Minced Chicken Frames - Bone Percentage?


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 22, 2016
Hi all,

My two kitties have been eating raw for the past two months and they are doing great!

However, neither of them will touch a bone yet. So far, it appears they'd rather starve then eat the actual bone itself lol. (I have never tried fasting past 20 hours as that's too much of a risk).

At the moment I am using eggshells as my calcium source, but I am considering switching to minced chicken frames.

Does anyone know what the bone percentage might be for chicken frames? Im in Australia if that makes a difference (since chicken frames could be different % in different countries).

If I cant find some accurate information I will stick with the eggshells, I would just prefer bone if possible as it is more biologically appropriate.

Thanks in advance for your help


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 17, 2007
Houston, Tx
The table below shows data from the USDA database and reflects the typical composition of products purchased from US markets. I can't say how closely the data would match what you find in Australia. Australia maintains a similar database but I don't believe it contains bone data.  I would recommend testing how closely the data matches by purchasing chicken breasts or thighs and measuring the meat/bone/skin composition. Using chicken breats for the test might be best. In the US chickens are breed to have large breasts because there is greater demand here for white meat.

Once you've determine the bone content of what you are feeding you can use this calculator to determine how much meat and organs are needed to dilute the bone content down to what you want.

Let us know if you have any more questions.
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