Litter & Litter Box Recommendations?


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jul 3, 2003
After spending most of my life with multiple cats, for a few years after the last of ours passed, we have been catless.

Now we've adopted a 4 month old kitten, and though I thought I knew what I wanted to go with for litter, I'm basing it on my previous experience with multiple cats and senior cats. But with a single kitten, one who is hopefully open to new litter options, and with all the advances that have happened over time, we may have a lot more choices I hadn't even thought about!

So, while I know it's a very subjective thing, I'd love to hear litter/box recommendations. Ideally I'm looking for something with little to no tracking, great odor control, and simple/easy maintenance. We cannot use walnut, corn, wheat, or anything dusty due to owner allergies and asthma. Our bathrooms are small and don't have room for anything that hooks up to bathroom plumbing. Aside from those caveats, I'm open to all sorts of ideas. Please tell me what you recommend, what you love about it, and any downsides (if you've experienced any).

Thanks in advance!


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi! I am sure you will soon get plenty of recommendations on both!

I use Fresh Step Unscented - and about a year ago or so they changed the formula so that it is not as dusty as it once was. You don't need scents in the litter if it is a good one. I cannot smell anything when Feeby uses her litter box - unless she doesn't cover pee/poop up (which happens a lot), but even then it is not terribly noticeable.

As far as boxes go, get a simple low sided standard sized box to start with. They are usually not that expensive. So, if you need to try another size/type later on it would not be so bad on the wallet. The habits of your kitten - both now and later - will end up determining what type of box is best for you.