Missy the feral cat

dr rizk

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 23, 2015
Afew months ago I noticed two young black cats running around the neighborhood. Very close in age and look almost identical so I figured brother and sister. The brother is always on the move and hardly see him. the sister ,I call Missy, I have been feeding on a daily basis. Both cats will swat and hiss or run if anyone gets to close. She has been feeding just about every day for 3 months. Its winter so its freezing out and not much food to go around. There are many other feral/strays around and seem to attack Missy a lot. She runs instead of fighting back. I have seen her jump off my 2nd story roof to avoid other cats twice. I was putting food outside when she would show up but figured to try and prevent more cat fights I'd open my exterior door and prop it so she could squeeze in and get warm and eat in peace. She took to this very well and rarely has to worry of another cat showing up. I have shut the door 2 times but she flips out and I end up letting her back out.

my concern is about how much she has been eating. the last 2 maybe 3 weeks she hasn't been around as often and I have been lucky to see her once per day. before I could see her 3 times or more. When she shows up I prop the door and she comes in and sits by the door watching me as I put fresh wet food and some dry food down for her. She is starting to trust me (from a distance) but shows up and eats sometimes only once per day. I feed the birds and have seen cats prey on them but I have not seen her hunt successfully at all. she wants to hunt but she seems afraid. the squirrels tease her. once I watched her chase a squirrel then the squirrel turns around. cat and squirrel are face to face and cat will back off.  I don't think she is getting enough. I give her a can of "Sheba" pate and a scoop of dry food. I don't think 1 3oz can is enough even with the dry food. I know she worries about the other cats and doesn't like the snow but she should be here more often. I have thought maybe she has someone else feeding her also cause she doesn't look to be starving.

Is she eating enough?


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Afew months ago I noticed two young black cats running around the neighborhood. Very close in age and look almost identical so I figured brother and sister. The brother is always on the move and hardly see him. the sister ,I call Missy, I have been feeding on a daily basis. Both cats will swat and hiss or run if anyone gets to close. She has been feeding just about every day for 3 months. Its winter so its freezing out and not much food to go around. There are many other feral/strays around and seem to attack Missy a lot. She runs instead of fighting back. I have seen her jump off my 2nd story roof to avoid other cats twice. I was putting food outside when she would show up but figured to try and prevent more cat fights I'd open my exterior door and prop it so she could squeeze in and get warm and eat in peace. She took to this very well and rarely has to worry of another cat showing up. I have shut the door 2 times but she flips out and I end up letting her back out.

my concern is about how much she has been eating. the last 2 maybe 3 weeks she hasn't been around as often and I have been lucky to see her once per day. before I could see her 3 times or more. When she shows up I prop the door and she comes in and sits by the door watching me as I put fresh wet food and some dry food down for her. She is starting to trust me (from a distance) but shows up and eats sometimes only once per day. I feed the birds and have seen cats prey on them but I have not seen her hunt successfully at all. she wants to hunt but she seems afraid. the squirrels tease her. once I watched her chase a squirrel then the squirrel turns around. cat and squirrel are face to face and cat will back off.  I don't think she is getting enough. I give her a can of "Sheba" pate and a scoop of dry food. I don't think 1 3oz can is enough even with the dry food. I know she worries about the other cats and doesn't like the snow but she should be here more often. I have thought maybe she has someone else feeding her also cause she doesn't look to be starving.

Is she eating enough?
I too think some else is too helping her. Good to her, not to be totally dependant on just one source of food. Esp as she isnt no good hunter.

What bothers me, she should be spayed before she gets unwanted kittens.   For this, you dont need to win her trust, but you take her in a trap.

Can you coax her in a carrier, do you think?  If not, lend or buy a trap, and the first days, you may give her food in that trap...

And later on, when you do it sharp, to the vet you go.  With the trap and all.

You can even let her be in this trap even 24hours, if you must wait on the vet appointment.   Put a blanket above, so it feels alike a nice hidey, and also, isolates from the cold some.

Otherwise, she sounds like a good candidate for fostering, as she isnt not very succesfull semi-ferale, She is one of thosw whom will be grateful to be taken inside.  After some fostering, of course...

Is it possible for you to give her this place, put in tis effort?
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dr rizk

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 23, 2015
I have thought about trapping her but kind of last resort. I would love to take her in and keep her. I don't feed any of the others out there. She comes in to eat and she isn't nearly as jumpy as the 1st few times. I have took in other cats but they we happy to come in and make this their home. She is very skittish and if someone else is feeding her its at her discretion I'm sure. My last cat "Purdy" was a Siamese snowshoe mix I think, and she was more a stray but very skittish also. But once she understood she didn't have to leave she didn't. She had FIP and I was unaware. I had her for maybe 2 years before it became apparent she was sick. Just stopped eating and her chest filled with fluids and vet advised to put her down which SUCKED!!! Missy if she so chooses will fill the void. I want a cat and she needs a home. I have been within an inch but never touched her as she is too fearful. today was been 2 days so far since I have seen her so I hope she is well.

If I do manage to find her trust and she accepts here as home I plan to get her checked right away and her to be spayed. When I first seen the male and female I noticed the male was bigger his coat was very nice sheen solid black and he stood and walked tail up and confident. She was smaller her coat was dull solid black with 1 tiny centered white spot below her chin and not cared for and is a ghost ninja and rare to spot. I have considered taking both and the male seems he would have readily but she freaked out if he was anywhere around. Im guessing they are maybe 1 year or younger.

Out of all the stray / feral cats out there I think she is the only female I have seen. so if I cant win her trust by early spring I think I will at least TNR her. maybe she will accept home after that but I don't know. I have thought if she stops showing up before or after TNR I will just find a kitten somewhere.

If I wasn't stuck in the city I'd deeply consider a bobcat. One can dream right? 


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Two things come to mind.  Missy sounds like she needs you more than you know.  She's small and weak in a situation where those two attributes will mean a short, harsh life.

Trap her as soon as you can, spay and vet her and bring her in,  It may take some time and she may never be a lap cat but you will have saved her sweet soul from a horrible fate.

The second thing I thought of is that unless you spay and/or neuter every cat outside that you can, you will have many, many more cats than you can deal with.  Even if the males are predominant, they will hunt for females in heat, fight with one another over territory and spay/mark everything they can to claim that territory.
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dr rizk

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 23, 2015
I have got her inside and the door shut 2 times but she freaked out so I let her back out. She is much better shape then afew months ago. she is now bigger then the brother and her coat is very nice. She has patients with me but hasn't got to the hands on threshold yet. I can see it in her eyes she wants to trust me but 1 step forward 2 steps back for sure. I worry if I risk trying to trap her and get her spayed and any medical help needed I might miss the chance to have her as my cat. But I now think I got to do what is best for her and if she comes back afterwards I guess I can try again. I have already thought about getting a kitten somewhere if things don't pan out with her. I can see she will be very loyal and independent if she became house cat. I don't need a lap cat but I'm sure I can make her one. I have a deep connection with animals but more so with cats. 

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dr rizk

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 23, 2015

the kitty pic reminds me a lot of her brother I call " Mister " Get it brother Mister and sister Missy. I haven't seen Mister in weeks.
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  • #7

dr rizk

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 23, 2015
srry I know I get lost in my paragraphs but assuming she is not getting food elsewhere 1 3oz can of wet food and a scoop or so of dry food per day, Is this enough to get her through winter?

I noticed she has added some weight and her coat is nice just don't want her to suffer. I wish the cat would show up more regularly. Sometimes its 5am other times its 5pm. usually every day but has skipped 2 days now. I cant imagine the cat sit outside and not eat in fear of the weather and other cats. When she eats she is sometimes rushed but often she seems very relaxed as long as no other cats show up. I gave her some catnip and have seen her bounce of the walls and roll around and expose her belly and doesn't mind me watching. she has alrady came a long long way. I figure when I can touch her it will be a sealed deal and she will be mine. But as earlier stated I think someone beat me to the punch and is also taking care of her. Maybe in their house and why I haven't seen her.
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  • #8

dr rizk

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 23, 2015
So happily Missy shown up around 3am. Right in middle of a rain storm. 10 minutes before I checked and noticed a small opossum eating bird seed. Came back a few minutes later and small opossum still eating go to the door and open it and the largest opossum I have ever seen was looking in. I clapped afew times and they both ran afew feet away. Just then Missy flies pass them to the door and in. As she was eating the two opossum went back to eating bird seed. Not even 5 minutes I can hear a cat likely after Missy fighting the opossum. She was alert but ate. Not sure if she has ate in 2 days now I gave her 2 cans instead of one and she ate about her usual amount so she must not be too hungry. Im glad cause means she must be getting food elsewhere too. She was dry. Didn't notice any wounds or limping so visually she seems good.

She is terrified of other cats but very stubborn with raccoons and opossum. Crazy cat.


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Everyone needs to feel secure.  If Missy is being bullied by the cats, she may need to hold her own with the opossums and other critters.

Trapping and spaying/vetting her will be traumatic but it is really the best way to get her help.  Think of it this way.  You child falls and really hurts herself.  Do you worry about how she'll feel about you or do you get her to the hospital for help?

Spaying her will calm her down, so your patience with socializing her will pay off.  The whole process is easier with a plan.  Get a trap, find a vet and perhaps other resources (low-cost spaying programs near you)..  Get a room ready for her recuperation and socializing  and then go to it!

We're her for help and encouragement.
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dr rizk

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 23, 2015
I guess I am a bit too concerned with how she will feel. I have read that feral cats sometimes will run off/ not come back if things are too traumatic. Its been months and at the beginning if I looked at her while eating she would flee to now she comes in and waits patiently and watches curiously instead of fearfully.as I move around just feet away and offer her food. She just feels so close to giving in and once I get her to accept being touched and handled I'd feel much better about a vet visit and how much easier it would be to win her back over after getting fixed and healthy (if not already).

I did kind of plan as last resort once it starts to warm up if she hasn't came around as to trust me and stay inside, I'd trap her and at least get her seen to get fixed and checkup. But figured I'd let her go after she healed if she was still not going for it. What is the earliest a cat will get pregnant? Sadly I'm not sure about if I could take care of her and kittens. Plus if she had kittens and still not fully trust me she might attack me out of fear of harm to her kittens. I think that would be a NO Deal.

Thanks all for advice and support into this situation I've no experience. I thought my cat bonding abilities would have won her over by now but she is a rock. She is starting to warm up though. Her first interaction she initiated was over a month ago. I was getting her food and she snuck in behind me an sniffed my foot. She used to only hiss and swat or flee.

ADDED: she just shown up at 10:40pm. She has some of yesterdays Sheba salmon pate with added water , canned chicken added water, and dry cat food. Just added some catnip to a old sweater. Something I noticed was she never drinks straight water. its fresh every time she shows up. But when added to her meal she drinks all fluids first before she ever eats. She ate a bit of each but B-lined for the catnip and was rolling and rubbing around. She drops her guard big time. Nice to see her relax.

She seems very smart. She steps on a piece of metal that acts at a kitty doorbell so I know when she is here. And once I prop the door for her to come in she usually stands guard at the door so no cats or critters sneak up. Then I tell her , "come on" and on the first call and every time she comes in. She is learning me and adjusting.
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dr rizk

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 23, 2015
Missy was back around 530am. She ate good and licked up the catnip I offered her. After eating it all she checked her food again then back to old sweater and squatted. She has never done this before. I need to get her to use the litter box asap. Cant have cat pee everywhere. Happy she is showing up more often now. When she left she looked round and seems she was full. She needs to put on some fat but seems unhindered by the cold.

Researching spay / neuter clinics around here and going to start looking for a trap. She will take weeks im sure to warm up to it enough to catch her. I will just feel so bad if after all this time all this work out the window if she reverts and doesn't accept here as home.


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Cats can get pregnant as early as four or five months, so it is almost never too early to spay her.  Feed her in the trap - tie the door open so it doesn't spring.  Place the food at the entrance at first, then gradually move it back into the trap.  Within a week, she should be eating in the trap, near the spring.  Once she's there, you can set the trap and set her appointment.

It should not take more than a week.  Do it now, too, as spring is coming fast!

Once she is spayed, you can bring her in, set her up in her own room and start socializing her.  That may take some time but it is do-able.  She already trusts you, so take advantage of it.

And even if she refuses to stay inside, you have saved her from a life of litter after litter until she dies.
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  • #13

dr rizk

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 23, 2015
Cats can get pregnant as early as four or five months, so it is almost never too early to spay her.  Feed her in the trap - tie the door open so it doesn't spring.  Place the food at the entrance at first, then gradually move it back into the trap.  Within a week, she should be eating in the trap, near the spring.  Once she's there, you can set the trap and set her appointment.

It should not take more than a week.  Do it now, too, as spring is coming fast!

Once she is spayed, you can bring her in, set her up in her own room and start socializing her.  That may take some time but it is do-able.  She already trusts you, so take advantage of it.

And even if she refuses to stay inside, you have saved her from a life of litter after litter until she dies.
Thanks for the advice. I really needed it to get past worrying she might hold a grudge. Spring is right around the corner it feels. Already starting to warm up. I need to trap her asap. You are right too about even if she doesn't stay inside I can still help her regardless. The plan seems to be coming together. Once I find a trap to borrow I will get her trapped and to the vet. Afterwards I can try to earn her trust.

Thanks again for the help and guidance. Cats rule. Cat people rule too.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 1, 2016
Hello just reading thru the forums and seen the post regarding using a cat trap.. To trap out Jatt I got our washing basket and propped it up on a piece of wood with a string tied around the wood , I then placed a small bowl with cat food in it at the back, he ate from it twice and on the third time I pulled the string .. It worked a treat and trapped him in. I threw a throw rug over the top of it. We then gently slid a flat piece of cardboard under it and picked the whole lot up. My husband did most of this and carried it into the bathroom and released him.. We practised with the trap in the house beforehand to make sure it worked properly. Maybe this will help.


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Hello just reading thru the forums and seen the post regarding using a cat trap.. To trap out Jatt I got our washing basket and propped it up on a piece of wood with a string tied around the wood , I then placed a small bowl with cat food in it at the back, he ate from it twice and on the third time I pulled the string .. It worked a treat and trapped him in. I threw a throw rug over the top of it. We then gently slid a flat piece of cardboard under it and picked the whole lot up. My husband did most of this and carried it into the bathroom and released him.. We practised with the trap in the house beforehand to make sure it worked properly. Maybe this will help.
You made a modified box trap, which sounds like it worked great.  Most people, including me, wouldn't be able to pull that off, so kudos to you! 
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  • #17

dr rizk

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 23, 2015
Hello just reading thru the forums and seen the post regarding using a cat trap.. To trap out Jatt I got our washing basket and propped it up on a piece of wood with a string tied around the wood , I then placed a small bowl with cat food in it at the back, he ate from it twice and on the third time I pulled the string .. It worked a treat and trapped him in. I threw a throw rug over the top of it. We then gently slid a flat piece of cardboard under it and picked the whole lot up. My husband did most of this and carried it into the bathroom and released him.. We practised with the trap in the house beforehand to make sure it worked properly. Maybe this will help.
She is very skittish. She is close to a year I suspect. Not sure she will ever come around to inside only (my hopes) but I will try this until I can get a trap. Thanks for the advice.

I have thought about after I catch her and after the vet visit. I might be able to cordon off a room or the bathroom. I have watched a few videos when the person had several stray/feral cats in a large dog crate and cared for and socialized the cats. Missy freaks if I get too close. The 1st time I trapped her inside, I waited until she walked in and I got the door shut. she went crazy but never attacked me. she ended up atop my refrigerator. She sat there about a good half hour and clawed at the window often. I was very worried she would hurt herself. So I let her back out. The large dog crate might be ideal as I don't want to walk into a room and get attacked. LOL Im not sure if she would.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 1, 2016
You made a modified box trap, which sounds like it worked great.  Most people, including me, wouldn't be able to pull that off, so kudos to you! 
Thank you Ondine. A little luck on my side I think but so happy Jatt is in with us. :)


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 1, 2016
She is very skittish. She is close to a year I suspect. Not sure she will ever come around to inside only (my hopes) but I will try this until I can get a trap. Thanks for the advice.

I have thought about after I catch her and after the vet visit. I might be able to cordon off a room or the bathroom. I have watched a few videos when the person had several stray/feral cats in a large dog crate and cared for and socialized the cats. Missy freaks if I get too close. The 1st time I trapped her inside, I waited until she walked in and I got the door shut. she went crazy but never attacked me. she ended up atop my refrigerator. She sat there about a good half hour and clawed at the window often. I was very worried she would hurt herself. So I let her back out. The large dog crate might be ideal as I don't want to walk into a room and get attacked. LOL Im not sure if she would.
Hi Dr Rizk I too was uneasy about trapping Jatt but Missy is a lot older so I understand the issues you may have with her .. I think if you get her to trust feeding in a trap before engaging it to close this will help. I have 1 kitten in each bathroom, Loki being totally feral is /was very skittish and sounds like Missy. From my experience so far patience and feeding are the key if you get her inside. On my post/thread I followed all the advice and support from yourself and Molly and Loki is coming along really well. I was pretty scared of Loki and am still a little but everyday there is a little more hope and a little more progress. I think Missy with your love and attention will come along too, when Loki became aggressive at times especially at the start I would just cover the basics, keep the bathroom clean , feed him, talk constantly while I was in there and respect his space .. Then I would leave .. I ignored his hissing and bad behaviour and would leave .. After a few days the hissing and clawing his way up my blinds became less and less and know after 2 weeks he comes out and eats from my hand and is starting to play with his toy thanks to the catnip .. Keep going Dr Ritz you can do it and turn her around from living a life frought with anxiety and fear to one of knowing love and peace.