Member Spotlight of the Week (Mar 5 - Mar 11) gardenandcats


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 15, 2005
According to my husband... the zoo
I am pleased to introduce 'gardenandcats' as this weeks Spotlight Member!

Congratulations, have fun and enjoy your week!

Now for the questions...

What makes you laugh?

What makes you cry?

What sound do you love?

What sound do you hate?
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What do you think would be the worst job?
Do you like ketchup?
What was your first pet and what was his/her name?
Do you remember your 1st grade teacher's name?
What was the best Christmas present you received and when?
What was your most embarrasing moment?
What kind of bath/bar soap do you use?
How many trees are in your yard?
Flowers... annuals or perennials?
Bright colors or pastels?
What food do you absolutely hate?
Can you wink with both eyes?
Have you ever been in the hospital overnight?
Morning person or night owl?
Where were you born?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 4, 2005
Originally Posted by jeanor

I am pleased to introduce 'gardenandcats' as this weeks Spotlight Member!

Congratulations, have fun and enjoy your week!

Now for the questions...

What makes you laugh?

Hmmmmm It takes alot to get me to laugh.Usually something one of my sons do can get a laugh out of me. And something that always makes me laugh is one of my siameses Jade loves to be chased around the house shes hides and I say "Wheres Jadey" And I hide behind a door or around a corner and she sees me and runs like the devil and out she runs and hides again shes so cute when shes does this and it always gets a laugh out of me. About every night I play this with her for about 10 minutes shes loves it and so do i!

What makes you cry?

Mean people.

What sound do you love?

Cats purrrrring.
What sound do you hate?

Dogs that bark and bark for hours...
What is your favorite word?


What is your least favorite word?

Stupid. because no one is..

What do you think would be the worst job?

A person that cleans out septic tanks..
Do you like ketchup?

I couldn't eat without it!!
What was your first pet and what was his/her name?

I beagle named tiny. My 5th B_day present..

Do you remember your 1st grade teacher's name?

Yep Mrs Brackett

What was the best Christmas present you received and when?

1980 my Husband bought me my favorite siamese cat Tasha!
What was your most embarrasing moment?

You don't really want to know!

What kind of bath/bar soap do you use?


How many trees are in your yard?

Its dark so I can't go out and count but I'd guess around 20..

Flowers... annuals or perennials?

I have huge gardens so My yard is full of them...

Bright colors or pastels?


What food do you absolutely hate?


Can you wink with both eyes?

I just tried and No I can't ....can anyone?

Have you ever been in the hospital overnight?

Yep weeks at a time!

Morning person or night owl?

I'm a Night owl rarely am I asleep before 2:00

Where were you born?
Boothbay Harbor,Maine and 49 years later I'm still here


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 14, 2005
First off, CONGRATS on being in the spotlight this week! You'll have fun!

Question time!!

-Favorite color? Why?
-Last thing you ate?
-Do you like flavored water? Why/why not??
-Favorite tv show? Why?
-What temperature are you keeping your house at this winter?
-What is your first name?
-Are you married?
-What are your top 7 pet peeves and why?
-What pets do you have now, what do they look like, and what are their names?
-Do you have a pair of cozy slippers?
-If so, how long have you had them?
-What kind of music do you listen to?
-Favorite song of all time?
-What do you have for a job? Do you enjoy it?
-Dream job?
-What do you usually have for breakfast, if you have time to?
-Post your favorite smiley:
-What do you do when you have a lot of time on your hands?
-What is the view from your bedroom window?
-Favorite candy & why?
-Do you wear contacts/glasses?
-Are you allergic to anything? What?
-Would you like to live on a farm?
-What serious illnesses/injuries have you had?
-Did you ever climb trees when you were a kid?
-If so, did you ever get hurt doing so?
-Beach or pool?
-Hotel or camping?

Enough for now!
Have a nice evening.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 4, 2005
My two favorite hobbies are gardening and reading

-Favorite color? Why?
Lavender ,Not sure why

-Last thing you ate?
lays chips and onion dip with orange soda

-Do you like flavored water? Why/why not??
Not all I think its to blah tasting.

-Favorite tv show? Why?
Greys Anatomy. Medical stuff interest me and I like the characters on this show.Great story line

-What temperature are you keeping your house at this winter?
its usualy 76 to 78 Wood stove heat which is hard to regulate plus I like to be warm!

-What is your first name?

-Are you married?
Yes for 25 years

-What are your top 7 pet peeves and why?

1.People that let kids come over to my house when they have a cold. .. I always catch it and get really sick!
2.People that don't take proper care of their pets. Being a animal lover It irks me to no end! Grrr
3.neighbors that let their dogs run loose! They run through my flower gardens and ruin the plants. And I hate finding dog crap In my gardens!
4.people that talk with a mouth full of food. it just grosses me out!
5.Tourist....enough said!!!
6.Misplacing my glasses. I do this all the time and I have to hunt and hunt.
7.Stepping in someones gum! Yuck!!!!
-What pets do you have now, what do they look like, and what are their names?
5 cats
Yowdy seal point siamese,Jade seal point siamese,Lilly torti-point siamese, Reilly seal point siamese and Flame a big orange Persian.

-Do you have a pair of cozy slippers?

-If so, how long have you had them?
New this Christmas

-What kind of music do you listen to?
Older rock and roll

-Favorite song of all time?
Stairway To Heaven

-What do you have for a job? Do you enjoy
I have mainly just been a housewife and stay at home mom. I have for the past 6 summers worked doing gardening work I love it.

-Dream job?
Something in the medical field

-What do you usually have for breakfast, if you have time to?
Donut and milk

-Post your favorite smiley:

-What do you do when you have a lot of time on your hands?
Read and online

-What is the view from your bedroom window?

My side yard grass and trees

-Favorite candy & why?
Hershey Bar with Almonds I love Chocolate.

-Do you wear contacts/glasses?
Glasses tried contacts but the bothered my eyes

-Are you allergic to anything? What?

-Would you like to live on a farm?
Yes I would love to

-What serious illnesses/injuries have you had?
I have had Crohns Disease since a young child. many surgeries and health problems because of this.

-Did you ever climb trees when you were a kid?
-If so, did you ever get hurt doing so?
As a adult I climbed a tree to help my cat the branch broke and the cat climbed down just fine I ended up with 3 broken ribs!

-Beach or pool?


-Hotel or camping?

Enough for now!
Have a nice evening.[/quote]


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
What food do you absolutely hate?

Isn't your husband a fisherman? I have to agree with you though

Favorite thing about Maine?

Least favorite?

Last time you were in Massachusetts?

Do you take your vitamins every morning?

Are you a plant person?

Favorite fast food restaurant?

A bunch of us are coming to dinner. What are we eating? drinking? is the house clean?

Would you rather sleep in the same bed with someone with poison ivy or sleep in the bottom bunk of creaking bunk beds with a 400-pound man in the top bunk?

What is harder to get out of: bed or shower/bath?

Which is worse: A guy next to you on a plane that won't stop snoring, or a baby on the plane that won't stop crying?

Which is worse: A) a bad picture on your passport or B) a bad picture on your yearbook?

Do you feel naked for the rest of the day if you forget to put your watch on in the morning?

Do you cut your sandwiches or just eat them whole?

Do you break things when you are angry?

Do ants invade your house every summer?

If you see a spider near you, but lose track of where it goes, do you start to feel itchy?

Would you rather have your own private jet or your own private yacht?

Do you prefer answering or asking questions?

Favorite Beauty product?

Favorite cleaning product?

favorite thing hanging on your wall right now? and please post a pic

How many blankets do you have on your bed right now?

Favorite room in your house?

Favorite magazine?

What color towels do have in your bathroom - are they all matched ?

Are you a member of any club, organization?

Any charities that you support?

Do you recycle?

What's at the end of the rainbow?

Enjoy your week!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 4, 2005
Isn't your husband a fisherman? I have to agree with you though

Yes he is a lobsterman as was my dad and grandfather. We could have all the lobsters we wanted. But no one likes them. My two boys and hubby doesn't. Only sea food I like is crab meat and scallops. The cats get alot of lobster meat though!

Favorite thing about Maine?

Life in the slow lane at its best and the ocean

Least favorite?


Last time you were in Massachusetts?

Fall of 2003..

Do you take your vitamins every morning?

No I don't take vitamins. I do get a monthly B-12 shot!

Are you a plant person?

I sure am a certified plant nut!

Favorite fast food restaurant?


A bunch of us are coming to dinner. What are we eating? drinking? is the
house clean?

Well I'd throw on a pot of lobsters for those who like them And Rib Eye steaks on the grill for those who don't. A big salad, baked potatoes , corn on the cob and fresh Blueberry pie, or strawberry short cake. Being non drinkers I would have sodas and lemonade and beer for those who want some.
It would be fairly clean!

Would you rather sleep in the same bed with someone with poison ivy or sleep in the bottom bunk of creaking bunk beds with a 400-pound man in the top bunk?

sleep in the bottom bunk of creaking bunk beds with a 400-pound man in the top bunk

What is harder to get out of: bed or shower/bath?


Which is worse: A guy next to you on a plane that won't stop snoring, or a baby on the plane that won't stop crying?

baby on the plane that won't stop crying

Which is worse: A) a bad picture on your passport or B) a bad picture on your yearbook?

bad picture in my yearbook.

Do you feel naked for the rest of the day if you forget to put your watch on in the morning?

I have never worn a watch I don't like them at all

Do you cut your sandwiches or just eat them whole?

Cut them

Do you break things when you are angry?


Do ants invade your house every summer?


If you see a spider near you, but lose track of where it goes, do you start to feel itchy?


Would you rather have your own private jet or your own private yacht?

private yacht

Do you prefer answering or asking questions?

I'm nosey so asking them

Favorite Beauty product?

Baby Oil. I have dry skin so i coat it on aftera shwoer every day

Favorite cleaning product?

Clorax Spray Cleaner

favorite thing hanging on your wall right now? and please post a pic

I will later the batteries dead isn't that always the way?

How many blankets do you have on your bed right now?

Just one electric and a heavy quilt.

Favorite room in your house?

Living room

Favorite magazine?

People Places and Plants

What color towels do have in your bathroom - are they all matched ?

All different colors and none match..

Are you a member of any club, organization?


Any charities that you support?

Human society

Do you recycle?

Yes always

What's at the end of the rainbow?

What else a Big pot of Gold with my name on it. Now if I could just find it...

Enjoy your week!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 14, 2005
Hi again Cindy! Ready for more questions?....

-What time did you get up this morning?
-How old are your cats?
-How did you become a cat lover?
-I'm guessing your favorite season is spring since you love to garden, right?
-Favorite flower?
-How many kids do you have? Are they a handful? (rhetorical question lol)
-Biggest fear?
-Name 10 small things that have made you happy today:
-Do you have a pic of all your cats together? If so, please post it!

-What color are the walls of the room you are in right now?
-What is on your desk at the moment? Or are you using a laptop?
-You have $2,500 & 2 round-trip plane tickets. Where do you go, who do you bring, and how do you spend the money?
-What really relaxes you after a stressful day?
-What are 7 adjectives that describe you?
-Describe the day you got Lilly:
-What are the reasons/inspirations behind each of your cats' names?
-Are you religious?
-What are 7 things that really make you very happy?
-Weirdest dream you ever had:
-What is a posession that is very special to you and you would hate to lose? What's the story behind it?
-You are at the grocery store you usually go to. What are the first 12 things to end up in your cart?
-Most annoying smiley in your opinion:
-Furthest from home you've ever been?
-Favorite book?

OK that's enough for now!
Hope you have a great day.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 4, 2005
What time did you get up this morning?


-How old are your cats?
Flames 11 Yowdys 7 Jades 5 Lillys 9 months and Reillys 5 1/2 months

-How did you become a cat lover?

I have always really loved cats since a young kid we always had cats.

-I'm guessing your favorite season is spring since you love to garden, right?

Well actually summer as thats when the gardens are in full bloom plus its the onlytime its warm here

-Favorite flower?


-How many kids do you have? Are they a handful? (rhetorical question lol)

I have two sons Jasons almost 20 and Joshua is 15. Handfull Yep trying to raise these two boys is like trying to nail jello to a tree

-Biggest fear?

to darn many to list!
-Name 10 small things that have made you happy today:

1. It was warmish out today mid 30s and the sun was out
2. Hubby did dishes!!!
3.I didn't bother with much house work today
4.Hubby cleaned up the garbage I set on the doorstep the neighbors dog got into darn old dog..
5.The boys helped pick up branches that had fallen all over the yard due to the high winds all week was a major mess
6. Having a afternoon nap with the purrrrrs
7. started a good book today
8.No snow
9. watching 4 bright red cardinels at the feeders this morning.
10 Chocolate glazed donuts fresh from the bakery for breakfast still warm..Yummyy

-Do you have a pic of all your cats together? If so, please post it!

I have yet to catch them all together

-What color are the walls of the room you are in right now?

Light blue

-What is on your desk at the moment? Or are you using a laptop?

Moniter, phone, speakers, keyboard ,mouse. mouse pad, and two cats

-You have $2,500 & 2 round-trip plane tickets. Where do you go, who do you bring, and how do you spend the money?
Jamaica I would bring my husband and the money would be spent for a motel right on a beach..

-What really relaxes you after a stressful day?

Going out and weeding in the garden

-What are 7 adjectives that describe you?

Shy,Quiet,Inquisitive,Loyal,Trustworthy,Always willing to lend a helping hand,Emotional

-Describe the day you got Lilly:

It was in the middle of the summer. Nice day it was about a two hour ride my Husband and one son and his GF went with me.We got lost and had to call the lady for directions again.But we finally found the right house.She had 3 torti-point siamese girls and I fell in love with Lilly at first sight!
-What are the reasons/inspirations behind each of your cats' names?

-Are you religious?

I believe yes but not a church goer.

-What are 7 things that really make you very happy?

My family, My cats ,My gardens. A good book, a beach day , a day spent on the boat, having a good day health wise!

-Weirdest dream you ever had:

I have had a on going nightmare since a kid its always about the sea hag on the old popeye cartoons trying to get me.

-What is a posession that is very special to you and you would hate to lose? What's the story behind it?

My grandmothers cedar chest.I lived with my grandmother most of my life her cedar chest was full of interesting things as a young child I loved to look through it and all the family pictures. Its the one thing I have of hers that I will always cherish.

-You are at the grocery store you usually go to. What are the first 12 things to end up in your cart?

Pepsi, cat food, donuts,Milk, cat litter,orange juice,pop tarts,chips,potatoes,carrots,bagels,cream cheese,
-Most annoying smiley in your opinion:

-Furthest from home you've ever been?


-Favorite book?

Anything by Ann Rule.

OK that's enough for now!
Hope you have a great day.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 15, 2005
According to my husband... the zoo
Time for more questions...

Can you...

Change a flat tire?

Snow ski?

Water ski?

Ride a unicicle?


Touch your nose with your tongue?

Do a cartwheel?


Have you ever...

Sung karaoke?

Been without a shower for more than 2 weeks?

Ridden a horse?

Eaten frogs' legs?

Broken 3 or more bones in your body?

Had a close relative who lived to over 100?

Cooked a meal by yourself for more than 20 people?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2005
In training
Congrats on the Spotlight!!

1. When you looked in the mirro last, what was BEHIND you?
2.What brand are your shoes?
3.How long did it take you to get ready this morning?
4.How much money did you spend yesterday?
5.What is for dinner?
6.What was your last fight with someone about?
7.Are you a procrastinator?
8.When did you have your first kiss?
9.What do you want to be when you grow up?
10.When do you plan or retiring?
11.What color are your panties?

12.What is the hardest part of your day?
13.When you relax at the end of a long day, what are you doing?
14.Showers or baths?
15.lemonade or pink lemonade?
16.Ham,turkey, or chicken?
17.Sausage or bacon?
18.Table or booth?
19.Inside or out?
20.Boys or girls?
21.Black or white?
22.Cell phone or home phone?
23.Are you a night gown person or shirt and bottoms person when you go to bed?
24.Do you snore?
25.Pepsi or Coke??

Have a great time in the Spotlight!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 14, 2005
Hi! Just one question from me today (& your thinking, thank goodness!!!
Well it's not quite that easy...

How would you describe yourself? Like - personality, attitude, etc......
and what is something that everyone who knows you knows about you?
(ok that's 2 questions I cheated

And more than just 1 or 2 sentences for an answer if possible.

And that's it



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 4, 2005
Can you...

Change a flat tire?

I think so I haven't had to But I'm pretty sure if I had to I could.

Snow ski?

No never tried it to chicken

Water ski?

Many years ago I did.

Ride a unicicle?



Nope again

Touch your nose with your tongue?

Not even close

Do a cartwheel?

I never have been able to


That I can do

Have you ever...

Sung karaoke?

Never to shy

Been without a shower for more than 2 weeks?

No Way!

Ridden a horse?

yes often

Eaten frogs' legs?

Just the thought of it makes

Broken 3 or more bones in your body?

Yes 3 ribs once falling out of a tree

Had a close relative who lived to over 100?

Close my grandmother turned 96 this January and still lives at home with my Mom.

Cooked a meal by yourself for more than 20 people?



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 4, 2005
1. When you looked in the mirro last, what was BEHIND you?

The shower

2.What brand are your shoes?


3.How long did it take you to get ready this morning?

20 minutes

4.How much money did you spend yesterday?

Over $300.00 paid a phone bill and bought two tickets to see Willie Nelson this May 21st! And bought two tickets to go to the Maine Garden Show this friday I can't wait for that one

5.What is for dinner?

Deep fried scallops baked potatoe , and a salad and a home made chocolote cake I should be baking now..but here I sit.

6.What was your last fight with someone about?

My oldest son. he hates it if I smoke near the computer.. Which I admit I do at times. I open the window right beside me though.

7.Are you a procrastinator?

I must admit I often am

8.When did you have your first kiss?

Ummm hmmm I think I was 15

9.What do you want to be when you grow up?


10.When do you plan or retiring?

I really don't work now just in the summers part time garden work.

11.What color are your panties?

Light Lavender

12.What is the hardest part of your day?

Dragging myself away from the computer!

13.When you relax at the end of a long day, what are you doing?

Most nights after supper Hubby and I take a ride around Ocean Point its just down the road a two mile stretch of ocean front and sit and watch the sunset. This time of year its deserted all summer homes.

14.Showers or baths?

15.lemonade or pink lemonade?

16.Ham,turkey, or chicken?

17.Sausage or bacon?

18.Table or booth?

19.Inside or out?

Outside weather permiting

20.Boys or girls?

21.Black or white?


22.Cell phone or home phone?

I have both I prefer the home phone though

23.Are you a night gown person or shirt and bottoms person when you go to

Flannel Nightgown

24.Do you snore?

25.Pepsi or Coke??



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 4, 2005
How would you describe yourself? Like - personality, attitude, etc

Well I'm shy at first ,a homebody, pretty much a loner,Loyal,Honest,Emotional at times.. a terrible worry wort.always take up for the under oriented ,back to earth sort of person,laid back cand can always be counted on.

and what is something that everyone who knows you knows about you?

That I have Crohns disease and it keeps me at home most of the time. And of course I'm a cat nut.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005

If you are driving down the road and see a cow, do you have to moo at it?
Candy or flowers?
Does your checkbook always balance?
Do you own a shredder?
When you go shopping, what's your splurge item - the thing you always buy, but shouldn't?
What is your favorite website? (other than TCS of course!
What was for breakfast?
Favorite type of cookie?
Favorite meal to cook?
Do you have any hobbies?
What is one of your biggest fears?
Favorite kitchen utensil?
Coffee or tea?
Hot or iced
caff or decaf?
Flavored or not flavored?

Have a great day!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2005
Here... or There... Hmmm
Originally Posted by AbbysMom

If you are driving down the road and see a cow, do you have to moo at it?
Now what kind of question is that!!!??
Who doesn't moo at the cow!?

Ok, some from me:

Do you like junk food?
Do you like baking?
Are you really good at it?
What is your favorite bath product?
Do you own yellow socks?
Do you talk to the kitty's regularly?
What do you say most often to them?
Do you like snow?
Do you know how to usa power tools? Which ones?
When you go shopping do you spend too much money?
What is your favorite nickname for your hubby?
What size shoes do you wear?

Ok, that's all from me!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 4, 2005
If you are driving down the road and see a cow, do you have to moo at it?


Candy or flowers?


Does your checkbook always balance?

Well checks don't bounce but I don't balance it!

Do you own a shredder?

When you go shopping, what's your splurge item - the thing you always buy,
but shouldn't?

More plants for the garden

What is your favorite website? (other than TCS of course! )

Cat Tails a Sims type cat game

What was for breakfast?

Donut and skim milk

Favorite type of cookie?

Chocolate Chip.

Favorite meal to cook?

Steaks on the grill with baked potatoes and a salad

Do you have any hobbies?

Yes gardening and Mosiac work and avid reader

What is one of your biggest fears?

Someone stealing one of my kids

Favorite kitchen utensil?


Coffee or tea?

I hate both!!!!

Hot or iced


caff or decaf?

neither again

Flavored or not flavored?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 4, 2005
you like junk food?

I sure do

Do you like baking?

Yes I love to

Are you really good at it?


What is your favorite bath product?

I really just use a mild soap as most stuff like that gives me rashes

Do you own yellow socks?


Do you talk to the kitty's regularly?

all the time

What do you say most often to them?

Baby talk to them..

Do you like snow?


Do you know how to usa power tools? Which ones?

I use a Wet saw alot to cut up tiles and plates for my mosaic work.

When you go shopping do you spend too much money?

I say no but hubby disagrees

What is your favorite nickname for your hubby?

Hmmm not telling LOL

What size shoes do you wear?

I have big feet a 11!


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Originally Posted by SillyJilly

Now what kind of question is that!!!??
Who doesn't moo at the cow!?
I just wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one!

Hi Cindy!

Last vacation?
favorite vacation?
Celebrity crushes?
favorite gift you have ever received?
What are your worst habits?
Celebrity you would most like to meet?
Have you chosen next week's spotlight member yet?
Who is the last person you talked to?
umbrella, or just get wet?
right or left handed?
what is in your purse right now?
favorite vegetable?
favorite type of soup?
chicken - bones or no bones?
favorite type of pasta? shape?
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #20


TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 15, 2005
According to my husband... the zoo
Here we go...

Will the questions ever stop??? Is that what you are thinking about now?

If you had another son, what would you name him?

Which do you use most... your check book or debit card?

Favorite dog breed?

If you could choose a cat of your choice, describe what he/she would look like?

When you go to a movie theater... where do you sit?

Do you buy snacks or sneak your own in?

What color rose is your favorite?

Were you ever sent to the principals office in school?, if so... why.

Who was the first person you told when you found out you were pregnant?

DVDs - wide screen or full screen?

What was the first concert you ever attended?

Are there ever days when you are home that you don't get online at all?

Do your feelings get hurt easily?

Do you have any trophies? If so, what from?

What TV channel do you watch the most?

What time do you normally go to bed?