Mostly Mutts


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I called them this afternoon about Jackie. She has worn us down, both of us. To the point where we simply don't want to deal with her anymore. Rick went to get her from the kennel and when they came back home, she started right in with her shrieking . We could hear her even while she was still in the truck. Our cats started growling, the ears went down, and they took off back to the bedroom. Rick and I had been talking about it anyway and when my cats started growling, I picked up my cell, got the number, and called. The woman was out, but I left a message for her to please call me back. 

You know, we tried. We tried to deal with her. We tried to deal with her shrieking and screaming. She eats cat poop. And enough is enough. Rick said tonight that he just wants his life back. And I can say that the week that she was gone? It was so calm, so peaceful. I came home from work and there was no screaming. Just the cats meowing for food. The gates were open throughout the house while she was gone and all the cats had the complete run of the house. Rick came home Tuesday night, but we didn't get Jackie until tonight. He even remarked about how calm things were when he came home. This afternoon, we had to go into the bank and when we came home, Rick stopped me on the front porch. He said, "Hear that?" And I said, "You mean the sound of blessed silence?" And we unlocked the door and came into the house.

She's probably considered unadoptable at this point. She gets along with the cats OK. It's just the poop thing. And the shrieking and screaming when we come home from anywhere. So it probably means she'll live out the rest of her life in a cage. But well, it's either give her back to Mostly Mutts or euthanize her and how do you euthanize a perfectly healthy dog?

We're hoping they'll be willing to take her since Rick's parents got her from that organization originally. We'll see what happens. Rick went in and talked to his mom. She doesn't care one way or the other....which is sad in itself.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
How old is she & how long did you have her? What kind of dog is she? It's sad how some animals are their own worst enemy, but they don't realize it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
She's a Beagle, right? Beagle enthusiasts like the shrieking, so I'm told. One has to have a high noise tolerance to live with hounds. If that's her only "behavioral problem" I think she's adoptable. Eating cat poop doesn't count; every dog I know will eat cat poop if they can get to it. So as long as she's potty-trained and isn't aggressive, I'm sure she'll find a great home with a Beagle appreciator. I think it was just a bad match for you. Not everyone wants to live with a hounddog.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 19, 2004
Most people don't want beagles/hound dogs for this very reason. She needs a beagle friendly home who can deal with the vocal-ness of this breed. I'm not saying you don't love her; you do and want what's best for her.

And you need what is best for you and your kitty family, too. I personally couldn't deal with a beagle either they are too stubborn. I had a coonhound and he was amazing. He was a foodie most of all and not a big barker. I hope the rescue can find her a beagle/hound savvy home who will give her what she needs. It sounds like she needs some obedience training and exercise as well and hopefully her potential adopters can provide that for her so she won't be so pushy. But being pushy is a beagle thing they are so stubborn lol.

ETA - most dogs will eat cat poop if they can get to it. I know you've been adamant about keeping her away from it but it seems like she's strong willed.
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TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
To be honest, I couldn't deal with a beagle either and I am a dog lover.  I think they do best in a farm setting where they can spend most of their time outdoors.  They can follow scents to their hearts content and I think that is what they need to calm them down.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
:hugs: I think you're making the right decision, Pam. The cats were in your life long before Jackie came along, and your first duty is always to the animals you've had longest, imo. I agree with W Willowy about the shrieking - it really is a hound thing, and beagle lovers really won't have a problem with it. Jackie sounds like a really sweet girl - she just isn't right for you, and that's just fine. You've done a wonderful thing in trying so hard with her all this time, and I'm sure that will help ease her transition both into the shelter and, later, into her new home.

The cat poop thing is, unfortunately, just dogs being dogs :rolleyes: After a LOT of work, Leah will leave the cat boxes alone, but will try to eat (and sometimes roll in :bat: ) pretty much ANY poop she finds outside :wife: She'd go play in the muck heap at the stables too, given half a chance :rolleyes2 Poop eating dogs, to a dog lover, really are no big deal - just one of the 'joys' of dog ownership. It absolutely won't be a barrier to Jackie finding a new home :)

Mega :vibes: for you all :hugs:
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  • #7


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Yes, she's a beagle, between 10 and 11 years old. Rick says that, had somebody told us she would eat cat poop and that she would shriek and scream every single time we walked into the house, we never would have taken her in. We're not dog people; we don't know these things.

I will say she's been pretty low-key since she came back here from the kennel. Rick went into see his mother last night and, upon his return, she went over to the steps and wriggled her body for him, but we didn't hear a peep. 

Muffin came out to the kitchen for her meals as soon as Jackie left last week. Last night, she started out to the kitchen for supper, saw Jackie and turned around and went into the bathroom to wait for supper. And that's where she ate.

We're just not in a good place right now. 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 22, 2016
The Peach State
From what I've read, and from what I've heard from owners, Beagles are not the easiest breed to live with.

They love food and they will look for it everywhere: in the garbage can, in the fridge, in the microwave oven (yes, they will figure out a way to open your fridge and yout microwave oven!). I don't know if this has anything to do with poop eating.

As scenthounds, they were bred to follow their nose all day long, through rugged terrains. So, they have tons of stamina, and they need a fenced yard where they can run and run until they burn off their energy. Additionally, they'll need long daily walks. For some reason I don´t know, dogs need their daily walks. A tired Beagle usually is a well behaved Beagle.

Beagles are also bred to have a certain degree of self sufficiency that enables them to "guide" the hunter straight into where the prey is. This trait makes them more stubborn and more difficutt to train than other dog breeds

And they are loud!, They bay. That's their way to "tell" their pack that the've found the scent.of a prey, And they howl, usually when bored.

I hope you find a the best "Beagle home" for your dog.

Finally, I'm very sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.
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handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
You made an effort and really tried to make it work.  If you are still unhappy, the dog probably is too.  There is no shame in finding Jackie a home where she will be loved and her antics enjoyed.  I had a neighbor with 2 beagles and she loved them, baying and all.  Don't feel guilty, you deserve to be happy, to walk in your front door and not dread it.
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  • #10


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
You know, I can deal with the baying...that's truly a beagle thing and I get that. This? This is screaming. Literally, this is screaming. Shrieking. At the top of her lungs. To the point where she has all the dogs in the neighborhood in an uproar. We tried a Thundershirt. We tried Composure. We tried putting her in a cage with a blanket covering the cage. We did everything but drug her to the point of a stupor. And to no avail. We come home and she just screams at us. 

Let's be perfectly clear here. This dog is NOT baying. I know what a beagle bay is; Rick's parents have had beagles all through their lives and I am very familiar with the beagle bay. I can handle the beagle bay....honestly, the bay isn't a problem. This dog is DOES NOT BAY; she is, quite literally, screaming her fool head off. Getting herself worked up into such a screaming/shrieking frenzy that she has to pant for hours to get herself calmed back down. 

Rick and I used to go for a walk at night, both for exercise and just to spend some time together. We gave it up. Why? Because we can't deal with the screaming every night. And no, we can't take the dog with us because our road is heavily trafficked and people drive way too fast. It's not safe to walk a dog. We used to take her to a local Rails to Trails trail in town on Saturday morning, but it got too hot this summer to continue, even in the morning. If we do keep her, we'll start taking her back out the Trail now that the weather seems to have cooled down a bit.But we don't want to keep her; we don't want to deal with her. We tried. 

But you all need to realize that this is NOT baying. This is screaming at the top of her lungs and working herself up into such a frenzy that we honestly think she will have a heart attack. 

The woman in charge of Mostly Mutts has not called us back yet.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 22, 2016
The Peach State
I'm so sorry to read that. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Best wishes.
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TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
:hugs: Winchester Winchester I'm sorry for the misunderstanding :anon:

It sounds like Jackie simply needs a home where there's someone home pretty much all the time. She has serious separation anxiety issues, from what you say (possibly stemming from when you FIL passed). I'm sure there'll be somebody out there who's just right for her. You've gone above and beyond trying to make this work, and it really does sound like she needs a different kind of home than you can provide. No shame in that AT ALL :uuh: :hugs:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Oh, that kind of screaming :(. If you do end up with her staying with you for any length of time for whatever reason, it may be worthwhile to talk to the vet about putting her on Prozac. It can really do wonders for dogs with anxiety issues. And the generic is usually on most pharmacy's $4-a-month list so it's not a financial burden.
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  • #15


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Nope, not from the woman in charge. I was able to talk to the secretary of the organization who said she doesn't remember Jackie or Rick's parents, but said she would look them up. I told her that we do have the papers that say she was adopted from Mostly Mutts. The secretary also basically pooh-poohed me that night. It was pretty obvious that she didn't want to deal with us. She said she'd have the woman in charge call me, but I'm not holding my breath.

After we come back from Vermont, I'm going to call Haven to Home. They put dogs out for foster until they can find homes for them, so she might not be in a cage. One of my GFs has a brother who has beagles, but they're all outside. I don't think Jackie can be an outside dog, not after living indoors all her life.

Rick's mother told me yesterday to just put her down and get it over with. 


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I think beagles do best as outside dogs.  You are right though, after this many years it wouldn't be fair to try  to  turn her into an outside dog.  It sounds like anxiety and separation issues.  She would probably be okay in a home where someone is almost always at home.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Nope, not from the woman in charge. I was able to talk to the secretary of the organization who said she doesn't remember Jackie or Rick's parents, but said she would look them up. I told her that we do have the papers that say she was adopted from Mostly Mutts. The secretary also basically pooh-poohed me that night. It was pretty obvious that she didn't want to deal with us. She said she'd have the woman in charge call me, but I'm not holding my breath.

After we come back from Vermont, I'm going to call Haven to Home. They put dogs out for foster until they can find homes for them, so she might not be in a cage. One of my GFs has a brother who has beagles, but they're all outside. I don't think Jackie can be an outside dog, not after living indoors all her life.

Rick's mother told me yesterday to just put her down and get it over with. 
You and Rick have gone above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to Jackie. I agree with @Columbine  - Jackie needs a home where someone is around most of the time. Maybe a retiree with experience owning beagles or someone who works from home. 

Yes- you have tried but it's not working out. This is not healthy for any of you- not you, Rick, the cats or Jackie. The cats are also mourning the loss of Boo and the added stress of Jackie's screaming can't be good for any of you. If Mostly Mutts won't help you, have you looked into beagle rescues? 

Here are some I found in or near PA

This one is not beagle specific but they deal with senior dogs

If these places cannot help you, they may be able to point you in the right direction. Good luck. I hope you find something that will be perfect for her. 

It's sad that Rick's mom feels that way, but if I remember correctly, wasn't Jackie his dad's dog? She may not have ever really had a strong bond with Jackie. There may have been a bit of a rivalry there. My dog was a daddy's girl and she did everything in her power to get in between us. I don't think she has gotten over his passing still to this day. She doesn't particularly care about me or DD. I think she thinks it's my fault that he isn't there. She's 14. She'll be seeing him again before I will- then she'll be happy and gloating too I'm sure. 


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
I know that "screaming" well.  Where I used to live my neighbor had about 20 beagles, he hunted with them, and all his outdoor beagles living in his row of kennels and chain-link runs never screamed.  They just bayed.  I got accustomed to that and it really wasn't too bad, unless they all smelled something in the middle of the night and went at it in a chorus. They were funny, goofy dogs, I would go pet them sometimes and they were just happy go lucky goofballs.  They lived to hunt.

However, he and his wife had one that lived in the house with them, and I could stand on my porch and hear it inside their house--it sounded like someone was pulling it apart, limb by limb.  It was just insane, I wanted to go over and kill it myself.  They finally put it back outside to live with the others and it didn't do it anymore after it was with the other dogs.  I wonder if Jackie needs to be with another dog?  Or other beagles?  Theirs acted like the rest of them once it was out there with them.
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  • #19


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Rick's father was Jackie's person. His mom didn't give a darn one way or the other. 

@hbunny  , that's exactly how Jackie sounds. We honestly worry that somebody is going to think we're dreadfully abusing that dog and we're not. I swear we are not. I'm sure the neighbors hear her and I know their dogs hear her because her screaming gets the dogs all in an uproar, too.

I just talked to my SIL; she knows the woman from Mostly Mutts and she's disappointed that we've not heard anything. If we don't hear anything by Thursday afternoon, she says she will contact the woman to find out what's going on and what our options are. 

@Kat0121  , thanks for those links. If this doesn't work out with Mostly Mutts, I'm going to start using them to try to get more information.

We have never re-homed an animal before in our lives; we have always been able to work it out somehow, although the hassles between my M & Ms aren't going well either, and, believe me, we are not happy at all that we have to re-home Jackie. We really had high hopes that we would work it all out and we were so excited when she came to live with us. But I can't do it. I won't do it. Rick is done, too.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Rick's father was Jackie's person. His mom didn't give a darn one way or the other. 

@hbunny  , that's exactly how Jackie sounds. We honestly worry that somebody is going to think we're dreadfully abusing that dog and we're not. I swear we are not. I'm sure the neighbors hear her and I know their dogs hear her because her screaming gets the dogs all in an uproar, too.

I just talked to my SIL; she knows the woman from Mostly Mutts and she's disappointed that we've not heard anything. If we don't hear anything by Thursday afternoon, she says she will contact the woman to find out what's going on and what our options are. 

@Kat0121  , thanks for those links. If this doesn't work out with Mostly Mutts, I'm going to start using them to try to get more information.

We have never re-homed an animal before in our lives; we have always been able to work it out somehow, although the hassles between my M & Ms aren't going well either, and, believe me, we are not happy at all that we have to re-home Jackie. We really had high hopes that we would work it all out and we were so excited when she came to live with us. But I can't do it. I won't do it. Rick is done, too.
That's probably it then. Rick's mom and Jackie never really formed a bond. 

I'm sure that the neighbors don't think that of you at all. I'd wager that they know better. 

Mostly Mutts should have called you back by now- at least to give you some kind of information. The fact that they did not is highly unprofessional. 

You're welcome. Glad to help. I really hope you find something and soon. Do not feel bad about having to re-home her. You really have tried everything. It just wasn't meant to be. Hopefully someone can lead you to a foster or someone who will just adopt her who can give her what she needs. Having her in the house is detrimental to everyone in the household- even Jackie herself and I completely agree with everyone else. You, Rick and the cats have to come first. It's not the ideal situation but it is what it is and you absolutely did try to make it work. 