Looking For Advice


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 3, 2018
In June, this small cat showed up on my patio. I assumed it was a kitten. I live in Michigan so in the summer, I sit outside every night. He/she would not come close to my husband and I. No meow, no purring. I have 2 Yorkshire terriers and I don't/didn't like or understand cats. I posted pics on my social media, lost pet sites, contacted neighbors etc. The next night, the kitten/cat came back. I gave him/her a 1/2 can of tuna. This went on for about 6 weeks. Then, he/she didn't come around for about 3 weeks. In the meantime, a second cat showed up (looks identical but bigger). Then, he/she showed up again and I found myself happy that he/she was OK so I bought kibble. Now it is November and the days/nights are getting cold. To try and make a long story short, Precious comes into our garage at 7pm, eats, has water, I have made a feral cat house, she now meows and rubs against us and loves having her head rubbed. She sleeps in the garage and leaves in the morning. What I want to know is am I doing the right thing? I can't have a cat in my house, but she is God's creature and we are both learning. She now wants to play/bat at us. I leave my garage open a few inches at night so she can come and go, but what should I do when it gets below zero to offer her a warm, dry place to be?



Mr.Mom to a house of cats 😇😼
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2016
Los Angeles
~ You're doing great. Sounds like those cats were abandoned. Eventually - if you can - it would be nice to get both cats checked for spay/ neuter. Also good if you can apply a dose of flea drops.
Good luck with your new friend ! :catrub:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
You are doing the right thing. I have rescued many and only have a few minutes to answer you right now as it is late and I am working with a frightened feral kitty myself but I saw your post and wanted to answer quickly. I will return to follow up with you later. First , I am so grateful you are helping her. Thank you. As far as keeping her warm right now, can you give her a small heater or a heating pad? These make a huge difference in severe weather. There are special heated cat beds you can buy but I have often used a small electric space heater that has a tip off switch. If the cat knocks it over it shuts off. I also use heating pads set to a low temperature. An old blanket in a box can help. If you cannot provide heat try to give her a box filled with newspaper and old blankets or towels that is not on the cold ground. Protect her from wind blowing in by keeping the box away from the door. You are saving a life. She is God’s creature and she came to you, put her trust in you and now responds to you out of love. If you have not had experience with a cat before I know you are going to find her to be amazing. I have had dogs and cats. I love both and I think you are going to enjoy having her around. There are many more things that members of this site can tell you to help you along. I know that they will be grateful to you as well. There are also programs in many areas that can help you. For tonight, just keep her warm, safe and fed.Others will be along soon to give you more information and I will come back to check in. If you have any questions you can ask here or message me or @ and then type my ID and I will respond. I expect you will be getting a lot of help from others though. Precious is beautiful! Again, thank you for saving a life!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
There are a few options for providing shelter. You can get a small pet house and fill it with straw (not hay). You can cheaply purchase straw at an Agway. You could also place an outdoor pet heating pad in there that you could order online from eBay or Amazon. K&H makes a small pet house with a heating pad in it. Some people fashion a shelter out of large plastic Walmart bins. There's actually quite a few discussions with photos about outdoor shelters on this site. Most feral cats prefer any pet house to have an exit on the opposite side so they don't feel trapped if cornered by another animal, but since she's in your garage, that may not be necessary. Basically, any warm and dry shelter you provide for her will be appreciated.

It would be great if you could get her to a vet for checkup and to get spayed if necessary. Have you noticed if she's been in heat at all? It can be very difficult to tell if a female cat has been spayed. If she hasn't been, she will wander and look for a mate, even in the winter. A vet appointment would be helpful. She could get vaccinated for rabies, and receive a dewormer and Frontline Plus if necessary. The vet could sedate her for the exam if needed. If she gets spay surgery, she'll need a few days to recover--either in a room in your house, or at the vet clinic.

You may end up deciding to take her into your house. She would need to be confined to a room for a few weeks so she could adjust to indoor life and your two dogs. Many of us have socialized new cats to resident cats and dogs. I have five cats indoors. You may find that it's much easier and less stressful to care for a cat indoors rather than outdoors.

It sounds like she's bonded with you and regards you as her human. Thanks for taking care of her!


TCS Member
Nov 3, 2018
Hi, I posted for the first time yesterday too. I'm taking care of a kitten that was apparently abandoned by its mother and I made a shelter that you might be interested in. It's a styrofoam cooler lined with a mylar blanket. I made a little pillow out of tiny styrofoam balls, a gallon size ziplock freezer bag and a pillowcase. I also bought straw and put it in there. I think it's warm enough for now, but if I can't find this kitten a home I'm going to get a self warming sleeping pad. Then my husband will have to build a sturdier, more permanent shelter that will have all of the above!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I am so glad others are posting information. All great advice. If there is snow or rain it will be miserable for her to go outside to the bathroom. A litter box in the garage would help. You can teach her that this is the place to go by adding some potting soil, leaves from outside or straw. She will be grateful when she understands to go there. Welcome to thecatsite!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 3, 2018
Thank you very much for your responses. I have made a feeling cat house with a Rubbermaid tote, Styrofoam insulation, and straw. I am also going to get a better heater for the garage.