Moral Dilemma


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 17, 2004
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Hello, all.

I have a very good online friend, who I'll just call Jack. Jack and I were friends for over the last year, and we shared many different hobbies, so it was easy to talk to him.

Jack has a 12-year-old sister who I'll call Elaine. Last June, Elaine brought home a cat from an animal shelter. The cat was about a year-old, and he was neutered, checked for rabies, etc. So at first, everything is fine, but the day after Elaine brings the cat home, Jack tells me how the cat is always biting and kicking Elaine in the arm. I told him that's how cats play, and my cat does that all the time.

I then told him that a cat is a big responsibility, and you have to do research before choosing to get one, and you're stuck with what you get.

Every few days, he's complaining to me how his sister's getting "beaten up" by the cat -- hissed at, kicked, bitten, etc. I gave him literally twenty different websites on cat behaviour, and urged him to keep the cat, as it was attached to them. I told him to get the cat checked at the vet.

Of course, he made excuses, saying that "this cat isn't normal" and "he's a very bad cat". I told him cats are beyond morals like good and evil because they're not like us humans in terms on intelligence. Of course, he kept making excuses.

I told him I'd take the cat if he didn't want it, and I'd pay for the transportation, since I like fiesty cats, and I didn't want him to go back to the shelter. His sister immediately said no, even though I offered to pay $200. Her attitude, to me, is a "if I can't have it, no one can!" type of attitude.

So I talked to him a few days ago, and he told me he's getting a new cat. I asked him what happened to the old one, and he started saying, "He was a bad cat, he was a bad cat..." This didn't sound good.

He said that they put him to sleep because he was "anti-social, mean, bad", etc. He said his sister was actually the one who asked their parents to have the cat put to sleep because "he was too mean". Like the cat is some kind of ****ing toy you can replace.

Today, he and I got into this whole debate about morality. I told him that I eat cows, pigs, chicken, fish, and lamb, and I feel bad about it, but I'd never kill a family member like a dog or cat.

Now, you have to keep in mind I'm an atheist, so I don't believe in god, but he kept saying how his god says animals were made for us to eat, and we could do whatever we wanted to them, etc.

Now, no offence to Christians, you can believe what you want to believe, but this guy was trying to justify killing a cat he adopted and brought into his own home for no reason. You killed him because he was "bad"? How? All cats bite and scratch when playing with their owners.

It's disgusting. He said the cat would rub against his legs every morning. How could you condone something like this? How could you kill someone that gives you affection every morning?

It's not like the cat had some life-threatening disease, or was suffering from old age. He simply killed it because it was an inconvenience, and then got another one a week later (last Sunday).

I don't know if I should be his friend anymore, or if I'm over-reacting. After all, I eat animals of equal intelligence to cats, like cows and pigs... But, c'mon, family members are different, right? I would never harm or eat a cat or dog. I know I'm being a hypocrite with double-standards here, but, should I be condoning Jack for killing his cat? Or am I right for blocking + deleting him, thus cutting off the friendship?

Guys, I'd like to hear your opinions on the situation. Is it right to condone Jack for putting his cat to sleep because he was an inconvenience, even though I eat meat?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 24, 2003
Pembroke Pines, Florida
Honestly, I don't think diet is the same type of question. I don't think one has anything to do with the other.

The problem with what he did is RESPONSIBILITY. He (or his sister) chose to bring an animal into their home. They took responsibility for that cat when it left the shelter. Because it didn't live up to their expectations, they killed it. This is WRONG. They should have at least brought the kitty back to the shelter to be re-adopted. I'm surprised a vet would agree to put the cat down.

As for whether you should continue to be friends, that's up to you. I wish you luck in your decision.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 6, 2004
I think that is just disgusting. How DARE they have their cat killed just because it did not live up to their expectations!!!
That makes me so angry. They should have never adopted another cat; what happens when/if this new cat bites and plays and does other cat behaviour?? The thing that get's me is that you offered to take the cat - to BUY the cat - and they still had it put to sleep. I for one could not remain friends with people such as this.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2004
wirral, uk
that is absolutely disgustingthat poor baby
. firstly, the fact that you eat meat and the fact that he killed a cat because it played a bit rough are in 2 different world's, i eat meat, so do the majority of people, it does'nt make it right that he kelled his own pet, a family member as you said.
I can't believe a vet would put down a cat for something a petty as that, i know no vet's here would do that.
Me personally, i would not be friend's with this horrible person, i would not want anything to do with him, what kindof perdon is he anyway to think that doing something like that is right?
That poor baby


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Do you know where this person lives?
Can you please report them?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 7, 2005
Ormond Beach/Orlando, FL
I agree with everyone else. There is a BIG difference in you eating meat and his family putting a 1 year old cat down. You eat meat for sustinence, they killed that cat for NO reason. The two things can not even be compared. I'm not a very religious person myself, but I have a hard time believing that it's the Christian idea to treat animals however you want. Something about that doesn't add up to me. It just sounds as though he's trying to make an excuse for his and his families inexcusable and disgusting behavior. I can't even believe someone would have a cat put down for that and not give it to a perfectly GOOD cat owner like yourself who is ready and willing to take it. It sounds like very selfish actions to me! I'm sorry you've had to deal with all of that, but you are completely in the right to feel disgusted by this behavior.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 31, 2002
"Southside of Cincinnati"
Apparently the 12 yr old sister is spoiled and stupid and gets what she wants. Cat bit her; girl goes crying to mommy; mommy has cat put to sleep.

And apparently Jack has to go along with spoiled Princess sister, because that is his family.

Your dilemma here is NOT about what you eat. Don't even feel that way!

A cat is a pet. PERIOD. Cats are not food (unless you live in Korea, where they eat cats & dogs on a regular basis). What your friend's family did was their own stupidity and severe lack of responsibility. Cats play that way, just like you told Jack!

My cat Zorro will tear off a person's arm or bite a leg if you pet him too much, but he's a "leg rubber" like Jack's cat was. Friendly to a point but feisty. Mom's cat Flash is mentally deranged and goes from loving to crazy but in no way would anyone ever consider putting him down!!!

Jack and his family putting the cat to death because it was an inconvenience for them was THEIR moral problem. They are inept and heartless. Not you. Just because you eat meat doesn't mean diddly.

Whether or not you consider your online "friendship" with him is up to you. You could write him a long letter about this (or show him this thread when it's done) or perhaps bombard him with info about cats (like you've already done) so they don't put the NEXT cat to sleep.

But don't let him say anything about the meat-eating factor. That has NOTHING to do with killing a pet just because it was an inconvenience!!!



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 10, 2004
Well, my blood pressure just went way up!!!! Oh my God, if I put to sleep my kits just because they bite, I'd have done it long ago! GRRRRRRr And the fact that they have another one just irritates me to no end!!!


TCS Member
Mar 22, 2005
This situation makes it obvious that some people just SHOULD NOT have pets. I wouldn't blame you for ending this relationship. I'd have a hard time even being around someone who did this.


TCS Member
Dec 3, 2003
I couldn't read on once i read that they'd had the cat put to sleep because it was bad!

You know what?, i don't like the sound of him so can i do the same to him?!

The plank!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2004
Kansas City, MO, USA
I can not believe some people.
To put that poor baby to sleep because it was being a cat. I would definately report to the shelter in the city to make sure they can not adopt anymore from them.

That being said, as far as eating me. I have a simple attitude towards killing an animal. If you kill it purposely (obviously we all have accidents ie hitting a bird or something while driving), you need to eat it period. I'm not sure that I'd extend that to bugs though.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 8, 2004
Ya know, this whole situation stinks. The WORST part of the fact they put this poor kitty to sleep is that they HAD other options, but because his sister is a spoiled brat, that cat is now dead. They could have taken it back to the shelter, or they could have given the cat to you (since you offered!!!). How they allowed a 12-year-old to dictate this cat being put to sleep is beyond me.

And I'm also a bit shocked the vet would comply... unless like darkeyedgirl said, they told the vet it was constantly biting the 12-year-old. Even still, doesn't the vet require some kind of proof?

How sad for that poor little fur-ball who ended up in a shelter and being adopted out to such an irresponsible family. I don't know that I could remain friends with him honestly. It's not just that it happened in his family, but he seems to agree. And how sad for the 12-year-old that is not learning the value of ALL life. Regardless of religious views, the Golden Rule still applies.

Did you know that ALL of the world's organized religions have nearly identical ethical law? All of the world's religions teach of kindness and compassion to others, and universal love and peace. They all teach of respect for others and respect for all life. This is actually called natural law, or more commonly, "The Golden Rule", as most human beings recognize this as the ethical basis for living your life.

This is true of Christianity, Muslim, Judiasm, Wiccan, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Zoroatrianism (the world's oldest monotheistic religion) and many others.
  • Not one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother what he desires for himself (Muslim)
  • Wound not others, do no one injury by thought or deed, utter no word to pain they fellow creatures (Hindu)
  • Do not do to others what you would not like yourself (Confucianism)
  • If you do not wish to be mistreated by others, do not mistreat anyone yourself (Zoroastrianism)
  • We obtain salvation by loving our fellow man and God (Sikhism)
  • Having made oneself the example, one should neither slay nor cause to slay... As I am so are other beings; thus let one not strike another, nor get another struck. This is the meaning. (Buddhism)
  • One should not behave towards others in a way which is disagreeable to oneself. This is the essense of morality. (Hindu)
  • Thou shalt love thy neighbor as theyself (Judaism)
  • Therefore, all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them (Christianity)
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (Judaism & Christianity)
  • What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor (Judiasm)
  • An (if) it harm none, do what thou will (Wiccan)
  • Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire* (Taoism)
  • Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself (Christianity)
  • You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Judiasm & Christianity)
  • A man should wander about treating all creatures as he himself would be treated (Jainism)
  • Comparing oneself to others in such terms as Just as I am so are they, just as they are so am I, he should neither kill nor cause others to kill (Buddhism)
  • One going to take a pointed stick to pinch a baby bird should first try it on himself to feel how it hurts (African Traditional Religions)
  • Treat not others in ways that yourself would find hurtful (Buddhism)
  • We are as much alive as we keep the earth alive (Native Spirituality)
  • Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbors loss as your own loss (Taoism)
  • We affirm and promote respect for the interdependent of all existence of which we are a part (Unitarianism)
  • Whatever you do will return to you threefold (Wiccan)
  • Respect for all life is the foundation (Native American)
  • Do not wrong or hate your neighbor. For it is not he who you wrong, but yourself (Native American)
  • You can read more here or by looking up "golden rule" at Google.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 6, 2002
The Spacecoast
Originally Posted by Animelee

Hello, all.

I have a very good online friend, who I'll just call Jack. Jack and I were friends for over the last year, and we shared many different hobbies, so it was easy to talk to him.

Jack has a 12-year-old sister who I'll call Elaine. Last June, Elaine brought home a cat from an animal shelter. The cat was about a year-old, and he was neutered, checked for rabies, etc. So at first, everything is fine, but the day after Elaine brings the cat home, Jack tells me how the cat is always biting and kicking Elaine in the arm. I told him that's how cats play, and my cat does that all the time.

I then told him that a cat is a big responsibility, and you have to do research before choosing to get one, and you're stuck with what you get.

Every few days, he's complaining to me how his sister's getting "beaten up" by the cat -- hissed at, kicked, bitten, etc. I gave him literally twenty different websites on cat behaviour, and urged him to keep the cat, as it was attached to them. I told him to get the cat checked at the vet.

Of course, he made excuses, saying that "this cat isn't normal" and "he's a very bad cat". I told him cats are beyond morals like good and evil because they're not like us humans in terms on intelligence. Of course, he kept making excuses.

I told him I'd take the cat if he didn't want it, and I'd pay for the transportation, since I like fiesty cats, and I didn't want him to go back to the shelter. His sister immediately said no, even though I offered to pay $200. Her attitude, to me, is a "if I can't have it, no one can!" type of attitude.

So I talked to him a few days ago, and he told me he's getting a new cat. I asked him what happened to the old one, and he started saying, "He was a bad cat, he was a bad cat..." This didn't sound good.

He said that they put him to sleep because he was "anti-social, mean, bad", etc. He said his sister was actually the one who asked their parents to have the cat put to sleep because "he was too mean". Like the cat is some kind of ****ing toy you can replace.

Today, he and I got into this whole debate about morality. I told him that I eat cows, pigs, chicken, fish, and lamb, and I feel bad about it, but I'd never kill a family member like a dog or cat.

Now, you have to keep in mind I'm an atheist, so I don't believe in god, but he kept saying how his god says animals were made for us to eat, and we could do whatever we wanted to them, etc.

Now, no offence to Christians, you can believe what you want to believe, but this guy was trying to justify killing a cat he adopted and brought into his own home for no reason. You killed him because he was "bad"? How? All cats bite and scratch when playing with their owners.

It's disgusting. He said the cat would rub against his legs every morning. How could you condone something like this? How could you kill someone that gives you affection every morning?

It's not like the cat had some life-threatening disease, or was suffering from old age. He simply killed it because it was an inconvenience, and then got another one a week later (last Sunday).

I don't know if I should be his friend anymore, or if I'm over-reacting. After all, I eat animals of equal intelligence to cats, like cows and pigs... But, c'mon, family members are different, right? I would never harm or eat a cat or dog. I know I'm being a hypocrite with double-standards here, but, should I be condoning Jack for killing his cat? Or am I right for blocking + deleting him, thus cutting off the friendship?

Guys, I'd like to hear your opinions on the situation. Is it right to condone Jack for putting his cat to sleep because he was an inconvenience, even though I eat meat?
I think Jack's interpertation of whatever scripture he is referring to is off. Please ask him where in the Bible he found it and then let him know about this Bible passage: Proverbs 12:10
A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.

I couldn't be friends with him. This is incredibly wrong. I don't care what religion you are - or not, whether you eat meat or not. This is horrifying!
Children who kill animals are more likely to kill people as an adult. JACK AND HIS SISTER HAD THEIR OWN PET KILLED!!! How could they???
You even offered to take it!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
I think he knows in himself it was wrong - his hedging on it to you proves that. But I could not be friends with someone who condoned such action. I had a neighbour once who put his cat down because he said it failed to greet him and ignored him when he came back from holiday! I never spoke to him again.

And as already said, if he is truly religious, of any generally accepted persuasion, he would know that it is considered wrong by every great spiritual leader. That is a wonderful list, the GOlden Rule, I have never seen it was all put together like that. I will pin it up.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 17, 2004
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
You guys've all make excellent points. I've blocked + deleted him on MSN, blocked his e-mail address, ignored him on all the forums he and I both visit, etc.

I'm just going to block all contact with him -- I've lost all respect for him, and frankly, everytime I talk to him, I can't help but think about what his family put the cat through. Everytime I talk to him, I get upset, and I go online to talk with friends and be happy, not to get a rise in blood pressure.

Once again, thanks for all the advice, all of you.

And now, I'm going to go let my cat bite, kick, and scratch my arm with Temptations as a reward.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2003
Los Angeles,CA
If I were you, and I knew where he lived, I would report him and his family to EVERY shelter, and breeder in his city and all of the surrounding cities. They are THE MOST loathesome people I've heard about in a long time! You offered to pay them money for the cat, since they didn't like it, but they chose to put a perfectly healthy cat to sleep because of Little Miss Things, temper tantrums. THEY SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAVE A CAT, DOG OR ANY OTHER PET!!!!

I don't eat beef or pork myself, but I do eat chicken and fish. It isn't for religious reasons, but due to the fact that beef really isn't that healthy for you, however, I don't know how you can compare eating a burger or a steak with what they did. Cows aren't house pets, and to be honest if you wear shoes, you're already using the products of a cow. I feel you have EVERY right to be furious with this guy and his family, and if I knew him, the only words, I would ever say to him again, is that I'm reporting you to every shelter and breeder in your town. That way he and his family would never be allowed to bring an innocent animal into their home.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2004
wirral, uk
i agree totally with hope.
but shouldnt someone be reporting this vet who put down a perfectely healthy animal for no reason at all. Forgive me, but arent vets there to HELP animal's, care for them etc, not kill them.
This vet need's to be told also


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 10, 2004
I must be a very bored seminarian. Just a warning though- I don't want to offend anyone with this post, I'm just trying to respond as a Christian to an arguement posed by another person who calls himself a Christian. I'm not trying to direct my religious beliefs to anyone on this board, or prostheletize.

The Bible has quite a bit to say about animals and I think Genesis lays this out the best. As a part of God's covenant with humankind and all living things (9:12), after the Flood mind you, humans are told to be good stewards of all life on earth. Gen 9 for example states that it's ok to eat meat, but that humans must look after all animals. Psalm 148 and 150 describe even animals praising the Lord. Proverbs 27:23 tells you to take care of your flocks. In the psalms we aread that, "All the animals in the forest are Mine and the cattle on thousands of hills. All the wild birds are Mine and all living things in the fields." Animals are God's, not human's- we're just supposed to watch over them and responsibily take from them what we need.

Sure Genesis says that humankind is to dominion over the earth, but no where does it say to use and abuse everything and utterly destroy God's creation. Stewardship requires responsbility. The behavior of this man only reinforces the fact that humankind has a certain inclination towards sin- the rest of the Bible reflects this again and again. It certainly isn't lacking in stories about how people keep screwing up with the responsibilties they've been given and how they are destroyed because of it. 2 Corinthians 5:10 is pretty clear about what happens to all of us, something this man should keep in mind. "For all of us must appear before Christ, to be judged by Him. Each one will receive what he deserves, according to everything he has done, good or bad, in his bodily life." I could go on and on with examples of when animals are discussed in the Bible, but it would mostly just be a repeat of what I've already said.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 7, 2005
Illinois, USA
I agree with these posts. You really have to go with your heart. Whether you are religious or an athiest, you have a spiritual side. That is what is so repelled by his evil act. I am sad for his new cat, because it is not a family member, but just an object.

Cats are different than any other creature, and must be treated differently. Thank you for trying to save the cat through education. Thank you for being honest in telling him how repellant his actions are.

Esrgirl, you explained it very well. God clearly tells humans to care for the animals. And I love the quotes of the Golden Rule from the various religions. I will need to keep a copy of that!

me-n-my guys

TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 8, 2005
Under the Radar
Originally Posted by esrgirl

I must be a very bored seminarian. Just a warning though- I don't want to offend anyone with this post, I'm just trying to respond as a Christian to an arguement posed by another person who calls himself a Christian. I'm not trying to direct my religious beliefs to anyone on this board, or prostheletize.

The Bible has quite a bit to say about animals and I think Genesis lays this out the best. As a part of God's covenant with humankind and all living things (9:12), after the Flood mind you, humans are told to be good stewards of all life on earth. Gen 9 for example states that it's ok to eat meat, but that humans must look after all animals. Psalm 148 and 150 describe even animals praising the Lord. Proverbs 27:23 tells you to take care of your flocks. In the psalms we aread that, "All the animals in the forest are Mine and the cattle on thousands of hills. All the wild birds are Mine and all living things in the fields." Animals are God's, not human's- we're just supposed to watch over them and responsibily take from them what we need.

Sure Genesis says that humankind is to dominion over the earth, but no where does it say to use and abuse everything and utterly destroy God's creation. Stewardship requires responsbility. The behavior of this man only reinforces the fact that humankind has a certain inclination towards sin- the rest of the Bible reflects this again and again. It certainly isn't lacking in stories about how people keep screwing up with the responsibilties they've been given and how they are destroyed because of it. 2 Corinthians 5:10 is pretty clear about what happens to all of us, something this man should keep in mind. "For all of us must appear before Christ, to be judged by Him. Each one will receive what he deserves, according to everything he has done, good or bad, in his bodily life." I could go on and on with examples of when animals are discussed in the Bible, but it would mostly just be a repeat of what I've already said.
You are sooo correct-and so wonderfully done!
Whatever religion you are, whatever you believe or disbelieve, it is our responsibility to be kind to animals, to help & take care of them when we can, because sometimes we are their only hope, their only voice. They were not created to be thrown away in our disposable society, no matter how many of them there are.
The little monster child needs to learn what trust & responsibilty mean, but it is doubtful that she ever will. She will probably grow & create more selfish little beings, like the selfish beings that no doubt created her. If life is so disposable to those people, dispose of them.
Here is a great quote from Chief Seattle:
"What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great lonliness of the spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man. All things are connected."
And from the naturalist John Muir:
"..if a war of races should occur between the wild beasts and Lord man, I would be tempted to sympathize with the bears."