Mama and almost grown babies


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2015
Ok, it's been a while since I posted, so I'll add some quick background (thank you for bearing with me).

Near the end of last summer, we started seeing a very delicate looking black cat coming around so we started feeding her. We had no real plan other than make sure she was eating/ make sure she was relatively healthy. When the rather skittish cat suddenly threw herself on my husband's feet, we were already in love and making plans take her in for a checkup. Then I noticed the very slim cats very round, hard belly. We absolutely could not leave her to have her babies on the street so she became our Minerva very quickly. 

Fast Forward to now, mom has given birth to three very beautiful, very weird Tortie girls. Once they got older and developed personalities, we realized we could not give them away and that we have the means to provide for them so now we have five cats (Mom, babies, and our 15 year old tabby/calico). All five cats are spayed and healthy. 

They all eat well, they use the litter (six boxes) with no issues. They get along with our dogs and each other. Except for Mom. Now, I know this is the time Mom would be pushing the kittens away to their own lives in the wild but that's not happening here. Or, rather, she's trying to push them away and they aren't going. 

Mom is still a bit of a loner but has no trouble seeking affection. My husband works from home and she likes to sleep near him while he works, sometimes in his lap. She'll let him know when she wants out and she'll come and sit next to me and if I don't acknowledge her right away, she gives the tiniest little lick and looks up at me with these huge yellow eyes. She has no trouble visiting the communal food area. What she does have trouble with are her offspring.They seem to crave affection from her and she doesn't give it. She hisses, she makes that low, yowling noise and, on many occasions, she'll start licking their heads or ears and then bite them. She does not do this to our older cat. 

It's not a HUGE deal, to be honest. For the most part, there's balance between the five of them. If Mom is out with us and the kittens are doing their own thing, everything's great, it's only when they are actively seeking attention. And heck, their attention seeking might be seen as hostile for all I know. It's generally they go and lay next to where she is.

Anyone have anyone idea if this will go away?

I should also mention we suspect Mom has PTSD. She's very reactive to certain things. It's taken months for her to stop flinching when my husband moved too fast and she's still very, very specific in how she wants to be pet. 

Any advice is appreciated. 

As a thank you, I present Smaug, Ender, and Milo. Bottom is Ender, who is clearly Top Cat in our house. 



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 22, 2015
wow, she is almost identical to the foster kitty i got yesterday!

her name is ripley..

kittens usually settle down between 1-2 years. as long as she's not hurting them i wouldn't worry too much. they will figure out by her hisses that she's not interested in playing. 
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 18, 2015
BC Canada
Beautiful Torties!

*if  indoor outdoor neighbor's may think you just have one very active cat 


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
I think Mum's had enough and thinks it's time her kids stood on their own four paws.

How lovely that they all have such a good home together.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2015
Beautiful Torties!

*if  indoor outdoor neighbor's may think you just have one very active cat 
Thank you! I know, lol. It took us forever to be able to tell them apart. (oh, and strictly indoor although my husband did entertain the idea of taking them for walks until he tried it)
I think Mum's had enough and thinks it's time her kids stood on their own four paws.

How lovely that they all have such a good home together.
Yeah, I'm sure Mom is just done. Luckily, it seems to bother me more than them. It's relatively peaceful - no one's being run off of the food or the litter or being made to hide, just a bitten ear here and there. And they've all got my older cat, who even Mom goes to for an affectionate snuggle now and then. 
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