Mother against possibly pregnant cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 3, 2021
I’m not quite sure if my cat is pregnant or not, as we don’t have the money to get her checked, and it hasn’t been too long. She found her way outside during heat and we have a few cats that are around our neighbourhood. She has gotten a bit fatter around the stomach area, is sleeping a lot more, and is a bit more sensitive about her belly.

My mum doesn’t like cats at all, especially not ours. My cat pees on clothing and is unsociable to anyone but me, but I love her anyway. My mum doesn’t want to believe that my cat might be pregnant, and wants to get her an abortion. When talking about her giving birth, my mum tells me not to talk about it because it makes her want to kill the kittens. I’m really upset, honestly, but I don’t want my cat to go through an abortion (if she really is pregnant). My mum won’t listen to any reasoning, and due to my cats nature I don’t think she’d do well in any place but my house. Is there any definitive way i can tell she may be pregnant, or any advice on how to deal with my mum..?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Oh my, this is not a good situation. Your mom may fear the expense and trouble of feeding and raising a litter of kittens.

You can assume your cat is pregnant if she got out during her heat cycle and her belly is growing. A spay/termination would resolve the issue, but that would need to occur as soon as possible.

You’ll need to discuss this further with your mom and get a decision made one way or the other. Is there a clinic that could spay her in your area? She’ll need spaying eventually anyway.

We’re here to support you regardless! Do keep us posted!