Looking for Advice and/or Home for 2 Cats


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 29, 2016
I didn't really think I'd ever be on a cat forum posting about two cats that potentially need a new home, yet here I am.

We have a 16 month old and baby boy #2 due in September. We live near the beach and are constantly experiencing issues with fleas. I bite my tongue and deal with it. Little red dots on my feet and legs are tolerable. However, my 7+ month pregnant wife is about at the end of her rope and I am just out of ideas. We are using Advantage. We have covered the surfaces in our home with Diatomaceous Earth, and let it sit for days. We then vacuum and steam clean and take everything to the laundromat to start fresh. I'm talking couch cushion covers, rugs, every blanket they could have touched.

I hate to rant, but it really is to the point where the cats go or our home is going to continue to be a mildly hostile environment. I am defending two cats that I didn't really want in the first place. But, I didn't sign adoption paperwork on these cats my wife wanted to then abandon them. Our real issue is the constant battle with fleas. It is driving my wife insane, which in turn is driving me insane. I work from home and travel a fair amount. Two kids under 2 and a house full of fleas is going to be a nightmare.

Please chime in with constructive input if you feel moved enough to do so. I don't want to take these cats to a shelter and think about them being miserable. I really do love having the opportunity to provide for my family, and these two cats are a part of it.

Sorry if this is scatter-brained...


Staff Member
Jul 31, 2008
Where are you located? This is an international site with members all over the world. It's not likely that you'll find anyone to adopt your cats here, but it's possible there is someone in your area who can direct you to places that might help.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
One thing to consider would be to not let the cats go outside to bring the fleas back in. You also might research the topical flea treatments for cats, I saw one that stated it killed fleas within minutes. I have a feeling that you might have fleas anyway if you live on the beach, cats or no cats. It may be time to spray the outside of your property to reduce the amount there, hire a commercial pest control or ask  what to use to do it yourself, remember that a pregnant woman cannot be exposed to most pest sprays. Flea eggs hatch in about a week, so any control you are doing in the house would have to be repeated then, are you doing that? As a last resort you may consider making your cats strictly outdoors for a while, you could build them a shelter or even an enclosure if there are predators where you are at. The flea invasion may be one that can go away, we have huge jumps in the tick population every few years and they become a real nuisance, but the next year is fine. I hope you find a solution, it may be time to call in the professionals. You are to be commended for trying to find a solution,thank you on the behalf of those little ones you have, they love you for giving them a home and it would be a shame to take it away. All the luck!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 29, 2016
We are located in Ventura, CA.

They are strictly indoor cats which makes it even more frustrating to be honest. We have not tried any outdoor pesticides but I will figure something out today.

I know living by the beach is amplifying this. I just don't know how we can rid ourselves for good. Thanks for the help so far!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
If they are strictly indoor cat, then the infestation is being brought in by something else, or the eggs are hatching inside and reinfecting the house.  I would strongly recommend calling in the professionals, then if the fleas come back you can call them back and say they didn't get rid of them. Little dots on your legs and feet, could be chiggers or bed bugs too, have the professional check for all possibilities. The easiest way I have found to check a cat for fleas is to check on the stomach and inside of the thigh where the hair is thin. Flea bites should occur all over the body. not just the legs, unless you are getting them outside in the grass. Bedbugs hide under that 'rope' edge on your mattress edge, but once again usually bite all over. You might be getting bit by chiggers or sand fleas. You might  apply a repellent when outside for a while, that would tell you if you are getting bit outside, make sure it is safe for your wife and child, or just you apply it for a while to your legs. I hope this gives you some more to go on!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
One thing to consider is that some flea medications don't work in certain areas. The fleas become immune to it over time as they evolve. I would definitely recommend changing flea medications to see if it is making a difference.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Get some Comfortis pills from the vet. They aren't cheap but they'll do the job. If the house is badly infested you might have to spring for an exterminator at first, but if you keep the cats on the pills consistently you won't have to do it again. If the infestation isn't too bad the pills might take care of it.