Yes, she is a small cat. My other cat Luna is 10lbs and she is thin, but a good weight, while Little kitty is 11.5 pounds and she looks huge. She has a very small frame, very short tail, short legs, short body, overall just small. Luna is taller, long. They almost weigh the same now and Luna looks like a healthy weight while Kitty is still overweight. So you can definitely tell that one cat is big and one is small.MeganLLB Little Kitty must be truly little to be 8 lbs as a healthy weight. Luciano is about 13.5 lbs & he is skinny. I guess he's a large size cat, 39 inches from front paw to back paw when stretched out.
If she would let me handle her, I would like to get her measurements and compare the two cats.