Litterbox Location Suggestions - Apartment


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 9, 2005
Omaha, NE
I know I don't post much, I read but only occasionally speak up. But I've always got good advice and suggestions in the past.

We (me, husband, 1 male neutered cat) currently live in a 1 bedroom apartment that's around 665 sqft. We're planning on moving to a larger 2 bedroom (930 sqft) apartment within the next couple of months. I'm trying to think of where to put the litterbox.

Both apartments are 1 bathroom though the one we have now is a little bigger than the new one would be. Right now the box is in the bathroom but there's really no corner to put it in so it's somewhat in the way. In the new one, this won't be an option. There is a linen closet in the new apartment and I was thinking we could take the bi-fold door off and put up a curtain and we could put the box at the bottom of that, if it fits. I didn't measure when we went to look the first time but we're going back 1-2 more times before the lease is signed so I'll check it out.

Assuming this isn't an option, where else can I put it? It's a galley kitchen and no extra empty tile area for a litter box. Is putting it on carpeting an option? The second bedroom will be an office/guest bedroom. We could put it in the closet and just keep the closet door open. Does anyone else keep theirs on a carpeted floor? What can you do to protect the carpet from getting litter ground into it? He doesn't kick but he does scatter litter when he leaves.

We will have a balcony but we've never been in an apartment with a balcony (we'll be on the 2nd floor) so I have no idea if he might try to jump off of it (or if that's something a cat would do) or if keeping a litter box there would even be an option.

Further, right now we have a box with a hood. I'm fine with getting a new box or maybe something that hides the box if I can afford it. He's an easy going cat, he won't mind if his box is moved or if I change it or whatever. He's never cared before, he's the most amenable cat I've ever had.

I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks in advance!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 16, 2007
I have two cats in about a 900 foot two bedroom unit. I have four boxes (my one boy is very picky!). I've got one in the utility room (for some reason, neither cat is disturbed by the furnace or washer/dryer) and two in the second bedroom, which is carpeted. A Petsmart manager suggested getting those desk chair pads from Staples, etc. Pretty big clear, hard surface which protects the carpeting. Works great. I'm sure you could find something similar. I do have a litter box rug from Walmart by each box as well.

You could get a screen to put in front of the box and see if he's ok with that. I've seen screens in Cat Fancy, or just a regular old decorative screen might work. Some cats like their boxes in a sheltered area, others like to make sure they can see in all directions. There are some very fancy 'litter box furniture' ideas out there - but they tend to be expensive.

I'd be careful about the balcony - kitty sees a bird or something and gets excited and might not realize he can't fly. I definitely wouldn't allow him unrestrained access to the balcony.

good luck on your move!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2002
new york city
The litter box here is in a corner - and immediately to the left side of the 3-seater sofa. It's secluded. pic That white thing is a scent filter. Thankfully, all of this is out of view.


TCS Member
Jun 16, 2006
You could always keep it in the bathtub and take it out when you use it, put it back when you're finished.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Really anywhere but the kitchen is fine. You could put a box in the living room and use a chair or folding screen to block company view of the box (unless they go hunting for it..).
To help with carpet, you could get some plastic carpet runners and put that under the box, then a mat in front of the box to catch litter if you're really worried about anything getting on the carpet.

I wouldn't let the cat out on the balcony. Just not worth the risk. However there are sites that sell kits that allow you to enclose your balcony if you ever wish to make it cat safe.


Darksome Duo!
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2003
Denton TX
i've always put mine in closets. when i was in an apartment & had carpeting, i lined the floor & walls w/a cheap plastic tablecloth [taped to the walls] because the clay-based clumping litters will cut the carpet fibers & get ingrained into the weave - no vacuum will remove the little grains, then. i always got my full deposit back, too.
now, in my house, i have all hard-surfaced floors [sheet vinyl] but i still put rugs & such on the closet floors to hold the litter in there as much as possible.