Litterbox issues in a multicat household


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 19, 2013
We've been having some litterbox issues for quite a while now. Probably over a year. We have two cats. One, a male, is 6. He was our first cat. Then two years later we brought home our female cat (a kitten at the time), who is 4 now. When we decided to get a second cat I did a little research and saw that it is best to have a litter box for each cat, to prevent territorial disputes. So we did that right away. This worked well for years. However one week we were really busy and didn't clean the litter boxes as much as we should have. This was the beginning of our problems. Our female cat started to pee on the carpet just outside of the litterbox. We quickly scolded ourselves for letting the boxes get so bad and cleaned the mess but since the urine smell was so hard to get up she continued to do this even when the boxes were clean. We then closed off that room until we could recarpet (it wasn't very nice carpet anyways) and moved the litter boxes. This seemed to do the trick. However eventually she started getting picky about how dirty the boxes could be before she decided to pee outside of them again. At this time I'd say we were cleaning every 3 days or so. We had never had picky cats like this so that seemed pretty good to us at the time. Again I cleaned the carpet as best as I could but this time we laid down puppy pads in front of the boxes, since we have a small house and not enough room to keep moving litter boxes around in. At this time we told ourselves that we really just had to buckle down and fix our own issue of not cleaning the boxes enough. I think one of the issues my girl cat has is the fact that our male cat is the alpha and doesn't bother covering up his business. Plus he will do this is both litterboxes. So we cleaned them every two days. And we were pretty good at remembering to do this. Bad habits are hard to change so it did take us a while and each time we let it go longer than 2 days she would pee on the puppy pad to remind us the boxes were not clean enough. The funny thing is it is only ever one pee on the puppy pad. She will do that one reminder pee and then keep using the litterbox. She never poops outside of the litterbox, no matter if she's dissatisfied with it's state or not.

We now clean the boxes everyday, making sure to add a bit of new litter each time to freshen it up. The discouraging thing is this morning I woke up to a pee on the puppy pad, when my husband cleaned out the boxes last night before bed. I checked the boxes and there is only one poop in the one litter box. The other one, the one she uses most, is empty. At this point I don't know what to do.

Perhaps the litter is too old? How often should we completely dump and wash the boxes? We can't afford to do this everyday! Is she perhaps telling us that she doesn't want to share litter boxes with our other cat anymore? I don't know how to rectify this without giving her to a new home. I would hate to do this since she is really a sweet cat and not dirty at all... in fact the problem we seem to be having is her extreme cleanliness.

What do you recommend?


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Sounds like the male cat is sending her a message - BOTH these boxes are mine.  So she pees where he hasn't marked.  She may also simply prefer to pee in a different place than she poops.  I think adding another box somewhere will help.  This will give them both an alternative.

Think about the size of the litter box, too.  We use large Rubbermaid totes for our litter boxes.  One reason was our biggest boy simply couldn't fit his big butt in the box and often peed over the side.  Pee pads helped protect the floor but ech!  So we experimented and found the best size and have five totes for six cats in four rooms.  (I know, I know, this isn't a house, it's a cat sanctuary!)

We scoop every day, even though sometimes at least one of the boxes is not used at all.  I figure better they don't use it than they don't have a clean place to go.

It is really important that you clean the areas where she's peed with a good enzyme cleaner.  You may not be able to smell the pee but she can.  It keeps reminding her she peed there before and she'll pee there again.  When you put down new carpet, clean the floor underneath.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 23, 2013


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 19, 2013
I concur with the two replies above. #1 Big enough box - I ran into this myself until I purchased a big Rubbermaid type container. #2 Healt check.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 19, 2013
I've been wondering about adding a third litter box. I know the rule is generally one for each cat plus an extra... but in our small place we are running out of places to put them! The main floor is out because it is basically only the kitchen and dining room. The basement could be an option but it is normally closed off unless we are using the rec room or laundry room and the cats almost never go down there... especially our girl cat. But I have been playing with the idea of putting in a kitty door so they can make their way down there as they please. Our upper floor is where the cat boxes are now. We have them both in our spare room. The room they used to be in is now being turned into a nursery for our baby on the way (hence the new carpet!).

Right now I'm thinking we are just not washing the boxes out enough. I've washed both out today and gave them both all new litter. I'm hoping if we can make a habit of washing them at least every month that might help with the problem. How often do you suggest completely changing out the litter? We use clumping and like I said we clean it everyday now (which I'm thinking of bumping up to twice daily). We also add a scoop or two of new litter to each box every other day to replace the stuff we take out and to keep it smelling fresh. But I'm not sure how regularly we change out the litter completely.

Also the one box we have is pretty large. Not quite Rubbermaid size... but close. Since our boy is a big boy that is the one we had for him before we got our girl. Then we got a medium one for her since she is a pretty tiny cat, I thought a smaller box would keep out our big boy and it could remain all hers... but he still manages to cram his big butt in there, haha. So I don't think the size is the issue since she is so tiny and dainty.

I'm still hoping a change in our routine is the answer. But these days it feels like she is getting pickier and pickier and eventually I'm scared we may be faced with a tough decision.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 17, 2013
We have three cats and I have one one plastic tub (like a storage tub but not the rubbermaid kind) and they are inexpensive enough that I go and buy a new one about ever six months. We also wash the box probably about every two months. We change out the litter completely about every two to three weeks. I had a problem with one of my male cats peeing in our bedroom for awhile and it just became a habit. We wanted to replace the carpet with flooring anyway so I tore out the carpet and never a problem with that again.  On another note, when Skittles had a urinary blockage - a week or so before he started peeing outside the box and on things right in front of me (I think to show me there was a problem). 

The health check is important to make sure she is not having any urinary tract problem.

Try two new big litter boxes? Maybe add a third in another location or close by where that one is? I wonder if you put another type of litter in the new box it would encourage her to be curious about the new smell, etc? 

I know it is frustrating - cat pee is the worst smell in the world. I think you will find an answer soon so give it time. You are at least really proactive in trying to find an answer! 

Best of luck,



TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
I HAVE to scoop twice a day, morning and night, since one of my senior boys does not like a dirty box. I'll catch him sniffing around for a spot on the carpet if it is not clean. I change out both litter boxes every 2-3 weeks by completing emptying it, wiping it down (many people hose it off outside and let it dry in the sun), and putting new litter in. Sometimes after one week, I do a litter box "refresh" by wiping off any urine that may be on the side of the litter box (one of my cats pees on the side), adding a tad bit of fresh litter, and an even sprinkle of baking soda for odor control. Some cats do not like it if there is not enough litter in the box.

And yes, if she can still smell the urine on the carpet, she will continue to go there. Clean it thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaner (Nature's Miracle has a "Urine Destroyer"). Let it dry completely and sprinkle a light dusting of baking soda on the carpet. Work the baking soda through the carpet fibers with the tips of your fingers and let it sit. When I did this, I let it sit for a few days and the cats didn't bother it. Vacuum the area and mist with Nature's Miracle 3-in-1 Odor Destroyer (it's unscented).

Although it's not as common in female cats to get urinary crystals as it is in male cats, it is possible. They can also get cystitis (bladder inflammation), which can be quite uncomfortable. This can cause inappropriate elimination since the cat starts associating the litter box with the discomfort.

maureen brad

TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
Sometimes cats will not pee and poop in the same box. I have 2 boxes for my 2 male cats ages 6 and 8.I scoop in the morning and then again before I go to bed. I dump all the boxes every other week , wash them out and add new litter. I agree with one of the responses that suggested your male cat is sending your female cat a message.Keep your boxes close to the main living areas. Cats aren't to reliable when they have to go into the basement to find a box.As much as we aren't fond of seeing the boxes the cats want to do their business where they are convenient and in a comfortable environment.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 17, 2013
To test if you need more litter boxes cut down a cardboard box , put baking soda on the bottom layer then the litter and see what happens....If that works get a new box...or 2. I have 2 boxes for each cat. I'm fortunate to have a big basement...


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 2, 2013
I have 4 cats and 3 boxes... I have to clean mine daily (scooping) with about 2-3 cups of fresh litter each and vaccine around the area. Every wendsay I dump everything no matter if it was hardly used or heavily used it all goes. I then wash the littler trays out with sunlight original and a new sponge dry then and then Lysol spray with the. Air drying outside. If I don't do this my one cat will get picky. best of luck.