Lost Cat ):


Thread starter
Mar 23, 2018
hello everyone, our 14 week old kitten has managed to escape from our house. we are so so upset and have tried calling her and leaving her belongings outside for her to sniff. she has been gone for 2 hours but she has never been outside. we are about to go call her again, so i was just seeing any tips or tricks to help, thanks heaps (:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
It's still early, no where near time to give up.

Did she use the litter box before she escaped from the house? If so, some of her own used litter would provide the smell of home for her. If you don't find her quickly, try going to neighbors' houses and asking whether any of them might have found and rescued her.



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 25, 2017
Cat in the window
I know of a 7-month-old who was abandoned outside to fend for herself after she got out one day. In the 24 hours after she got out, she only traveled less than 15 to 20 feet from her would be home. She sought shelter under and around nearby debris and brush, and though I was nearby she would only expose her face from within brush as I fed a TNR and a stray. When I first approached her curious as to what I was seeing, she vanished back to her place of security. It was 24 hours later, going without food that she came near to me in hopes of a meal. She has been with me now for over six months in case you're wondering.

In a nutshell, trust what Margret has said. Chances are she isn't far away, and have sought safe shelter somewhere nearby. Fear of the new surroundings will keep her hidden until moves her from safety to venture out for food.

If she has other companions that you can walk or take out on a harness this may help attract her. Try to attract her out of hiding by simply being there for a time, with food and water readily available. Pull up a chair and good book or comforting music and be present for up to a half hour. Do this every two or so hours, as you're trying to hit the mark where her hunger sets in, yet not enough time will pass that you miss the opportunity.

Leave notice and pictures with neighbors expanding out in a circumference away from your home. Ask them if they would keep a close eye on any possible shelter structures she may have found, but not to approach close enough to scare her off. Listen quietly for sounds that she may make from a faint meow to a distressful cry should she get trapped beneath something. A shelter can be any type of coverage from the weather or prey (adult ferals or animals), that will allow her to fit her head through (includes vehicles abandoned or not). Outdoor storage units are perfect, as they will find holes between the ground and bottom of the structure.

Remember she is afraid and out in the big bad world. She won't travel far at her youthful age. Wishing you the best in finding her. Please keep us informed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Especially go out and sit down with food and water for her at night. Cats believe that they're invisible in the dark; she's much more likely to come out then. You may want to include a small bowl of room temperature or slightly warmer goat's milk or KMR; she should be able to smell it (I think), and she's young enough for milk to be her comfort food.



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Warmed tuna is really stinky, and you'll have every cat in the area following you, hopefully your kitten will be with them! YES, they generally stay nearby. Search very early in the morning, just at dawn, and in the evening at dusk. Carry a flashlight to help you spot a pair of shining eyes. Remember that cats like to hide in small, dark places, so be on the lookout for those, but also remember to look UP! A frightened kitten might well head up a tree if faced with danger. They also like to hole up under bushes.

Early times yet. There is an excellent chance that you will find her safe and sound, and only a little the worse for wear, a much sadder, wiser kitten!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 9, 2014
Like everyone says, don’t give up but act fast. Try everything you can. She is most likely in the next house hiding. Talk to you neighbor. Ask for permission to check out their backyards. How she got out also plays a factor. Was she startled? Or did she sneak out from an opened window? When sitting outside with her food or milk, call out for her in your normal tone, and wait and wait some more. It may take time to recognize a familiar voice. Let us know more about your environment so we could think up more ideas.

My adult indoor cat got out and was found only within 50 steps from my house, hiding under someone’s porch for 47 days the first time. Yes, he had a second escape and went back to the same house.

Don’t give up!