Letting Go Is Hard To Do


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 30, 2017
WA - Washington
Love your kitties like each day is their last cuz you never know when that day will be as we just recently experienced.

On Wednesday, January 18, 2017, we had to help our sons cat Tonks, transition to the other side. The story goes like this;

Tonks, an 8 year old, black and white petite female jumped up on my wife's lap like she does every night when we watch TV, to curl up and sleep on the warm blanket my wife puts on her lap. This is a nightly ritual.

As she lay there sleeping I happen to notice she was breathing rather rapidly. Weird.... I looked online to see what normal breathing in a resting cat looked like and found the average to be around 25 to 40 respirations per minute. I timed her breathing several times and every time she exceeded 40 respiration per minute. Concern.... I picked her up to get a better look at her and noticed she was much thinner than normal. Extremely concerned....

At this point I called our vet and made an appointment first thing the next morning to get her looked at. She didn't seemed too distressed the rest of the night, just uncomfortable. Still we watched her throughout the night.

The next morning we took her in and told the vet what was going on. She did the normal, check the ears, eyes, and temperature things. All looked fine. Then she did a physical examination and started feeling for internal distress. When she got just below the rib cage she stopped and became extremely concerned looking. It was at this point she said she found a large, hard lump and wanted to take an x-ray to see if she was blocked or if it may be a tumor. We agreed and she took Tonks to another room to be x-rayed. When she came back, the look on her face told us nothing good came out of that x-ray. She explained to us that Tonks had a large, inoperable tumor in her abdomen that was pushing on her lungs, restricting her breathing passage and had caused fluid to build up in and around her lungs. In all she was suffering and her life span just dropped from years to hours.

We arranged another appointment for later that night, you know, that one no one ever wants to make, and took her home to spend her last few hours with the family getting all the loves and treats she could before she left us. Pictures were taken, memories resurfaced and we made the most of what time was left with her.

Eventually the time came and we made the solemn journey back to the vet, her final ride so to speak.

Her suffering ended peacefully. The doctor was very professional and sympathetic to the situation. She walked us through each stage of the process, explained what Tonks was feeling and going through right up to the very end. If was very comforting to know how this went, even though it didn't stop the tears or heartache. She passed quietly and we left. She will be cremated and returned to my son so he can put her remains to rest as only he would know how to do.

This was almost two weeks ago. I just now have the emotional stamina to write about it. One of the best memories I will have of this is the image of my wife holding Tonks' head in her hand through the entire process, whispering love and encouragement into her ear nonstop until she was gone.

Tonks wax loved dearly and will be missed greatly now that she's gone.

These are the things we do for those who fill our hearts with joy. We love them, we care for them, we cherish them, but most importantly, we are there with them to the very end. It may hurt like hell, but I would rather my heartache than to leave them all alone and scared as they move on into the unknown.

Love you kitties with everything you have. And always remember, you are their advocate in life, and it's up to you to ensure they live the quality life they deserve no matter how long or short that life may be.

By the way, the week after Tonks had passed our vet sent us a sympathy card for having to give up one of our many 4 legged companions, signed by the entire staff. Top notch way to close a chapter in life I would have to say.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
This is such a good reminder because it's really true.  Our beloved cats can leave us at any time.  I'm so sorry that your Tonks has left your family and so unexpectedly, too.  You absolutely did the right thing by ending her suffering.  Unfortunately, when hers ended, yours began.  Most of us here have been in your shoes and understand the deep grief that comes at this time.  If only there were some magic words of comfort!  Some day perhaps you will gain some comfort from happy memories and from remembering that your family gave Tonks a good home where she was loved.  I'm sure she loved you just as much in return.

It sounds like the vet handled everything beautifully.  I am glad they made this experience has painless as possible for everyone involved.  It makes such a huge difference to have a compassionate vet when the end comes.

Is your avatar a picture of Tonks?  If so, she was really a beautiful cat.

RIP dear Tonks.  

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
The love you showed Tonks throughout her life and especially at the end showed her what it meant to be loved. It is so hard to say goodbye to our dear friends. RIP Tonks run free and be free from pain. Your family will always remember you and hold you in their hearts.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 30, 2017
WA - Washington
Margo, yes my avatar is a picture of Tonks and thank you and Zed Xyzed for the kind words. For many of us our furry companions become an extension of our family and tend to bend our hearts in ways only loved ones can. I love animals so much because of their unconditional love, which also makes the heartache even more so when we have to let them go. But heartache is a good thing, it let's you know you have loved and given so much to a relationship which is priceless to the end and beyond.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Tonks knew she was loved and cherished, that is all she ever wanted. She would never want you to be so sad when remembering her, not for the ones she loves so much. The bond you formed will be with you forever, use it to continue to send your love and she will send hers back also. My heart goes out to you for your loss, I know how empty that house can feel after something like this. Thank you fro reminding us to cherish what we have, sometimes our lives get too busy to remember that how we are living  at this point in time will not always be, the present is where we need to be to show our love and appreciation for all we have. I'll send my prayers your way, and pray for that sweet little girl, may her journey to the Rainbow Bridge be swift and her arrival be greeted with joy and love. Take care......RIP beautiful Tonks, you will never be forgotten, you will always be held in a loving heart forevermore! 