Litter woes: Petco refillable vs. Tidy Cats Pure Nature


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 11, 2014
Charlotte, NC
I have only tried two types of litter so far. (Not a lot, I know.)

First we tried Tidy Cats Pure Nature. I loved it. Smells nice, light, eco-friendly, low dust. It tracks a bit, but nothing a quick run with a dust buster can't handle.

Leeto did just fine with it. But Hex was having some issues (mainly he preferred my couch). So I thought maybe a switch would help.

We ended up at Petco and decided to give their refillable litter a try. It was clay based, which is what the kitties were using before we adopted them, so I thought Hex might prefer it over a more natural litter.

Hex hasn't peed on my couch since the switch. BUT, he is also settling in more in general, and we got a feliway diffuser, so I'm not sure what is really helping the most.

And I've got a big problem with the Petco litter: it stinks. Literally.

Not only does it weigh a crap ton, it just isn't covering the smells. Even though it is supposed to have excellent odor control. :/

So now I don't know what to do. Switch back to Pure Nature, and risk the couch? Try something else (out of SO. MANY. LITTERS.) and risk the couch and/or hating it? Plus, the kitties are going in to get n&s on Monday, and I'm worried about stressing them out too much.

So what to do?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 25, 2014
Madison, Wisconsin USA
Only make one change at a time so you can see what is working and what isn't. Why don't you try another litter and then if he goes back to the couch you know it's the litter he is protesting. I like fresh step for odor control.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC
Since you have 2 kitties, i am assuming you have 3 boxes, or at the very least 2. Why not keep the natural litter in one, and a clay based litter in the other? give your kitties options and see what works for them.

As far as clay based litters, i really like natures miracle intense defense clumping litter. its unscented, but great with odor control and clumping. it tracks a bit but dust is very minimal.

If you're already liking the natural selection from tidy cats, they also offer clay litter, however, their clay litters are heavily scented, very dusty, and tracks a lot (from my own experience with it)

some cats just dont like natural litter. My Jet does not, and the only time she had accidents outside of the box was when i was trying out WBCL (never again)

whatever you decide to do, remember to transition from one litter to the next gradually :)