Looking for help : cat injured his back leg


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2022

Looking for some advice here.

This past Tuesday my cat injured his back leg - i'm not exactly sure what happened but my gf suspects he was trying to jump onto a cluttered shelf in the bathroom to get up on a window sill in our bathroom like he has before (there's electrical lines directly in-front of the window and birds tend to hang out there). Usually we keep the bathroom door closed to prevent him from doing this but one of us failed. We returned home to multiple things laying on the bathroom floor and a limping cat. We have since removed the shelf entirely.

Anyway Tuesday he was limping pretty bad. Wednesday and Thursday there were drastic improvements until Thursday night- we returned home and we were guessing he wasn't going to try and run out like he usually does, but he was right there at the door and ran down the flight of apartment steps outside our door full force like he usually does. Now he's back to limping a bit- although today (Saturday) the limping seems to be back on the track to improving.

What's the best course of action? I don't think the leg is broken as he's putting weight on it and it isn't dangling. Probably just a sprain? Should I get a splint?

He's eating/drinking and acting pretty normal, pretty much oblivious to the fact that he has an injured wheel.

I have tried booking a vet appointment but vets in my area are brutal. the good ones aren't accepting any new patients right now. The bad ones say bring him on in, but i'm hesitant due to all the horrific reviews. The best vet I could find was able to book me for an appointment 11 days from now. There's ER's available but it's literally $900 just to walk in the door, never-mind testing, diagnoses & treatment. and in my experience they really take advantage of the situation, intentionally drive up costs astronomically and have very questionable practices. The ones in my area, anyway.

I'm thinking since the leg isn't dangling and he isn't walking on his toes, isn't hiding, is still playful, using the litter box, still trying to eat like a horse and not meowing like he's in pain (I know cats can hide pain but this doesn't seem to be the case here) - it's a fracture or some sort?

For now we removed the cat trees so he isn't jumping/climbing. We made large steps to a window sill in the bedroom with random objects for him to easily access without jumping.

Any advice to help him heal or at least comfort him until the vet appointment? What is the likely diagnoses given his symptoms?

Thank you


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. Don't have much to offer other than to NOT let him outside, and to limit his movements/activity until he can be seen by a vet. Odds are he has some sort of injury that is most likely going to be remedied by confinement/rest. Otherwise, it sounds like you are doing all you can to keep his movements down to a minimum.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
How old is your little guy?
I agree with not letting him outside and keeping him quiet. 11 days is awhile, so you might need to come up with some solutions to keep him entertained. If he's in an area where climbing or jumping is 100% restricted, maybe some catnip or catnip toys, a scratching post (non climbable), etc. If he really goes crazy for food or treats, you could give him an empty water bottle with some kibble inside for him to bat around and get the food out a few pieces at a time. Another option would be playing some Cat TV. My cats love this!
The vet situation is really dire, you're right about that. If he worsens, I'd call who you have an appointment with and tell them the situation. You might want to take a video of him now (how he walks, etc.) and do this every few days, so you can compare it . You'll also have a comparison to show the vet should he take a downward turn. You could email the comparisons to them and see if they need you to go to the ER or if they could fit him in sooner.
If in 11 days you take him in and they want to recheck him in a week or two, book it before you leave and keep that appointment! :)
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