Little Ginger girl


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Ellie is found  and is safe and sound! 

Apparently she was picked up by a lady on the next block who saw her sitting in the middle of the road.  She runs an adoption shelter and took Ellie there with a view to adoption, and has fallen in love with her and offered to keep her!!  she called me last night having seen the flyer and we had a long talk this morning where I was reassured Ellie will be taken great care of. I will be sad to lose her (although I made clear we would take her back any time) but think she will be happier in a home with fewer cats.  Apparently our Ellie girl is deaf, which we never knew, so cannot go outside, and that would be difficult for us with our in and out lot.  Especially as we are leaving for a month's vacation tomorrow, we have a reliable cat sitter who will be staying here but I wouldn't want to leave her with that responsibility.  I will take her over Ellie's food and snuggle bed etc. later today.  We also share the same vet practice so it will be no problem getting her records etc. transferred.

Here is the kicker.  Her adopter was trying to think of a name for her and came up with "Eleanor" - "Ellie" for short.  And that is her actual name.  So I think we have a destiny thing going on here.

thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers - I am so relieved and happy I could cry at this happy ending.
I am so relieved and so very very happy for Ellie!!  What a wonderful home she will have.  I am sure it will be hard to be without her, but I bet she will be very happy in her new home.  I can't believe she is deaf.  The part about the name gave me chills.  It was destiny for her.

I have had such a soft spot for Little Ginger Girl/Ellie and I was so worried about her.  She had been in my prayers daily. 

Have a wonderful long vacation.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 29, 2013
Ellie is found  and is safe and sound!  :clap:

Apparently she was picked up by a lady on the next block who saw her sitting in the middle of the road.  She runs an adoption shelter and took Ellie there with a view to adoption, and has fallen in love with her and offered to keep her!!  she called me last night having seen the flyer and we had a long talk this morning where I was reassured Ellie will be taken great care of. I will be sad to lose her (although I made clear we would take her back any time) but think she will be happier in a home with fewer cats.  Apparently our Ellie girl is deaf, which we never knew, so cannot go outside, and that would be difficult for us with our in and out lot.  Especially as we are leaving for a month's vacation tomorrow, we have a reliable cat sitter who will be staying here but I wouldn't want to leave her with that responsibility.  I will take her over Ellie's food and snuggle bed etc. later today.  We also share the same vet practice so it will be no problem getting her records etc. transferred.

Here is the kicker.  Her adopter was trying to think of a name for her and came up with "Eleanor" - "Ellie" for short.  And that is her actual name.  So I think we have a destiny thing going on here.

thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers - I am so relieved and happy I could cry at this happy ending.:love:

What a very happy ending!!!!!
You did a great with her! You can visit her too!
I was so worried so I know you were definitely worried!!!
What a happy ending!!!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
So glad there is a happy ending to Ellie's story.   I was so afraid you would never know what happened to her.   Now you know she'll be safe and in a good home. 
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  • #164


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Adult Cat
Sep 29, 2013
New Jersey
Thanks everyone.  As you can imagine I am teary-eyed with relief and joy.  With so many bad things happening to cats I can barely believe our luck at this happy ending, especially right before we leave for vacation.  It would have been spoiled by worry about Ellie if she had not been found, I would never have forgiven myself for not realizing that she had gone out when I thought she was safe in her basket.

Shadows Rescue, yes the name thing is indeed like -- destiny.  Like wow, yes, shivery.  That was what ultimately convinced me that I should give Ellie up to a new home. I wanted so much to visit her tonight but thought it  best to wait until we return when she is settled so as not to conflict her, and then I can whisper in her ear how happy I am for her new home and that I love her and that if she ever wants to come back our promise for a forever home is forever good.  But I do think she will better off in a home without other cats (did I mention that part of the reason for adoption is that this lady's long time cat died recently?) 

And here is another weird thing.  Ellie is apparently stone deaf, and yet when I first rescued her I used to sing to her to calm her and she responded to that.  So I'm thinking even deaf cats must sense vibrations somehow?  And also her new mother told me she had a choice of three names (Hazel, Eleanor and I forget the other one) and Ellie chose "Eleanor" so she must "hear" somehow. 

Anyway a happy ending indeed. I feel like running outside and singing! 


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
That's great news. Your Little Ginger Girl's story has had many twists and turns, but it seems that she's finally found her place in the world.

Have a happy life Ellie.



TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 25, 2013
North Georgia, USA
After reading this entire thread for the first time I am left in amazement at the vast number of hearts and lives you and Ellie have touched in such a wonderful and positive way.

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Yey!!!!!!! SUCH Wonderful news!!!  I'm so happy to hear it!   Destiny indeed!  I don't believe in coincidences. As worrisome as it all was,  looks like there were two reasons it happened.

 It's nice another kitty was saved in the process, & will hopefully now keep people aware of checking their garages, and how wonderful Ellie found the right home for her! 

So Happy!  
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  • #170


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 29, 2013
New Jersey
We are back from vacation (wow how much I've missed on the cat site) and made indirect contact with the adopter of Ellie via her rescue group.  I talked to two folks there and both said she was doing fine and happy, so I am relieved.  I'm waiting to go and visit her, I miss her but think a one cat household is best for her.  Our other four cats are fine, but now another stray - the little tiger-striped tabby that I rescued from a neighbor's garage when looking for Ellie, is looking to move in.  No good deed goes unpunished!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 29, 2013
We are back from vacation (wow how much I've missed on the cat site) and made indirect contact with the adopter of Ellie via her rescue group.  I talked to two folks there and both said she was doing fine and happy, so I am relieved.  I'm waiting to go and visit her, I miss her but think a one cat household is best for her.  Our other four cats are fine, but now another stray - the little tiger-striped tabby that I rescued from a neighbor's garage when looking for Ellie, is looking to move in.  No good deed goes unpunished!

Welcome back!!
I'm happy for Ellie!! I'm curious, as I'm sure you are too, as to how she will react when she sees you. She knows you're the one who saved her!!
Now this little one you rescued from being trapped in a garage, he's wanting in? I guess another homeless one who became lost or abandoned. It never ends!!
I have one I started feeding. She's a beautiful Siamese. Probably about 8 months, I'm guessing. She came to me begging for food. The problem is she has a litter somewhere. I can tell she's nursing. I'm so mad as she lets me love her so I know she's not feral. When will people learn to spay their females. Obviously they didn't want her. I have seen no signs for a lost Siamese!! It never ends!!
I hope you had a nice vacation. I know your fur babies have to be happy to see you. Looking forward to updates on Ellie.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I guess Ellie found a new home so you'd find and have room for the new stray.     Let us know how Ellie reacts if you get to visit her.
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  • #173


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 29, 2013
New Jersey
Indeed I can't wait to see her, but apparently the lady who took her in is frantic with one of her cats who has a heart condition and is in bad shape, so may have to wait a bit.  I'm encouraged that when I called the rescue organization and spoke with someone from there at the vet's they knew Ellie right away and said she is doing fine, I'd just like to see for myself.  After all I promised her a forever home and I want to make sure that has been fulfilled.  Of course if there are any problems I will take her back!

I'm mystified by our latest visitor.  It seems there are not one but two tiger-stripes, one is a female and has a collar, and one (an almost exact twin as far as I can see) does not, and the main difference is he  (yes, he's a boy for sure) is very vocal.  He is quite friendly and well kept looking,  not overly thin or hungry, although he happily hoovers up leftovers!  He mainly seems to like the company of our cats, he's come in a few times and made himself right at home, and they all like him.  I'm thinking he may actually belong to someone so I'm reluctant to take him to be neutered without checking, so I'm planning to make some flyers with pics "is this your cat" first.  Otherwise, well we don't want another cat, but he seems to want us - and he needs to be neutered and get his shots and tests.  He is not ready to be touched or captured yet, but he is attentive when I talk to him and doesn't run if I keep still, so I don't think it will take too long to catch him if need be. We shall see what happens, but my remaining "mystery" is why all my cats respond to him so well, they are normally very territorial.  Even when he's come inside and raided their food bowls they don't mind, just sniff him and seem to say "ok, hang out with us".  Go figure, maybe somehow they are related.  So, like I need another cat like a hole in the head, but we seem to have been chosen as his people.

As I type he just came to the window yowling, wow he has big testicles, I need to get moving on this. 


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
As I type he just came to the window yowling, wow he has big testicles, I need to get moving on this. 
 That made me laugh.

How about putting a cheap break-away collar on him and a little note saying. "If this is your cat please call me" That way if he does have a home you'll know, and be able to speak to his owners, and if not you'll be able to work on getting him fixed.

I'm a magnet for homeless cats too, just as I get one re-homed another turns up.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Do you know which tiger-striped kitty was the one you rescued from the garage?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 29, 2013
So he has a big package!!! Ha-Ha
Well I know a lot of people do spay females but since boys don't get pregnant they don't bother to neuter!! He might have a home. The flyers is a good idea!
I have a black kitty who visits who lives around the corner. Hopefully that's the case here..
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  • #177


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 29, 2013
New Jersey
Interesting question which kitty did I rescue, I don't know as I only saw a face and paws in the dark under the garage door, just enough to know it was a small tiger-striped tabby.  The girl (who I called Delilah) appears to be homed and collared, I've only seen her a few times and she looks well, but the boy, who I call Tiger, is still roaming and comes daily to our house yowling, sometimes just sits quietly outside.  He is not starving but is happy to have food, doesn't flee from me if I'm still but runs if I approach.  He looks in good shape, for sure not a feral.   I've asked my nearest neighbors and no one claims him but over the weekend I plan to make a flyer and go further door to door.  He is quite friendly and has jumped in the window a few times and come into the house - strangely my cats all accept him.   So although not needing another cat (at all at all with 4 already!) I'm willing to take him, get him neutered shots etc.  But first I want to make sure he is not "someone's cat" .  At least he's a boy so I don't have to worry about kittens, but yes "big package" --- he needs that taken care of one way or another or he'll find an un-spayed female to impregnate (probably lack of success there so far is why he's yowling!)

Still waiting to see Ellie, but have good reports that she is healthy and doing well.   And I found some of her history from an elderly neighbor.  She must be an "old" cat because she said that Ellie lived for years with a lady in a house nearby, apparently a bit "odd" and on welfare or disability but harmed no one, but then she was evicted and the house torn down, about 10 years ago, and apparently Ellie was left behind so that's how she ended up in her bad situation.  Poor girl, I'm just happy I was able to rescue her and she has a good home, but I do miss her.  I'm also wondering what happened to her person, where did she go and was she heartbroken not being able to take her cat with her. Maybe she was taken into care or a shelter.  I'm going to delve some more into this history, maybe I can put her old owner's heart at rest if I can locate her. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 29, 2013
That's so sad if Ellie was that kitty left behind!! Also sad for the woman!! I know someone who lived in their car for 6 months with her 2 cats. In Florida where it's always warm and extremely humid. I'm from N.J. and fl. was too humid for me!! Anyway it's quite amazing she survived for so long and being deaf also. Strays don't live that long. She had an angel watching
out for her. Thank God you found her when you did. This would of been her last year!!
Why the lady left her behind has me wondering. Did Ellie run off and she could not find her? I just couldn't leave mine to fend for themselves, though the neighbors said she was odd. It would be interesting if you could find her. She probably has a story that would break your heart!
I guess with this boy time will tell if he has a family.