Molly has turned into a monster


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 20, 2008
I got Molly this beautiful calico about one yr ago....from my vets office....they had rescued a litter of kittens born outside in a wood shed...she lived outside for the first 3 months of her life...( if this helps) ...I brought her into my home making her the 5th cat...I had 2 males and 2 females b4 adding her...Things were fine until about 2 months ago...well I say fine as far as the cats all getting alone...Molly lets say has no manners...I have to lock her in her own room to be fed....she will eat anything thats left out...Nothing seems off limits to her...
At first I would simply remove her from the tables /counters....and say NO...this has not worked...we are at the point now where we have been spraying her with a water....I know some aren't fond of this but nothing seems to work...even the water isn't working...We dont have to spray her much ..just shake it and she will jump off....But she will jump right back up...I don't get her...
I can deal with the bad manners more so than her attacking all but one male...She fights with them all the time now...Mostly one smaller female..NO one in my house is happy about this because its keeping us awake at night...I bring the smaller cat into the bedroom with my now...she however meows to get out around 4/5 am...
So now I have alot of my family members wanting to get rid of her....I have never rehomed a pet in my life b4 and don't know I can do it...but I can't explain Molly in any other way....other than to say she gets into anything and everything...she makes me laugh at times with the antics...but sometimes its just not funny....
Any suggestions on what to do about Molly ...We used to call her Molly the Dolly but now its more like Molly the Monster...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2007
Can you think of anything that could have changed in the house 2 months ago? That is the only thing I can think of. It could be something so simple (to us humans) that you would not think it would be a trigger. Did any furniture get moved? Change in household schedule? Is she physically well?

A big question I have is: Is there enough vertical space for her? She likes the counters so must feel the need to be up high. Make sure there are enough spaces she is allowed on. Like cat trees or make your own shelving for the walls just for her. She could be getting territorial and acting out because of needing space. Alpha cats like to be up higher than the rest.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 20, 2008
I can't think of anything thats changed....she used to bolt outside any chance she got early I had to start letting her outside..but she is tied on a 15 foot leash right outside my back door...she comes and goes as she pleases...but its been getting colder and she isn't going out as often...But this war with the other cats has been going on b4 the colder weather....I have 2 cat trees and even a room thats basicly for the cats only with toys and high places and beds....I even tried rescue remedy in their water....I'm at a loss..because I don't like her picking on the other cats...And I believe she is healthy...she isn't showing any signs of being ill....Its frustrating because I don't want to have to get rid of her


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Do you have any Feliway diffusers running in your house? If not, that might help her calm down some. Is she spayed? If she isn't that might help, too.

For the counters, you have to make it uncomfortable for her to be up there. Try empty soda bottles filled a bit with some dry beans then tape the top shut. Line the counter with them, near the landing spot. The noise from the soda cans rattling when she slides into them should scare her. You can also use one of those everytime she's somewhere you don't want her to be. Rattle the can and tell her "NO!" very sternly. Don't yell and stop using the spray bottle!

You can also get carpet runners from the home improvement store. Cut them to fit your counters and other surfaces. Turn them upside down so the little knobby things are the bottom are pointing up. When she jumps on them, they won't hurt her, but it will make it uncomfortable for her to be on them and she should hop down. She'll associate the uncomfortable feeling with the counter and shouldn't keep jumping up there.

Invest in a cat tree so she'll have an appropriate high place to be. Put it near a window so she can see outside.

If she's meowing outside your door early in the morning, plug the vacuum in near your bed, unplug it and turn it on so that if you plug it in, it'll turn on. Place the vacuum outside your bedroom door. When she starts howling, plug that puppy in and scare her away. Do it as long as she keeps howling. Again, she'll soon associate the vacuum with your door and hopefully stop howling at the door.

Sounds like she's just 'feeling her oats' with her age (like a teenager) and pushing the limits. She also sounds very feisty and stubborn!
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 20, 2008
She is not afraid of the soda can either used that b4 the spray bottle. Spray bottle is the only thing that gets any reaction from here. And yes she is the most stubborn cat I've ever had in 25 years of owning cats...

white cat lover

TCS Member
Nov 17, 2005
Are all the cats spayed/neutered?

She sounds like she is hitting the "teenage years" & hitting them hard. How old are the other cats vs her age?

It is possible many of the "monster" behaviors stem from boredom, or an effort to keep herself occupied. She may not be "attacking" the other cats, but rather plays very hard. (See this video for evidence of how cats play differently - this is two of my cats during a pre-play "fake fight") Some kitties are just a handful by nature. Is there any chance you can build or create an outdoor enclosure for her to have access to?

How often do you play interactively with her? Maybe invest in Da Bird & make sure you play with her for 15 minute sessions at least 2x/day.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
I agree with all that is said. I am assuming she is spayed.

There could be something so insignificant (to a human) you would not notice it. A strange cat hanging around outside. A change in laundry detergent. Some one teasing her when you aren't around to see it.

Get some feliway plug in diffusers.

Give her some special Game time, interactive time with you, every single night about the same time. One on one, you and Molly Game time, every night.

How many litter boxes do you have? Perhaps add one or two more, in a different location.

And, I think you should bring her in for a check up. Cats hide illness until they are very sick and can no longer hide it. Usually by the time one sees a cat is sick, the cat has been ill for quite some time. Any significant change in behavior, in my opinion, warrants a vet visit.

Is she peeing and pooping normally?

Please keep us posted.

by the way. Tethering a cat outside is very dangerous for the cat. If something should threaten her she would not be able to get away. Not only that, she could hurt herself badly, trying to get away. I wouldn't advise it at all, but I hope, at least, you only do this when you are right there with her.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 20, 2008
Ok let me answer some of these questions....All my cats are "fixed" and have been since they were kittens..I have a 14 yr old cat....3 cats that are 8 yrs old..then Molly who was 1 in July...I have 5 litter boxes and keep them very clean....She uses them without any issues....she eats very well....she is a very large cat for a female..And the one cat she picks on the most is a tiny female maybe 6 pounds.....Last time Molly was at the vets she was 10 pounds...I felt I had no choice but to tie her outside....she would bolt anytime the door would open...I didn't want her to be an outdoor cat I fought it for months....but in the end she won...She was much happier getting outside daily...its not like she is outside all day...until the cooler weather started here she was only outside when I I let her out in the am....and usually she will go in and out several times a day..SHE totally lets us know when she wants in.....I work from home so I am here...and her harness is one that if u pull on it it lets IF she was threatened by something she could get away....The snow is going to be falling soon and she will be in for the winter months.....In the spring I will give some more thought to an enclosure for her.....
I think she has a ton of engery to burn.....I have toys for her which she plays with alot....Myself and other members of my family play with all the animals but maybe she needs a little extra play time...I was checking out some new toys today....I didn't see da bird not sure they have it in Canada....
Anyways....I think the extra play is a very good idea....thanks for the idea...I will try anything so we can keep her....Like I said she maybe trying at times but she makes me laugh alot.....

I have tons of pics like this....she is a funny