Maloxicam doses AFTER spay


TCS Member
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Nov 18, 2023
I’m a first time cat momma. I got Gucci when she was a kitten, and Bella when she was about 1 1/2 years old. The prices around here for spay were CRAZY for my budget (single woman) so I signed up for a low cost spay for both of them. Well they recently got it done (Guccis almost 2 and Bella’s about 2 1/2. ( I know I should have gotten them done earlier but the waiting list was very long) anyways, their reactions after were complete opposite. Gucci was sleepy and resting, while Bella was acting wild. Well the next day she was acting a little lethargic and all though she was eating and drinking, her incision site was way more swollen then Guccis and I was worried so I took her to the vet. The vet agreed that it was very swollen and had a little clear discharge so she gave her an antibiotic shot as well as 2 doses of Maloxicam. I gave her the first dose, and it said wait 24 hours to give the next one. Then, I started reading online about how bad it can be. So I guess my question is should I be worried? Should I hold back on giving the second dose tomorrow? Her swelling has went down however is still more swollen than Gucci’s. I love these girls as if they were my kids and just want what’s best, but I don’t want her to suffer if she’s still in pain and I’m torn on what to do!! IMG_4087.jpeg
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  • #2


TCS Member
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Nov 18, 2023
I’m sorry I ment that the directions were 48 hours in between doses not 24. I have her her first dose yesterday.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Nov 18, 2023
So far she seems a lot better and the swelling has gone down a lot. I think I will take your advice and not give it to her. Thanks for the reply 🥰


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
If she needs a pain medication, I would call the vet and ask for something else, like buprenorphine.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Nov 18, 2023
She’s doing much better now. So I think I’m gonna hold the 2nd dose. But if for some reason she does, I will keep it in mind! Thank you!

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi Gucci&Bellasmomma Gucci&Bellasmomma and a very warm welcome to the forum !

Can I ask where you're located (by country) ?

Your "vet agreed that it was very swollen" and prescribed an anti-inflammatory medication that is licensed in many countries (in fact, near universally) and well-recognized as a safe and effective drug for cats. You said "Her swelling has (gone) down however is still more swollen than Gucci’s."

I certainly would not be suggesting (nor intimating) that you shouldn't follow your Vet's advice. "Buprenorphine" was offered as a drug you might request as an alternative........BUT........buprenorphine is strictly a pain controlling drug that will do nothing to reduce her inflammation.

[From 2003 to 2010, Metacam was widely promoted in the USA (by the manufacturer) for pain control in cats.....BUT, at extremely high dosages, such that thousands of cats either died or developed kidney failure as a result. Many of those stories were documented on the website "" and there was a huge outcry from 'the cat community'. The US FDA finally reacted in 2010 and effectively stopped the use of the 'take home' (oral) version for cats (while leaving the injectible format licensed). Today, almost 15 years later, there is still near-hysteria over even the suggestion of its use in the US. Meantime, with proper/appropriate dosages established, Metacam became licensed for cats in the UK, the EU, Australia, Canada and beyond. However, inaccurate information still abounds on the Internet - which is likely what you found.

The American Association of Feline Practitioners has published two sets of guidelines that describe the safe use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs - the class of drugs including Metacam - the latest in 2015 and the original in 2010 , AAFP/ISFM Long Term Use of NSAIDS in Cats.]

I hope that will give you some comfort and confidence in continuing home care for Bella. There's a lot of misinformation online, but it shouldn't proliferate to TCS.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Nov 18, 2023
Hi! Thank you for responding!! I am located in Michigan (USA). And yes after doing research I do see the difference between “pain meds” (buprenorphine) and an anti inflammatory. The directions did say 48 hrs between doses, and I gave her the first dose Friday evening. So far today, the swelling has gone way down, and she is acting fine. However, I am glad I have the second dose on hand in case I feel she needs it. This is my first time being a cat momma (like I said in post) and I truly just want what is best for them both. However, I don’t believe she is in a whole lot of pain, I just think she overdid it post op ( less than 5 hours after surgery) which I was told can be an affect of the anesthesia so she needed that extra dose of anti inflammatory. But I’m continuing to monitor her and she is eating and drinking, walking and making small jumps. Although neither are fully back to themselves yet (surgery was Tuesday) after talking with the vet, I did realize how this surgery could be so painful removing their organs. And do not wanna rush their recovery. So thank you so much for the words and distinctions between pain meds and anti inflammatory meds.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Nov 18, 2023
Also, instead of starting a NEW thread, im just gonna ask another question and hope it gets seen!! Is it normal for the cats to act “differently “ towards each other after the surgery? Bella is fine, but Gucci seems like she wants nothing to do with Bella at times ( although her tail is still wagging back and fourth like when she’s happy, )sometimes she hisses at Bella 😭 and that kills be because they were the best of friends. Bella is acting submissive, like she did the first time they were introduced when I brought Bella home. At first I thought maybe Gucci was just sore and didn’t wanna be messed with, however days later she will be fine one minute then the next if Bella walks by her she may hiss or growl. Although they still co exist with no violence or even pawing at each other or lunging, im still just so confused as to why she’s being like that toward her when they were so close. Will this go away? Is it because of the surgery itself? Smells different? I’ve kept a close eye on them and like I said they coexist fine, just those hisses and growls sometimes. Is there anything I can do to help her remember? Is is because of the donut cones?? Someone please help I want my babies to love each other again. Poor Bella has been so patient and I don’t want her to think she’s not loved anymore by her “sister” 💔💔💔

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hey! Michigan? WOW!

You know, I'd dare to say that your Vet is the very first American one I've heard of who's actually used the oral dosing of Metacam since the FDA's 'edict' all the Metacam mentions here on TCS.

Could I ask a couple of things about the 'take home' Rx you were given? Is it in the original manufacturer's packaging? (or, were you given two individual syringes, each with a single dose?) Could you post the strength of the drug? (usually shown as: #mg/ml)

About their changed might have something to do with that dreaded 'vet smell', even though both went through the same experience at the same place, who knows? BUT, if you want to confirm/deny that possibility, you could try the ol' 'tried & true' trick to ensure both 'smell' the same: put a tiny drop of vanilla extract on the tip of your finger and then rub/brush it lightly on the back of their necks, the 'nape' area. VE is very pungent, such that it will predominate over any other scents.......and, make the two 'equal again'. I would try it....I'd have nothing to lose.

[If you've never used that, get ready for a chuckle.......the looks on cats' faces after smelling VE in the air is just......priceless! Like, eyes WIDE open and WHAAAAAAAT's DAT ??????????? :flail: :flail::flail:]

(again, just a tiny drop and just in that one area...........I've read some very uninformed advice that says to apply it on several other areas including near the face/nose....that would be torturous for any cat, considering their extraordinary sensory capacities)

OK. We'll stay tuned!
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Nov 18, 2023
Yes they were given I. 2 separate syringes with 0.3 mL directions say “give one syringe orally every 48 hours until gone for pain and inflammation even when pet does not exhibit pain” but I only gave her one dose the vet actually told me to use my judgment about the second dose and only give it if I felt like she needed it. So tonight at around 4 pm would be the 48hrs however I don’t think I’m going to give it to her. Her swelling is gone done almost completely and I don’t think she needs it.
Also, I swear they know when I’m talking about them or concerned because not long after the post Gucci completely stopped her hissing and growling. She has had a little attitude since the day I got her, so it does not surprise me that she has decided to be nice now for the day. Even when she is being like that Bella does not seem to mind, she just keeps her distance. But they have now been around each other without any of Guccis little attitude 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ their personalities are completely opposite. You would think the one I have raised since a kitten would be the affectionate one, but she’s hit and miss while Bella i got around 1 year old and I think she knows I saved her from a not so great situation because she is a cuddle bug. Loves affection and is always down for some cuddles while Gucci only permits it when she feels like it I guess. 😅 I am single and live alone so I spend a LOT of time with them and I never realized how attached I would get or how I can literally see their personalities and know what they want just by a look. I’m infatuated 😍


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
Meloxicam carries a black lable warning from the fda not to administer more than one injection or oral suspension in cats.

My vet no longer perscribes it for my cats because I requested they not use it. Its not worth the risk imo. I know many cats get it off lable but I just don't feel comfortable giving it.

It is good you found an alternitive. When Indy was spayed they gave her onsier and something I had to squirt inside her cheek burpenorphine or something like that. Onsier is a NSAID that is approved for cats unlike meloxicam.

Onsior is newer and is classified as a third generation antiinflamitory where as meloxicam is second generation.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Nov 18, 2023
I technically didn’t find an alternative, it was just the first dose had completely taken away the swelling and I could tell she was no longer in pain so I didn’t give her the second dose.