Mewjhur Update


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 4, 2010
New Mexico
It's been nearly a year since I posted about Miewjhur, the problems I was having with her, and felt utterly driven off by what I felt were unjust and overly harsh commentary. Some how I felt I needed to return and post an update on her status.

Miewjhur is, according to veterinarians (both those specializing in the care of felines and otherwise) outstandingly healthy. In the months between the postings and her first birthday things slowly started to improve. The attacks became further apart. She was still having some rather violent 'episodes' and after several trips to veterinarians we settled on simply retaining a daily schedule of homeopathic drops (she grew to enjoy them, especially the belladonna). This calmed her enough for me to handle her (so that I may cap her claws and the like), pet her, and slowly earn her trust in as tender a way as possible. By the time she had her first birthday she was no longer attacking me at random though still growling at me during our interactions. During this time I also started the slow process of changing their food. All of the cats are currently on Blue Wilderness mixed with Wellness Core blended in.

In September Miewjhur did end up with a medical emergency. She'd eaten something, plastic most likely, that got stuck in her intestinal tract. We went from one vet who only took x-rays and indicated they could not do anything to the local emergency vet who said a regular vet could indeed help and they didn't want to traumatize Miew or myself with unneeded procedures (and unwarranted cost). This lead to yet another vet who took her in for the better part of a week and did indeed get the item through her system safely. At the end of that time the vet had seen what appeared to be an anomaly in her intestinal tract; everything was pushed to one side of her body as opposed to spread through out. This lead to one of the worst veterinary experience I have ever put a pet through and I will never allow to happen again.

Miewjhur and I made the journey to get an ultrasound done. I won't go into the details as it could be a novella in and of itself but suffice to say nothing this lady and her assistant did was correct. Poor Miew was horribly upset and I was in tears. I took her and left without it having shown anything of use. She slept the whole way home, even while I dropped the files off at the vet who sent us. The vet saw nothing and a week later it had all been for naught. She saw the vet three more times for further x-rays, showing in time her intestines had spread back out as they needed to be.

During all of this madness the whole gambit of blood and urine tests were done. Nothing, I repeat, nothing was found to be wrong with her on any level outside of having a stopped up system due to some chomped on plastic. There were many accusations leveled at me when I posted before about her behavior. Many insisted I run through these tests and I did not want to put her through that after minor tests that had been done had indicated good health. Now that all the tests have been done and have shown that yes she is in perfect physical health I do hope that maybe this sort of thing won't be crammed down the throat of the next person looking for help.

Almost a full year later... Miew and I are getting along wonderfully. She has not needed the homeopathic drops since the first week of October. She hasn't attacked since the medical insanity of mid-September. She comes running when I call, I can pet her, pick her up, kiss her nose and forehead, and even massage her toes when she's half asleep. She follows me about the house and sleeps either outside my bedroom or just inside the door beside my space heater. Even now she's sitting behind me watching the screen.

Some of you offered genuine support and ideas as to how to handle my Miewjhur and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Others I found rude and offering nothing but an overly superior tone. For those of you who were the latter of the two... I hope maybe you soften your tone. Just because some one is looking for help, it doesn't make them helpless. I did what I felt to be right for Miewjhur and myself and it not only worked out but my little ball of fluff is healthy, happy and, best of all, no longer angry and violent. In fact, I think I will go and play with her right now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Glad she is doing alright...
In looking through your past thread, I find no harsh , unjust, or rude comments, what I do find however, is a lot of advices and a lot of time we took offering you tips only to get back defensive responses in return. But here are are... You did change the food, which all of us advised you to do over and over again, to no avail at the time, and alas, she is no longer aggressive - go figure!

Anyways, I wish you wouldn't had returned again with seven rocks to throw on us right off the bat... This would then be a much more positive thread to begin with, as we are, surely, happy your baby is doing better after all.


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Hello! I am fairly new on this site and have to say each day I become more fond of everyone here at TCS
. I read through the thread that Carolina just posted since I was not on TCS at that time. (thanks Carolina

I have to honestly say, that I do not think anyone was overly harsh or unjust in their posts. I read it word for word, honestly
. It didn't seem to read at all that people were insulting you, they were trying to help... and I do feel for you going through that with Miew. It seems that it was a very emotional time (understandly so) for you and you felt you were being berated and felt the need to get defensive (which can happen to the best of us in these types of situations) especially when it comes to our babies, and we feel that people are judging or questioning our meowmy abilities. This is a message board filled with tons of expertise about cats and varing opionions.... Not everyone will want to take what someone else says, but when you ask a question on this site, be prepared to get the God's honest truth and some great collective knowledge. I think this is a great place and it is beyond comparison to anything else I have ever belonged to regarding cats.

Man, sorry about going on like this!! As you can see, we are a group of people totally committed to the care of our cats, Number one above anything else, and that has to come first even before feelings.

I am truly happy that your Miew is doing so well
. You have had quite a year and have been through alot with this beautiful cat. You have done a great job with her and I can tell you love her very much
and that she is a great gift


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 23, 2010
Your Miewjhur is a beautiful cat! I'm glad she's doing better!


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I'm so glad you found something to help her and that things are going better for you both. She is such a pretty girl!


TCS Member
Jan 24, 2011
Greensboro NC
Hi! I'm glad to hear Miewjhur is behaving better. I know I'm new, both to the community, and to cat ownership, so my opinion might not carry a lot of weight, but I did read your previous thread, and wanted to say that I can see how some of the replies might have come off as condescending or harsh, despite what I'm sure were the best intentions.

It's easy to forget that text is an imperfect medium of communication, given the precision it allows. The fact remains, however, that it is ultimately up to the reader to interpret the intention of another poster's message, and that without useful indicators like body language, tone, inflection, or even insight into that person's personality, it is very easy to misunderstand a message. At the same time, it makes it equally easy to construct a message that does not accurately represent one's intention. So one one side you might have someone who assumes their intention is more clear than it is, and on the other side, have someone who misinterprets, because of a lack of information, and the result can be angry disputes.

I am grateful that you decided to return and give an update, since it might help someone else in the future. I personally don't believe homeopathy is an actual medicine, and in the past (with other animals) I've left vets who used it, but I'm glad you were able to resolve Miew's issues regardless!