Mom Cat Losing Appetite/throwing Up, Kittens With Fleas


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 20, 2018
Hello, I am new to this site but have been reading the threads frequently since I discovered my cat was pregnant. She was a stray kitten that I found last year. She is probably about a year old now. Found another stray and before I saved up the money to fix him he got her pregnant. I do understand that it is ideal to get all cats fixed, but I am a poor college student with a waitressing job and it takes me some time to save up. Both kittens were found outside wet in cold rains, so I tried to do what was right with the means I have. I do plan on getting her fixed as soon as it is safe. She had her kittens on August 8. I have never had a pregnant animal, so I read as much as I could to prepare myself for the birth,and possible complications. She is quite a petite cat, but delivered her litter of 5 beautifully, and everything seemed to be going well until maybe 3 or 4 days later. I found a flea, then another. As they were not even a week old, I have been too scared to give them a bath, but I do change bedding (which I wash on hot and with mild detergent) at least three times a day, and have also been combing them twice a day. I have a dog and I think he brought the fleas into the house because all of my cats are inside cats. Mom and kittens are isolated in my bedroom. I know that fleas are very dangerous to newborn kittens, but you cannot do much but bathe and comb them until they are more mature. There are not countless fleas, I find maybe 10 per day between mom, babies, and the bedding. Mom has seemed fine and continues to nurse, and the kittens continue to gain weight, but I have seen a good decrease in her appetite. At first I was giving her Fancy Feast wet food which she ate tons of, but then developed (what I believe to be, after research) a rodent ulcer. So I changed her food, and now she barely touches it. I have offered her several different brands and flavors; I have even cooked salmon for her, which she ate some of, but not a lot. This happened probably about 4 days ago, around a week after the kittens were born. This morning she woke me up by throwing up, but no food. I could tell her belly was empty. She ate some wet food about an hour afterwards, but soon threw that up also. She has been mostly eating small portions of dry food. It is worth mentioning that she had been on antibiotics up until a few days ago. Her behavior is normal otherwise, but I am obviously still concerned.

This is all very new to me, and the members of this site seem knowledgeable and helpful. Here are my questions:
1) Can anyone provide tips on bathing mom and kittens for fleas? I have heard Dawn dish soap, but am struggling to find any detailed guide.

2) Is it normal for mom's appetite to decrease a week after giving birth?

3) Is there anything I could buy or make for her to help increase her appetite/ ease her upset stomach?

4) Here is the kittens' weight logs.
Number two (b) gained 1.2 oz one day, and lost .2 the next. Since .25 - .50 oz per day is healthy, should I be concerned?

5) When should I make the choice to start feeding mom or kittens KMR?

I am sorry this is so long, and thank you so much for your time and advice.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Goats milk is a good supplement form momma, and also good as alternative to KMR.
IF you use KMR, so the powder version, which is very reliable, NOT the premixed liquid.

Of defleasers, is Advantage II known to be safe for nursing momma and kittens.
You drop on mommas neck, and it should help the kittens too through her milk.

Revolution makes a variation for mommas too, I think.

Otherwise yes, bathing with some Blue Dawn soap. Probably almost any mild liquid soap would do, but tradtionally its blue Dawn is used. :)

Be sure the kittens dont get chilled out while you wash them, nor afterwards.

They had very good birthing weight, all of them. Nay a very occasional weigh dip doesnt matter much, as long as the tendency is up.

But its more concerning about the momma. Yellow Alert!!!
Perhaps some probioticum to help build up the intestine bacterias after the antibiotica? Full fat mild yoghurt if you cant find anything better. If the yoghurt has also added bacteria of lactobacillus and bifidus, your luck is done.

Goats milk... Youghurt, some cheese - these contain also calcium.

If she doesnt start to eat better in a day or two, you will be forced to supplement feed the kittens. As you already are planning on.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 22, 2017
Yes get some KMR, and leave it out everyday for Mom. It can help. It's ok to wash the kittens. I find it's easier to start them young so they get used to the water. I live where it gets over 100 degrees daily so I always took the kittens, and long haired cats, and washed them so they don't over heat. If you live where its colder though make sure they don't get chilled. Use warm water, and dry them off right after. Maybe even have a towel warmed by the dryer waiting. I'm not too knowledgeable about the Mama cat being sick part, but I can help with some questions about the kitrens if needed. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 22, 2017
First, do you have a heating pad or heat lamp in the kitten nest? The point being that if you do wash the kittens, you need to dry them immediately after washing them, then put them in the nest with the heat source on.

I rescued a pregnant stray. After she delivered three kittens they found fleas about a weaker two after birth. At the time (pre TCS), the recommendation was to wash the kittens with a no fragrance baby shampoo. I used Johnson & Johnson.

First you completely wet the kitten with water very warm to your touch, then put a drop or two of shampoo on the kitten. Lather up the kitten, then rinse it with very warm water, vigorously dry, and if you have enough dry towels, wrap it up into a 'purrito'. When you have washed and rapped all the kittens, unwrap them and put them into the nest with the heat source. If using a heating pad, make sure it is on low, covered with a light blanket or a couple more towels.

The fleas drown when you wash with soap. The soap reduces the water tension, which permits it to enter the fleas's spiracles (the breathing holes), which drowns the fleas.

This is probably way to much information. But washing the kittens will de-flea them.

Moma's problems are worrisome. Try giving her some of the KMR,(powdered), and you mix it, she may be able to keep it down. Plus it will keep her hydrated, and with the extra fat, calcium, and protein, it will help her to keep nursing the kittens. But she may need to see a vet if she does not recover.

Please give us updates! Thank you for rescuing both cats!.



Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
O Ofeld19 How is it going?

I do continue to think on you and your momma. Im changing my mind. If she isnt better, begin to supplement the kittens already now.

The first day may be tricky before you and the kittens got the knack of it. So its better to do it withouth stress you got to give food into them at any price.
Read on how to give, look up youttube instructions, and begin.
Kittens having momma are often reluctant to bottle, so a little syringe or a dropper is practically a must.

Momma... If she is sick for real, SHE will need a heating pad, if its chilly in your place. The sick ones are always freezing, no?

Re foods. Eggs are good. If you dont have problems with salomonella in eggs in your place, you can add raw egg yolk to her food. Good nutrients and easy digestible.
Otherwise you boil or scramble the whole egg...

Give her pedialyte as water source is wise - best clear flavorless for babies.
Contains both salts and some glucose. So it by itself gives her some calories.

If you dont have pedialyte at hand, you can mix a little honey into her drinking water.
If she becomes critical - you can smear sweet water with honey on her lips and gum...

If your vet is any good, its wise to let the vet check up her, of course.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 20, 2018
StefanZ, it is going better. Later on Monday she had a runny, very pungent bowel movement and I got even more worried. She usually loves eggs, so I did make her hard boiled eggs. She refused them but I made her some tilapia and she ate most all of it. Since then, her appetite has returned but only for certain things (basically any seafood that I offer her). Got her to eat a small bit of broccoli but sprinkling it on top, but I figure an almost completely fish diet is better than nothing. I am definitely going to take your advice on the goat's milk, KMR, and Pedialyte and see how she responds. No more throwing up or irregular bowel movements, so I think she is okay now. Seems like it may have just been the wet foods that weren't agreeing with her. Kittens are doing well and beginning to walk on their own. Since they are now two weeks old, I feel more comfortable bathing them and will probably do so tonight. I bought a heating pad just for this occasion, and with everyone's advice hopefully I will be successful in exterminating the fleas.

Thank you so much for taking the time to think about my cat's case and offer advice; it is greatly appreciated! :)
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 20, 2018
First, do you have a heating pad or heat lamp in the kitten nest? The point being that if you do wash the kittens, you need to dry them immediately after washing them, then put them in the nest with the heat source on.

I rescued a pregnant stray. After she delivered three kittens they found fleas about a weaker two after birth. At the time (pre TCS), the recommendation was to wash the kittens with a no fragrance baby shampoo. I used Johnson & Johnson.

First you completely wet the kitten with water very warm to your touch, then put a drop or two of shampoo on the kitten. Lather up the kitten, then rinse it with very warm water, vigorously dry, and if you have enough dry towels, wrap it up into a 'purrito'. When you have washed and rapped all the kittens, unwrap them and put them into the nest with the heat source. If using a heating pad, make sure it is on low, covered with a light blanket or a couple more towels.

The fleas drown when you wash with soap. The soap reduces the water tension, which permits it to enter the fleas's spiracles (the breathing holes), which drowns the fleas.

This is probably way to much information. But washing the kittens will de-flea them.

Moma's problems are worrisome. Try giving her some of the KMR,(powdered), and you mix it, she may be able to keep it down. Plus it will keep her hydrated, and with the extra fat, calcium, and protein, it will help her to keep nursing the kittens. But she may need to see a vet if she does not recover.

Please give us updates! Thank you for rescuing both cats!.

Well momma is doing now. Her appetite is back but she is still picky, so right now it's mostly seafood. However, I am definitely going to try giving her some KMR.

Not too much info at all! I appreciate all the details, I would like to be as prepared and in the loop as possible. With the advice of the replies I have gotten, I think I'll be able to do it properly and effectively. I am thankful that the members of this site love and care about cats as much as I do. Thank you so much for your help!

Picture of mom (right) and dad (left) months ago.

They thank you!
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 20, 2018
Yes get some KMR, and leave it out everyday for Mom. It can help. It's ok to wash the kittens. I find it's easier to start them young so they get used to the water. I live where it gets over 100 degrees daily so I always took the kittens, and long haired cats, and washed them so they don't over heat. If you live where its colder though make sure they don't get chilled. Use warm water, and dry them off right after. Maybe even have a towel warmed by the dryer waiting. I'm not too knowledgeable about the Mama cat being sick part, but I can help with some questions about the kitrens if needed. :)
Thank you for the details. I am going to try both the KMR and bathing them tonight. I will remember you if I have any further questions about kitten care. Thank you so much for your advice! :)