Letting Indoor Cats Outside


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 3, 2015
Los Angeles
Hi all,

I wanted to get some feedback from experienced cat owners. We have two indoor cats that are both two years old. We adopted them as 8-10 week old kittens so they've spent all their lives indoors. We live in an apartment and they have access to our balcony so they spend time out there sometimes.

Our building is getting fumigated this week and we're staying with my parents, they have a house in the suburbs with a large backyard and the cats are desperate to get out there. Should I let them out to explore? We're not on a busy street so I'm not really worried about them getting hit by a car but I am nervous that they could wander too far and get lost. Also, I'm worried that they'll be really unhappy back in our apartment once they get a taste for the outdoors.

Any thoughts or similar experiences? I feel so bad for them sitting by the door and meowing!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
I'd get them harnesses unless you are 100% sure they won't run off, and wouldn't let them out unless you are out with them to supervise.

My cat goes out without a harness for a few minutes of sunshine on nice days, but I go with him and I know he won't venture more than 10 feet away from the house. He mainly goes out in the grass and just sits or rolls on his back.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Do not let them outside unless they are on leashes. Or if you have a gps or RF tracker on the collars. Even if you are in the area all it takes is a car backfire to startle them and they are gone. Also be careful, even on leash, about letting them up trees. There is a difference between real trees and cat trees. A cat who isn't used to climbing real trees can get stuck.

I have indoor/outdoor cats so I am not someone who automatically says outside is bad. But when you are dealing with cats who have never been outside and are also in an unfamiliar area it isn't a good idea. If something goes wrong they don't know the area and the scents are all wrong to help them find their way back. They are also unaware of dangers if you have any stinging insects or biting critters in the yard. They wouldn't know to stay away from them.