kitten cow's milk (stefanz said Ok for raw)or human baby formula as this causes stomach upset and severe diarrhea. Adding video to get better idea.
Assuming you don't have cat rescues or any animal society's to help you out? They would trap fix mom, care for kittens, rehome.
Please keep updating it can be overwhelming at first, you have the best advisors assisting you already.
Pedialyte is sugar/salt mix made to replenish hydrate similar to what Gatorade does
for humans. It can be bought for babies (used for kittens) or it can be home made.
Good luck with your babies :crossfingers:
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
M matearss14

Mix one quarter cup of cow's milk with one quarter cup of water. Add one egg yolk beaten. Add one tablespoon of mayonnaise, one tablespoon of yogurt, and a sprinkle of salt and sugar. Blend and feed.

Kittens will be safer inside the house and easier for you to observe. It sounds like mom is willing to come in for now.

Let us know how the feeding goes.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 27, 2016
Thank you, everyone.

Things seemed okay during the day, but once i got home from work, chaos began again.

One of the kittens was in the middle of the yard, in the pouring rain, screaming, other 2 abandoned in their box, and momma was sitting on the stairs waiting for me.

I cleaned out their box, changed the sheets, fed the momma, and in 2 hours or so they all managed to calm down, cuddle up and fall asleep. Seemed like the kittens were feeding, and momma cat didn't seem as bothered either.

I couldn't get goat milk, i couldn't get anything. I got a vet's phone number, he should be stopping by tomorrow. He did say cow milk should be okay for them too, if i want to feed them. I tried, but they seemed too scared to eat. If that's the problem to begin with, because i'm really not sure anymore. They all seem healthy, well fed, but for some reason they seem frightened.

Bringing them inside would be a good idea, but i've tried before, and the momma cat doesn't feel safe after a while. She comes in often, even took naps inside, but after a while she just starts meowing and wanting out. I also don't have any cat litter so she could do her business inside. Shopping is extremely difficult because of my location and financial situation. I will do my best to keep them safe and healthy. For now i just hope the vet will have good news for me.

Thank you again, any advice is greatly appreciated.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
M matearss14

I still think you should bring them in. They were already in the rain and climbing out of the box. If they are inside, mom is more likely to stay inside with them. You can still let her out to do her business, or you can fill a box with dirt for her.

To feed them, you would need to wrap them in a towel like a burrito. They may fight it at first, but once they realize it's food, they will take it. The wrap keeps them from squirming.

Cow's milk is not best for them, which is why the recipe i gave you uses very little and is 50% diluted. The other ingredients add more nutrition.

It's good you have a vet stopping by. Please inquire about a spay for mom.

I really hope you will bring them inside now.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 27, 2016
They are not in an open area, they are inside a barn in a closed box stuffed with clothes to keep them warm.
I would like nothing more than to bring them inside, however my family is not very pet friendly. They were already against keeping all the kittens alive, i had to fight for them. They don't support me buying food for them, caring for them, they will probably yell at me for calling a vet, but i will fight them if i have to, to make sure they're safe and okay.

As of now, in the past 2-3 hours they were all calm, kittens were eating, and they all napping now.

I will try the recipe tomorrow, and will figure out how to feed them. If tomorrow will go same as the past 2 days, i will bring them inside.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I understand. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the mother cat and her kittens.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 27, 2016
Sorry for the late reply. Past few days were pretty crazy.

Not with the kittens, thankfully. Everything seem to have gotten back to normal. Momma cat doesn't seem bothered either. They are being safe, with a full belly.


I know that my situation isn't ideal. And i know i probably won't be able to afford keeping all 3 kittens. But as long as they are under my care, I will do everything in my power to keep them safe. From a very sad experience i've learned who i can and cannot trust, what will people tolerate or not, and how can i make sure that my cats are safe. Even if i can't bring them all inside, even if i'll have to give all 3 of them away for adoption (as much as i don't want to).

I want to thank everyone once again for all your help and advice, in the name of the bunch too.

I'll be back with updates later, and i'll upload some pictures too of the cuties.