

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 19, 2017
Well, this is it. The post no one here ever wants to have to make. First off I want to say I appreciate everyone sharing their stories here as it has been helping me through my grief. I’m sorry to you in that you’ve lost your pet as well. Also a quick note to thank those that gave me advice for the five days before Moo’s passing. I will be forever grateful.

Moo. A silly name for a cat that lived up to it in color and size. It was love at first photo. I saw his tiny face and black and white pattern behind bars on the animal shelter’s website, a small black dot on the left of his mouth, and immediate inquired about him. It was late on a Friday so I had to wait until Monday to meet him. He was alone in his space and I put my hand up to greet him. He started meowing and licking my hand. With his little squirmy body in one hand and a pen in the other, I adopted him.

I already had Lux who was a two year old solid black cat then. I thought he could use a friend for days when I was working. Throughout Moo’s first year, Lux took to him and taught him how to be a cat. He grew and grew...and grew to an impressive 14 lbs. He was a little chunky but overall he was just a big cat. Always looking for an opportunity to eat I quickly learned I had to keep all food put away as he would counter surf and binge. I always paid the cat tax of a couple bits of meat or a few shreds of cheese when I was cooking meals. Nothing stopped him from eating, not even his dental extractions or a urinary infection.

He had his routines as all cats do. When he heard my alarm I could hear him leave the cat tree and full speed sprint up the stairs. He would launch himself from the top step and into my bed, chirping and purring. He would roll and flop and we would cuddle before getting up for the day. If I was lucky I would get to scratch his belly for a few seconds. Then we would go downstairs with Moo’s non-stop chirps all the way to the kitchen for breakfast. Right after I would go to bed I could hear him downstairs batting and running with his toy mouse or caterpillar before settling in to sleep.

He was the sweetest cat I’ve ever met in my life. He loved to be close and be touching me in some way. Always beside me on the couch. I had never heard him hiss or growl and I don’t think he knew how. His heart was filled with nothing but kindness and love.

While searching for solutions and talking with the vet in the span of five days since his non-regenerative anemia findings, he went downhill. I could get him to eat boiled chicken for me even though I could tell he didn’t want it. The last day, he wouldn’t eat. He used what little energy he had to use the litterbox and could barely walk after. He howled with every wobbly step. He was breathing heavy. My heart sank, I knew it was time.

I got to hold my boy and talk to him throughout the process. All of the loving and caring things I never told him enough, I did then. I felt his little heart stop through his chest with my hand and he was gone. I spent some time with him, petting him, talking to him, telling him that I was sorry this happened to him and goodbye. The vet gave me hair clippings and a clay paw impression. I also had him cremated instead of doing a burial.

Lux was his bonded brother (from another stray mother) and it has affected him too. It’s clear that pets grieve as well. We have each other for comfort. I’m so lucky that Moo chose me to spend his life with and will be forever thankful for his love. Again, goodbye sweet boy, I love you and I’ll miss you so so much. ♥


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
My deepest condolences to Lux and you. Moo had the most unique dot-in-a-spot ever. You were there with him giving comfort and love when he needed it most. He was blessed to have been so treasured all during his life after finding his True Family. All the shelter staff must have felt so rewarded when he was adopted by you - it's the happy ending that all rescuers hope,pray and dream for their rescue kittens.

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
I'm so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful boy. You and Lux will get through this because like you said you have each other, from someone who has been in your situation your boy will be in good company at the bridge. Sending hugs to you and extra big scratches for Lux. RIP sweet Moo:rbheart: :alright:

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I'm so sorry for your pain.....the bond you built over those six years is spiritual, so will always be tied to your soul. You gave that sweet boy so much, a home, love, and food, he was happy and content. He gave you so much in return, someone to care for, someone to share your life, and someone to love, you found one of life's treasure's when you found him.
Try not to dwell on the end, he would not want to bring pain to someone he loved so much. Go forward into the future and find the joys and happiness that life can bring, he would want no less as this is love. Just like you would want for him if you were the first to go.
The ache of loss will never completely leave you, but time will bring a softening of the sharp edges you are feeling now. You will learn a new life's order without him in your home, but you will fill the hole in your life eventually, adding new love and happiness to his that will always reside deep in your heart. Making his even stronger, even more important, because to love and mourn someone that has passed is a great honor, a tribute to sharing your life, and even more importantly, your love with this precious little boy.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. You will be blessed for making that little one so happy and for the love you so freely gave. "do not cry because it is over, smile because it happened"......RIP sweet Moo. you will be dearly missed, you will have a secure place in a loving heart for eternity. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
What a lovely tribute for a beautiful boy. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your sweet Moo. It's such a heartbreaking decision to have to make for our beloved companions, to let them go when they're suffering. My heart goes out to you. :hugs:

I'm glad you have Lux and you can comfort each other.

Rest in peace, little man. :rbheart:


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I am sorry for your loss, another Tuxedo gone :( It is so so tough to have to put them down, but he left this world being held by the one who loved him the most and that was a comfort to him. You did what you had to do albeit the hardest thing, but he is fine now, just fine, and you will meet again one day and it will be wonderful.

"Their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" :rbheart:

I am sorry for your loss, I hope that your heart heals a bit more each day, God Bless.....:alright: :grouphug2: :rbheart:
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 19, 2017
Thank you so much, friends. Your kind words and thoughtful responses have been very helpful throughout the grieving process. The days since have been tough and I have moments where his absence really hits me hard. Seeing his favorite toys or finding a tuft of hair breaks my heart. Lux is lost without him too and doesn’t want me to be out of his sight. I never imagined I would lose a cat at such a young age. I thought it would be nice to share a pic of his first day home, he was such a cutie and a truly good boy from the start. I miss you so much my sweet boy ♥


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
What a stunning boy :loveeyes: His eyes were so expressive and beautiful! He looks so very happy and it was indeed a joyous day with many happy times to come. Have you been giving Tux some comfort grooming?
When I saw Moo's coming home photograph, I immediately thought of a song by Jim Croce and I want to send a link for Tux and you. Stay strong - your TCS family is here for you :grouphug2:

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  • #10


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 19, 2017
What a stunning boy :loveeyes: His eyes were so expressive and beautiful! He looks so very happy and it was indeed a joyous day with many happy times to come. Have you been giving Tux some comfort grooming?
When I saw Moo's coming home photograph, I immediately thought of a song by Jim Croce and I want to send a link for Tux and you. Stay strong - your TCS family is here for you :grouphug2:

Thank you so much for this beautiful song! Of course it made me cry but that’s okay. Thank you also for the compliments on the picture of my sweet boy. I still cry in small spurts when I really think of all the things I loved and miss about him. It’s getting a little bit easier everyday. Lux is hanging in there also. He’s been a lot more vocal since Moo’s passing and I comfort him as best I can. This is just so hard.
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 19, 2017
I got Moo’s clay prints in the mail yesterday. I’m so glad I opted for them. The vet also sent me a hand signed sympathy card which was very kind. I’m just so sad for what happened to him. He was so young, he didn’t deserve that. I miss all his chirps and meows, his front legs over my leg while we relaxed on the couch. He would greet me at the door when I came home and put his front feet on my leg and stretch while I scratched his chin. He was always so happy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
:alright:. day by day, night by long, silent night...those pawprints turned out so well, symbolic of the paw prints on your hearts. It seems that Moo left a lasting impression on the vet's heart, too. Thank you for the update.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 19, 2017
It’s been a month since I lost Moo. He’s still constantly on my mind and everything replays in my head sometimes. I still cry for him but not as much. Just thinking of all his habits and quirks and missing his sounds gets me upset. Seeing pictures of his little face in healthy times makes me smile but also fills me with sadness. My heart hurts a lot and I try to avoid the what ifs. It’s so hard. Lux is doing okay too I guess. I know he misses him and I wonder if he understands. He paws my face in the night and cries through the house sometimes. They were best friends. I’ve considered getting a kitten for him to bond with but I just don’t think either of us are ready for that and I don’t know if I can go through this pain again after Lux passes on too. Thanks for listening, friends. I’m so thankful to have others who can understand what I am going through.

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
It's early day's really no time at all. When we lost our boy Tik I felt sad for his brother. He missed his brother so bad. But I'm glad my hubby insisted we waited because it gave us all time to grieve including Patches. Patches looked for his brother and became more affectionate with us. I'm sure he knew and released how sad we were. We did bring a kitten into the house 1 year later. It didn't take long for them to bond, once Patches had bopped and hissed the compulsory amount of times. I think you will know when the time is right, I also have a feeling that Tik sent Bandit because he knew we needed another cat to make us laugh. He has the same attitude and pursonality as Tik. He reminds me of him most day's but I now smile because that's what he would want. Those pictures are beautiful give your house panther a cuddle from me. And a boop snoop from my little house panther Bandit.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 19, 2017
It's early day's really no time at all. When we lost our boy Tik I felt sad for his brother. He missed his brother so bad. But I'm glad my hubby insisted we waited because it gave us all time to grieve including Patches. Patches looked for his brother and became more affectionate with us. I'm sure he knew and released how sad we were. We did bring a kitten into the house 1 year later. It didn't take long for them to bond, once Patches had bopped and hissed the compulsory amount of times. I think you will know when the time is right, I also have a feeling that Tik sent Bandit because he knew we needed another cat to make us laugh. He has the same attitude and pursonality as Tik. He reminds me of him most day's but I now smile because that's what he would want. Those pictures are beautiful give your house panther a cuddle from me. And a boop snoop from my little house panther Bandit.
I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your boy ♥. Thankfully, you had Patches to help with the grief and to comfort each other. How old were they when this happened? It’s really neat to hear that you see a lot of Tik in your new baby, I would think that’s comforting. It’s also nice to hear that it’s worth it to bring a new kitty home to love. I’m conflicted on it but as you said, I’ll know when/if the time is right.

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your boy ♥. Thankfully, you had Patches to help with the grief and to comfort each other. How old were they when this happened? It’s really neat to hear that you see a lot of Tik in your new baby, I would think that’s comforting. It’s also nice to hear that it’s worth it to bring a new kitty home to love. I’m conflicted on it but as you said, I’ll know when/if the time is right.
My boy's were 2 when we lost Tik. It was a shock to the system because he was so young. But it does get easier with time. Patches helped so much he sensed our pain. It was about a year later. I didn't think my hubby would get another cat then one day he called me to our bedroom window. There was a bunch of kittens playing in our neighbours yard, He was looking for homes for the kitten's so I ended up with a kitten completely different in looks. But he does act very similar. Patches is quite and reserved, Bandit is nicknamed Trouble and isn't scared of anything. He's more dog than cat hubby calls him his puppy cat. Like I said you'll know when the time is right, life has way's of letting us know.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Tik cat's mum Tik cat's mum Your post about the new puppy-cat is endearing. My father's people believe that those who have returned to the Creator rejoin those spirits yet to be born. It is said that the ones who knew us here on earth advise the ones in our future. I have seen that with both pets and people and I find great comfort in that. It feels to me that it is true that Love never dies and while the body perishes, soul and spirit remain.

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
Tik cat's mum Tik cat's mum Your post about the new puppy-cat is endearing. My father's people believe that those who have returned to the Creator rejoin those spirits yet to be born. It is said that the ones who knew us here on earth advise the ones in our future. I have seen that with both pets and people and I find great comfort in that. It feels to me that it is true that Love never dies and while the body perishes, soul and spirit remain.
Your father's people sound wise indeed. Tik was the original puppy cat, I do believe somehow he told that little kitten what his dad needed in a cat. And Bandit has listened to everything he was told. My hubby was hit hard when he lost his heart cat, but has now realised he can love another cat. We just had to find the right one I believe we had help with that.


Officially a cat lady now. No regrets.
Super Cat
Feb 2, 2020
Thank you so much, friends. Your kind words and thoughtful responses have been very helpful throughout the grieving process. The days since have been tough and I have moments where his absence really hits me hard. Seeing his favorite toys or finding a tuft of hair breaks my heart. Lux is lost without him too and doesn’t want me to be out of his sight. I never imagined I would lose a cat at such a young age. I thought it would be nice to share a pic of his first day home, he was such a cutie and a truly good boy from the start. I miss you so much my sweet boy ♥View attachment 391469
This photo just melted my heart. Look at those eyes. Those are the eyes of a kitty who knows he's about to have a life full of love and warmth with a hooman who loves them dearly.

I'm so sorry for your loss, I'm thinking of you and your family!
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 19, 2017
Again, thank you all so much for the kind words. It’s been a month and a half and things are still tough at times. Lux is worrying me a bit with his crying around so I might have to take him to the dr to make sure he’s okay physically, just in case.
Those two were polar opposites. Lux has always been a “cat”, a little stoic who lives in his own world and shows his love in his own way. Moo was different. He wanted touch and love and reassurance. He always wanted to be close and engaged with. He was a very loud purrer, even just looking in his direction would get his motor going. Lux is a silent purrer and I have to touch his throat to know he’s purring. Last night in bed I could actually hear Lux purring loud for the first time. It made me think of Moo and I started crying again. He was such a special boy.
Next week I am taking the generic urn with his cremains back to the crematorium to choose an ornate urn and have it engraved with some sentiments. I feel like it’s the least I can do to honor his beautiful spirit and life. There’ll never be another like him ♥.