Lugosi's passing and the aftermath

stephanie junca

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jul 6, 2013
It has been a few weeks since our kitty Mr. Lugosi passed away. I posted about it all in this thread for reference. But short version: he was only 3 years old. We adopted him when he was almost 2 years old. He came to us with anxiety issues and would overgroom. He was on kitty Prozac already. In November, he became sick with a virus that our other kitty also contracted. Our other kitty recovered but Lugosi started having other problems during his recovery. He began to growl, hiss and attack himself to the point of ripping off fur and opening large cuts and gashes on his tail. We tried several different treatments, tried doing a variety of tests to see if anything else was going on, but nothing seemed to add up. His episodes became so frequent and constant that there was only a few hours in the day when he was not growling or attacking himself. His every day life became so bad that he was no longer eating, he could not go potty normally, and just was not a happy kitty. We made the tough decision to end his suffering. At his appointment, the vet shaved his fur off of his leg to access a good vein and found that he had bruises and pooling blood. She shaved the other leg and again more visible pooling blood. She remarked that it was very odd to her as she had only seen this in one other animal and that was a dog with end-stage cancer with tumors in several parts of his body. We did perform a lot of tests on him for months and everything appeared normal, so we can only conclude that he had cancer somewhere that was not visible in the tests that were performed. It almost solidified our decision to let him go. He was in pain and no treatments seemed to help him. He passed peacefully on the morning of February 5th.

In the weeks leading up to this point, our other pets were in constant distress not knowing when Lugosi would growl or hiss or attack himself. Everyone including us humans were always on edge. Our other cat was clearly in distress and would meow a lot and do anxious behaviors like chew on things she shouldn't or eat things she shouldn't. Since then, our dogs have gone back to normal and we feel better about the whole situation knowing that he is at rest. But our other kitty has continued to be anxious. She is 14 now and before Lugosi, she had lost her older brother less than two years prior. It has been a lot for her and I worry about her health sometimes because of her age. She eats normally, uses the box normally, but is extra needy. I try to oblige her especially as I work from home but I have to do calls and sometime she joins the meeting with her meows. When her older brother passed, it was different. She actually would hide from us a lot. This went on for about 2 months until she went back to normal. I can only hope that in another month or so she will feel more at ease with the situation.

Below are some pics of our poor Lugosi when he was still healthy and well. We only had a little over a year of time with this guy, but he quickly became a part of the family. Hope you are resting peacefully little dude ❤


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Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
Your pictures show that Lugosi had a beautiful life with you. He looks peaceful and happy in those pictures. I hope you take care of yourself and your other fur kids. I am always grateful for people who give any animal a good life - whether it is long or short. Thank you for sharing pictures and memories.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Lugosi, dream you deep. Your purrs echo in someone's heart forever.

So short a time together, but where there is love, an eternity is not enough. Please remember this...cats live in a sort of "forever now," being the most zen little creatures on the planet. His year with you, his living, breathing and having his being wrapped in your love, was his "forever." And it was the greatest gift he could have asked for. And when it was time, you put his well-being above your own heartbreak, and assisted him in that first step across the Gate between This Adventure and his Next Great Adventure. You sent your love with him to guide his way. Now, from his home in That Place Where All Things Are Known, he blesses you and send his love, translated and purified into Love, back to walk with you down through all your days. Because Love abides. Always, forever, Love abides!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I don't think you had a whole lot of choice in what you did, you had tried to help him and nothing did. He was miserable with life. I truly believe he had something incurable, and you did all you could with what you had.
the connection you have with his soul will always be with you. You made the end of his life as happy as you could, he will always be grateful for that. You gave him what he wanted most in this world, a home, care, and someone to love him.
It hurts so bad right now, but remember, he is at peace now because of your love. Eventually, your grief will turn to gratitude for having him in your life. But that is in the future.
In times like these, I like to use the following saying as a mantra, "Do not cry because it is over, smile because it happened".
Please accept my sincere condolences......RIP Sweet Lugosi. you will always be remembered, you will forever have secure places in loving hearts. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Apr 29, 2022
I know it was such a hard decision for you in your family and you tried to find all solutions so far. I'm sorry there were no answers.

Wishing you all peace.