Low White Blood Count/low Platelets


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 5, 2019
OMG, we’re at it again. After Hank had the panleukopenia scare right after we adopted he and his brother, everyone was doing great! Growing like weeds.

Fast forward to 2 weeks ago. The boys both had their final FVRCP/Rabies vaccines. We were doing great until.....

Wednesday - Dean has seemed off. He’s been eating and using the little box but he just wasn’t his sprite self. Friday night I felt that his ears and paws were very warm. I made an appointment for Saturday as I suspected a fever. The vet could find no obvious reason so began running tests.

He really has no other symptoms other than being very sleepy and not playful at all.

His blood work came back with low white blood count, low neutrophils, and very low platelet count. What does she suspect? Panleukopenia. Seriously????? So she does that rapid parvo test and it’s negative. She has no idea what is wrong. She suggests possibly hospitalization but because of the negative parvo test she is encouraged because there is no vomiting or diarrhea. We decide that we’ll take him home and monitor him closely. She gave him Cerenia and sub Q fluids.

He’s very sleepy. But has walked around a bit today. Played a bit but not much.
Eating — very hungry
Drinking — not very much but I suspect it’s because I’m adding water to his food and feeding him every couple of hours to increase his fluid intake and giving him water from my finger
Litter box- urinating and stool (soft but formed) - not surprised after everything they did to his bottom yesterday and the hydrated food
No vomiting or diarrhea - he’s just sleepy and wants to be left alone

I’m so worried about this guy. I asked her if this was some weird immune response to his vaccinations two weeks ago and she said no. But I really just wonder.

If any of you have had any kind of experience like this or otherwise have any other ideas, I’d love to hear from you.

I hate that work panleukopenia! I’m worried about FIP...just because it can cause similar bloodwork. I’m just sad and worried.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I am so sorry this is going on with Hank. Panleukopenia does not automatically cause FIP. Corona virus has to exist in a cat before there is a possibility for it to mutate to FIP. So, if he doesn't have the corona virus, it is pretty likely he doesn't have FIP.

Perhaps the vaccination for Panleukopenia triggered its activation? If his immune system is compromised, for whatever reason, he is reacting to the vaccination?

I would be looking into another vet (from a different practice) and see what they think - ASAP. Get Dean's records from the current vet to provide to the new vet.

Overall, he sounds like he is not in bad shape, so maybe another vet can offer some ways to help treat him and get him over this if it is just a reaction.

I hope other members come along soon and offer some advice that can help!!!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 5, 2019
That’s a good idea. I think I will call another vet tomorrow. He did try to play some tonight which I’m pleased to see. He’s just so flat —

I have to tell you- I hate vaccines. I know they have their purpose but I really am concerned that it’s an immune reaction to the vaccine.

Thanks for your suggestion!


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I know vaccinations sometimes suck - and when they are administered to a kitten who may or may not have other issues going on - they are a gamble. And, there are some cats/kittens who do have reactions to them.

I still hope other members come along with some ideas as well, just to give you other information to work with.

But, nonetheless, please keep us posted. Once you and your kittens/cats are in our 'family', we totally are invested and root for you/their welfare.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 5, 2019
Update on Dean. We went to our "new" vet yesterday. I'm so happy that his blood work is back to normal. He's playing again and otherwise much happier and healthier. So glad to have my crazy 5 month old kitten back!

I was able to work from home this week to keep an eye on him. I fed him often and added water to his meals to keep him hydrated. It took a week and a half from onset of his illness to return to normal.

We really don't know the underlying cause of the "off" blood work. However, our new vet did say that this could've definitely been a weird result from the vaccine. Finally, someone to agree with me. Fortunately, all vaccines are complete now and we'll cross this bridge again next year - to vaccinate or not. I've never been an anti-vaxxer but I am concerned about hyper sensitivities for some cats (humans for that matter) to certain vaccines.

Thanks for your replies and concerns.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Thanks for the update and glad to hear he is better!!

If Dean is going to be a full-time indoor cat, next year you can discuss with the vet just how necessary it is for him to have any more vaccinations. If he had multiple vaccinations at one time, the vet might want to consider spreading them out if he should need them again.