Male cat wont stop peeing on carpet


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 1, 2014
Our male Maine Coon won't stop peeing on our carpet. I've tried many things. 

At first we brought him in to our vet and he was diagnosed with a urinary tract imbalance so we use the vet food to lower his pH. Then we switched to a better food to try to keep it down. I got him a nice big litter box in an open area so he feels safe. He uses it quite a lot but I still catch him every other day peeing in a corner of the living room. I'm not sure what to do. We tried adding baking soda to the litter box to prevent smells but it doesnt seem to help...

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Do you have just one litter box?  I suggest a 2nd one and place it where he has his "accidents" the most.  Some cats like to have 2.  It's strange but I have one that likes to use one for #1 and another for #2.  I know in the living room, it can be considered unsightly and inappropriate.  However they make them now so they just look like furniture or a piece of art and the cat has unseen (to your guest) access to it.

It could be that he associates the litter box with his UT problem.  He might associate it with pain.  So 2 new litter boxes may be in order.  Also, it could be that he is super picky about the cleanliness of the box.  So again the 2nd one comes in handy there.

Have you tried the calming collar or Comfort Zone diffusers.  It may help or it may not but it's worth a try for sure.


TCS Member
Aug 27, 2014
Sydney Australia

Im in the process of retraining my cat after peeing and pooing on our sofa a couple of times over the last 2 weeks.

If the living room floor still smells of urine(even if you cant smell it, he probably can), he will go there over and over again. The process we have used for removing the urine, urine smell and enzymes from  the couch was:

         1. disinfectant and hot water (make sure no ammonia in any of your cleaning products)

         2. once that dried, vodka straight onto the area (if this is carpet, test an area first that it doesn't destroy the carpet). I got this tip from this site. The vodka kills the enzymes that the cat can smell making it want to return to the area again and again.

         3. once that dries, Urine Off (Australian brand but you could find something similar from the pet store) sprayed on the area

         4. once that dries, spray Feliway(Australian brand) spray (synthetic cat pheromones) so that your cat doesn't feel the need to mark the area as you have already marked it as his. Spray only lasts a day or so, so spray every couple of days until HOPEFULLY the habit is broken.

You might consider putting a litter tray near that area of the living room to attract him back into the box.

I agree with P3 and The King, I have installed 2 diffusers, one right near the couch itself and another in house (Feliway brand) to calm Rocco down and hopefully relieve any possible stress he is feeling.


We started introducing pieces of the couch back into the room and after 3 days, no accidents and Rocco is back using the toilet (Ive trained him to use the human toilet)

Hope that helps, let me know how you go.