Member under Spotlight 22-28 March...LisaR...!!!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
Good morning!...

Today is the turn of another nice member of the site......PLEASE, post here your daily questions for the member during a week,,...ask all about you really wants to know and of course RESPECTING the own Privacy of our MEMBERS,... I want to mention that all questions here are just for the unique porpoise of fun and of course, to stay in touch with all members,.. of course sometimes some questions are a kind of silly but funniest in the bottom!....

SO lets begin….Ladies & Gentlemans, is for me a GREAT PLEASURE introduce to you to:


Hi !....
Congratulations & Welcome at this wonderful week....we try
to be not deeply sneaking in your life!
...SO,...Today the topic would be the Mexican Stuffs that I want to know if you know where I´m living …
AJUA!!!.........Here we go...

1.- ¿Do you know MÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]xico?
…as a country or as a city?
2.- ¿Wich part exactly?
are you came by business or by vacations?
3.- Have you ever hearded about MÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]rida Yucatán MÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]xico????..
.. Is the place where I´m live!
….As you can see in Yucatán is located Chichen Itza (Mayan Ruins) one of the New 7 wonders of the Modern world!...

Here´s the link my friend..(about my city and you can see something too about Chichen….
4.- Can you speak spanish?
5.- Do you have some CD of Spanish music? do you like it?

6.- Have you ever to watched a Mexican Movie? ( I mean with Spanish Dialogs?)
7.-Do you like the Mexican Food?
( do you have any preference for example: burritos, Tacos, rice & beans, etc?)
8.-Do you like the Tequila?
...or else Mexican Alcoholic beverage?
9.- Have you ever to sleeped in a hammock?
10.- Have you ever to saw the traditional mexican clothes?

11.- Do you to know Cancun Mexico? ( Is a beach)
( here´s the link my friend: )

Enought for NOW,
....see you around my friend...


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
Good Morning!! Welcome to the Spotlight! Here are a few questions for you. The theme is (mostly) desert island, i.e. suppose you were stranded on one... and don't worry about the technology to support your choices, that will be taken care of...

1. What would be your five Desert Island CDs? They don't need to come from your own collection. Why would you choose these particular ones?

2. You might also want some reading material. What would be your five Desert Island books? Why?

3. What else would you like to have with you to occupy your time and your mind?

4. Food might be a challenge. If you could have only two or three foods and nothing else, what would you choose? Why?

5. If you could have one human companion, who would that be? Why?

This one is not part of the theme:

6. If you came into a large sum of money -- an unexpected inheritance, a winning, whatever, but "set-you-up-for-life" big -- what would be the first four things you would do?

All for now! Back later. Enjoy your week!


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Welcome to the Spotlight!

What's for dinner tonight?
What did you have for breakfast?
Oldest thing in your refridgerator?
What is your favorite thing tye of weather?
Favorite Yankee Candle scent?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 18, 2009
Question: How are the cat/dog intros going?? That was one of the last posts of yours I read a while back.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 9, 2009
So when I signed up for this I totally thought I would forget about it.. and guess what.

I've been so busy I totally forgot to check the cat forums.



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 9, 2009
1.- ¿Do you know MÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]xico?…as a country or as a city?

I've only been to Mexico a couple of times, and only into the border towns. I always say that doesn't really "count" because well border towns are border towns.

2.- ¿Wich part exactly? are you came by business or by vacations?

I being born and raised in Texas we we visited Brownsville, Texas every Thanksgiving as a family. It was not uncommon to cross the border and hang out in Herocia I think it is?

3.- Have you ever hearded about MÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]rida Yucatán MÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]xico????.... Is the place where I´m live!….As you can see in Yucatán is located Chichen Itza (Mayan Ruins) one of the New 7 wonders of the Modern world!...
Here´s the link my friend..(about my city and you can see something too about Chichen….

I would love someday to actually go deeper into Mexico to visit, there is plenty of interesting things there. I can't say I've heard about it because noone I know has visited so deep into Mexico.

4.- Can you speak spanish?

No not really, despite growing up so close to the border unless your family spoke spanish you didn't really learn/keep it. I've studied spanish in school for about 4 years though.

5.- Do you have some CD of Spanish music? do you like it?

I have one of Shakira's spanish CD's. When she hit it big here in english I was curious and looked into it.. and yes I do like it. I've also listened to Tejano radio stations every now and then but it is hard to follow when you do not know the language. I listen to music in a lot of languages.

6.- Have you ever to watched a Mexican Movie? ( I mean with Spanish Dialogs?)

I used to watch spanish soap operas on TV because a local station would post with english subtitles. Unfortunately they never had a movie when I was watching.

7.-Do you like the Mexican Food?( do you have any preference for example: burritos, Tacos, rice & beans, etc?)

I love both traditional mexician food and what we call above the border as Tex-Mex. As for my favorite kind of Mexican food I really like flautas... probably cause they are fried. At least all the ones I've had are fried.

8.-Do you like the Tequila?...or else Mexican Alcoholic beverage?

I love Tequila, I don't really have a favorite brand however. The Margarita is by far my favorite mixed drink with a Cosmopolitan coming in second place.

9.- Have you ever to sleeped in a hammock?

Yes. When I was young we he had one house with some trees in the backyard and I feel asleep reading. Mom eventually woke me up when it was time for dinner. I back then I was like 7 years old.

10.- Have you ever to saw the traditional mexican clothes?

No I don't believe so. From what I've seen I wonder if it authentic, or an Americanized version of it.

11.- Do you to know Cancun Mexico?

I've never been to Cancun, but the beach is quite famous. I hope someday I can visit Cancun as I hear such amazing things about it.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 9, 2009
1. What would be your five Desert Island CDs? They don't need to come from your own collection. Why would you choose these particular ones?

Dido - Life For Rent, Matchbox Twenty - Yourself or Someone Like You, Sheryl Crow - C'mon Cmon, The Calling - Two, Tool - Ænima

As for why I would choose these CDs well mostly because I can listen to them without them growing old. Some of the songs on these CD's I have listened to on repeat for days on end. As for the mix, well you need some upbeat, slow songs and some heavy rock and roll for when you just need to scream.

2. You might also want some reading material. What would be your five Desert Island books? Why?

The Dragon Reborn, from the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, by J. K. Rowling.
The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien.
Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg.
...and I don't know of a 5th book.

These are basically my favorite books of all time and Writing Down the Bones is like my personal like writing handbook. Reading this book just makes you feel so motivated to write something and do things in life. I've probably read Writing Down the Bones at least 6 times in a years time.

3. What else would you like to have with you to occupy your time and your mind?

I'm a gadget person so I would like a computer. I love to sew and draw so some drawing materials pencils/paper and a sewing machine and fabric would be awesome.

4. Food might be a challenge. If you could have only two or three foods and nothing else, what would you choose? Why?

Gaucamole, Sushi and Tortellini soup. I would choose these things because well, they will keep me entertained on a desert island. I've never been too good at these questions.

5. If you could have one human companion, who would that be? Why?

My boyfriend, Matt. The reasoning would be not because I love him, but well he keeps me thinking. He is a good partner when setting up projects and completing tasks. Also he is the only person who would not drive me nuts in a matter of days. It takes a few months lol... at least.

This one is not part of the theme:

6. If you came into a large sum of money -- an unexpected inheritance, a winning, whatever, but "set-you-up-for-life" big -- what would be the first four things you would do?

1) Buy a house.
2) Go eat sushi.
3) Buy some more cat trees/toys and things to put around the house.
4) Set up a small business.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 9, 2009
From Abbey's Mom: What's for dinner tonight?

Spaghetti. Will probably steam some broccoli to go with it.

What did you have for breakfast?

A blueberry pop tart (yes just 1.. not two)

Oldest thing in your refridgerator?

I had to do some investigation and apparently a piece of chocolate cake.. its been sitting there since my birthday.. in November. Yeah I should throw it away.

What is your favorite thing tye of weather?

Sunny breezy weather with a slight chill after a rainy day. So like 80 degrees with a cold breeze and damp outside.

Favorite Yankee Candle scent?

Hazelnut Coffee. I love the smell of coffee...


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 9, 2009
killerapple: How are the cat/dog intros going??

As good as you can expect. Haha. Well Sadie is a puppy so we are still in the process of "training" Sadie. Sadie has not had many accidents in a few days. Mostly going to the bathroom outside. As for how the cats are reacting its crazy every day but is getting better.

I spray Feliway all over the house all the time. When I wake up its part of my morning routine while everyone is eating (animals). Sadie (puppy) is trained to stop about 2 feet from a cat and sit down and not approach further. The cats are ok with this, and have been reinforcing this... if she gets closer she usually gets some scratches. We have nursed some nose scratches so far.

EG has stopped running away from the puppy but still doesn't trust her unless he is physically above her. Isabell hates the puppy, but lets face it Isabell doesn't like ANYONE. I feed the cats seperate from the puppy and close the door so they can feel secure when eating. Litterboxes have covers on them so they feel secure in there. For the most part its been puppy training more then everything. I leave the hard food under the bed during the day that I used to free feed else where (1 cup of hard food between the two of them for while I'm at work cause I work long hours. They both get a can of food in the morning and night when I get home.) Its going pretty good. I bought a cat tree and the two of them are enjoying that a ton.

Still its a fight everyday at feeding time, the kitties have claimed certain things like the bed, etc... Everybody is still eating, playing and purring so I don't really know what to think. We still have the stare downs between the dog and the cats.. but I'm not sure if they will ever be friends. EG had given me a scare at the beginning but after a few days of me coaxing on him he started coming out more and he only boycotted sleeping with me for 3 days. So I'm positive about the whole thing. I think EG given time will come out more and be back to normal.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 9, 2009
As for my week it has been completely crazy. Been working like crazy all week. Between that and planning to go to Houston and vet... and I'm so sorry.

Literally the first time I've checked forums this week.

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
Originally Posted by LisaR

As for my week it has been completely crazy. Been working like crazy all week. Between that and planning to go to Houston and vet... and I'm so sorry.

Literally the first time I've checked forums this week.

Don´t worried my friend!...
at least we have Saturday & sunday for know you better!..

The Topic of today would be Music

1.- Wich one is your favourite Genre of Music?

2.- How many Cd´s do you have?

3.- Wich one is your favourite singer Male?

4.- Wich one is your favourite singer Female?
5.- Have you ever to listened at ?????

6.- Do you have a CD collection? ( I mean for example all Cd´s from a determinate artist???

7.- Have you ever to participated in some Concert of your favourite artist?

8.- Do you have any preference to listen a Radio FM station???

Have you ever to listened this one??...,…. )
9.- In your own opinion wich one is better, a CD original from an artist or an MP3 collage of music without nothing of information?...

10.- Do you play some Musical instrument?

Thank you my friend in advance for your nicely answers, I beg you love the music like I!...


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
Well, hi there! Hope your life has settled down at least a little. How about a few more on the food theme...

1. Do you cook? Do you like to, or is it a chore?

2. Do you like to cook with someone else? How well do you share your kitchen?

3. What is your favourite thing to prepare?

4. What is your favourite dish that someone else prepares for you? Who?

5. Either of those favourites might be a comfort food, or not. What is your favourite comfort food?

6. What is your favourite celebration food?

7. When people come to my table, I always ask first whether there are any allergies/sensitivities/likes/dislikes I should keep in mind. If you came to my home, what would your answer be?

8. Do you consider yourself adventurous where unfamiliar food is concerned?

9. What is your favourite meal of the day?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 9, 2009
From CoolCat:

1.- Wich one is your favourite Genre of Music?

My favorite genre of music is Rock. Though most people label the music I listen to New Age/Soft Rock/Alternative Rock/Pop Rock.

2.- How many Cd´s do you have?

In actual CD's I have about 200 CD's that are in CD binders, and they rarely come out of there. Most of my music has been copied to my computer and mp3 player. My mp3 collection is 12 gigs strong however, I do have a lot of music that I only have in mp3 format. I haven't bought many CD's since the creation of iTunes.

3.- Wich one is your favourite singer Male?

Maynard James Keenan main vocalist from Tool. The favorite song that I've heard from him was a duet done with Tori Amos.

4.- Wich one is your favourite singer Female?

Tough one on this, but I'm going to have to go with Tina Turner. Even though its a toss up between Tina and Aretha Franklin here.

5.- Have you ever to listened at ?????

Noe I haven't, but I did browse that website a little bit before making this post. Music here sounds very jazzy, which is awesome I love jazz.

6.- Do you have a CD collection? ( I mean for example all Cd´s from a determinate artist???

My favorite band of all time is Matchbox Twenty and I own every album and single they've ever produced. Other then that I have several CD's from Tool, Dido, Tina Turner, and Aretha Franklin but Matchbox is the only band I bought everything of.

7.- Have you ever to participated in some Concert of your favourite artist?

I've only seen Janet Jackson in concert and while she was good and I like her music I wouldn't say she was my favorite artist so no.

8.- Do you have any preference to listen a Radio FM station???

For radio stations I usually listen tot he "Top 40" or "Pop" music station. Sometimes I switch to the "Rock" stations and just aimlessly flip if bored. I do not like listening to hip hop or country stations though.

Have you ever to listened this one??...,…. )

I have not, I will bookmark it for some time while I'm working on the computer though.

9.- In your own opinion wich one is better, a CD original from an artist or an MP3 collage of music without nothing of information?...

Personally I like CD's. A CD is a collection of music that usually has a theme or a train of thought mixed into it. I don't really buy CD's unless I like the artist a lot or I feel the collection is nice. There is a lot of artists that I simply just buy mp3's of because I only like one or two songs of theirs and simply don't care the rest. Also if I can't figure out a theme for the CD and it just seems like a bunch of random stuff thrown together I'm less likely to buy the CD...

10.- Do you play some Musical instrument?…

I can play the clarinet. I haven't played in several years but I was in a jazz band for about 6 years. For me it is simply a hobby though and not a passion. This is why I stopped playing because everyone else was so serious well for me my passion is computers so I tend to focus on this more now.

So there you go! Music is an awesome part of life, my love for music will never end.
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
IF you think you save for the Torment...
you´re wrong....hehehe!...
how was your day today?...I hope fine!....
let see for now
…The topic will going to be Movies!

1.- Wich one is your favourite Genre of Movies?
2.- Do you collect DVD´s or VHS??,….How many do you have?

3.- Wich one is your favourite Actor Male?
4.- Wich one is your favourite Actor Female?
5.- Have you ever to participated in some Special Event of your favourite artist?
6.- Have you ever to saw in live to some artist? ( I mean is some restaurant, buying at mall or in some resort?)

7.- Do you like to watch the Oscar, emmys, grammys, etc Awards?

8.- Have you ever to participated in a role in a Theather representation? ( maybe just for fun or when you was on School?) …

9.- If you could to meet to some artist wich one would be and say us why!...

10.- Would you like to live next at some artist (? ( I mean for example your neighboor would be a TV anchor or else?)…

Cheers my friend…


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 9, 2009
From rapunzel47:

1. Do you cook? Do you like to, or is it a chore?

It depends on the day. I actually really like to cook but after a long days of work it is a chore sadly. When I was younger I toyed with the idea of being a chef but could not find the funding for it.

2. Do you like to cook with someone else? How well do you share your kitchen?

I like to cook with other people if I can assign them tasks and micro-manage the kitchen. If someone is trying to make something else while I'm in there I don't share too well. Plus there isn't much space in my current kitchen.. I do live in an apartment.

3. What is your favourite thing to prepare?

Cake. I love baking and decorating is quite fun. I also love to mold chocolates and such.. I was going to be a pastry chef.

4. What is your favourite dish that someone else prepares for you? Who?

Fried Rice made by my mom by far... its like one of my favorite things. My boyfriend is still learning how to cook so has not made many of his own recipes yet.

5. Either of those favourites might be a comfort food, or not. What is your favourite comfort food?

Guacamole is my favorite comfort food. Either this or avocado tacos. I <3 avocado...

6. What is your favourite celebration food?

Celebration food... like cake/pies? I'm going to have to go with pumpkin cheesecake made with a ginger snap/cinnamon crust.

7. When people come to my table, I always ask first whether there are any allergies/sensitivities/likes/dislikes I should keep in mind. If you came to my home, what would your answer be?

I love all kinds of food for the most part but I am extremely allergic to shrimp and tomatoes.

8. Do you consider yourself adventurous where unfamiliar food is concerned?

Hell yeah! I will try pretty much anything once, I do have two requirements though 1) it must be dead and 2) it must not have eyes. So those little freeze dried fish even though I've tried them just creep me out cause they are staring at me the whole time.
I do prefer my food be cooked but I'm also a fan of raw things like sushi and such... so raw can be good if done right.

9. What is your favourite meal of the day?

Lunch. Breakfast is kind of a chore to me and dinner is so late at night. I love having a good lunch outside on a pretty day. Makes me feel refreshed and ready to take on the world again.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 9, 2009
From CoolCat: IF you think you save for the Torment...
you´re wrong....hehehe!...
how was your day today?...I hope fine!....
let see for now
…The topic will going to be Movies!

My day was pretty good! I did work today, night shift. They even let us early because nobody was calling in. They closed our call center an hour early and left the west coast center up for the last hour.

1.- Wich one is your favourite Genre of Movies?

Action / Sci-fi

2.- Do you collect DVD´s or VHS??,….How many do you have?

No not really. I have about 50 DVD's of anime and movies. I don't really collect DVD's though.

3.- Wich one is your favourite Actor Male?

Based purely off his work/movies George Clooney.

4.- Wich one is your favourite Actor Female?

Um gonna have to go with Jennifer Anniston... but this is hard one cause I don't really remember name's too well.

5.- Have you ever to participated in some Special Event of your favourite artist?

Nope. Never been to signings, or movie openings.

6.- Have you ever to saw in live to some artist? ( I mean is some restaurant, buying at mall or in some resort?)

Not really no, I've not seen a lot of famous people out in the real world.

7.- Do you like to watch the Oscar, emmys, grammys, etc Awards?

Yes, its usually cool to see who wins awards.

8.- Have you ever to participated in a role in a Theather representation? ( maybe just for fun or when you was on School?) …

I've never been on stage for a play or something like that. I have played in school concerts back in my days of band.

9.- If you could to meet to some artist wich one would be and say us why!...

If I could have a chat with an actor I would pick Will Smith. He seems to be very intelligent and have an interesting point of view. I would like to talk to him about the world I think it'd be an interesting conversation.

10.- Would you like to live next at some artist (? ( I mean for example your neighboor would be a TV anchor or else?)…

Um... short answer is no. I don't want attention near me, so I would go with no. Problem is with living next to famous people, the media is surely to be a pain.
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  • #17


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2004
The "Dark Side of the Moon"
nice answers...

so I leave you the last set of Caturday...
a quickly set..

1. Have you ever to sleeped on satin sheets?

2. Can you whistle?..

3. Favorite color?...
4. Would you be a Pirate? (Disguise for Halloween…..arrrrrrrrrrgh!)…

5. What songs do you sing in the shower?...

6. Favorite Girl's Name?...

7. Favorite Baseball Team?..

8. Favorite boy's name?...

9. What's in your pocket right now?...

10. Last thing that made you laugh?....

...good night!


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
So, then, this time a hodgepodge...

1. Do you like veggies? What is your favourite?

2. Are your grandparents still alive? Do you know them well?

3. When you have a 'lazy' morning, how late do you sleep in?

4. Do you drive? Do you like to or is it a necessary evil?

5. What is your first language? What others do you know - not necessarily fluently, but enough to be understood?

6. How do you like your eggs cooked?

7. What is your favourite type of movie?

8. When you go to a movie do you stay to read the credits?

9. What behaviour would you ask your cats to explain, if they could speak?