Maggots in Cat Pee!

corinne adams

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 12, 2013

Hi friends... My young cat, Kiara, has been making accidents. I assumed it was territorial/behavioural because I have an older cat, Zoey, and Kiara tends to instigate fights with Zoey and gets jealous of her often. :( A month ago, I saw maggots in the litter box for the first time! I sprayed the house and have been very active with the litter ever since. However, the small brown flies haven't gone away.

Kiara started peeing on our couch . I just discovered SO many maggots are living in the creases!!! I don't know what to do. I sprayed the couch and the house, and will get it removed (and remove anything else she has peed on) as soon as the holiday weekend is over! I don't know what to do because she makes accidents a lot.  I'm going to call a vet but I'm thinking of giving her away! Not only does my stuff smell like cat pee, but BUGS grow in it. I love her but this is a big problem and my other cat is unhappy :(

I'd love to hear any suggestions. I'm going to get another litter box as well! Thank you! ^._.^ <3


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 13, 2013
Couple of questions for you...
How old are your cats?
Has Kiara been to the vet to rule out medical problems for her peeing issues? Something medical could not only cause her to avoid the box but also attract the flies.
Have you tried retraining her to use her box?
And have you done anything to get rid of the flies? You mentioned you sprayed but what did you spray?

Don't give up yet. I know this has to be frustrating but I'm sure we can come up with something. I think the vet appointment is a great place to start. Are you sure they are maggots and not worms? Your vet will probably check that when you bring her in.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 11, 2013
I think a vet visit is the way to go. When my cat Moki started acting aggressive to the other cats and was peeing everywhere we got her urine tested and found that she had crystals in her urine. We got it taken care of and now shes back to normal.

Has your younger cat always been mean to the other cat?

Has this kitty always been an out of the box urinater?

My parents cat also peed everywhere and she's done that for a long time. My parents thought she was just like that and never got her checked until last month when I noticed blood in her urine. The vet thinks she had an underlying issue for years and now that we've started treating her she's doing so much better.

I hope you get it figured out as it's hard to home a cat that won't use the litter box. Best of luck, I hope your kitty improves.