Leo has an abscess or cyst that burst/ Update


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 30, 2023
The vet is not being too helpful. I don’t even know what to call it. He had something under his skin, it burst. A lot of pus and blood came out of it.
I took him to the vet. He shaved the area, pulled a bunch of pus and like a plug of it out the hole. It looked terrible.

gave him a shot of Convenia on Wednesday morning. Leo is actually doing really well. The hole has already down to about half. Pus was flowing out of it, even after the vet got a lot out of it.

but I can still see pus down in the hole. If I rub the area around the wound some comes up. But it was bleeding a lot and the pus isn’t as thick as it was. It was a light yellow. Now it’s like a creamy, white.

see pictures. First one is right after the vet visit. Second one is today. His fur is just wet, I had just cleaned it. The hole is above his eye. It is not affecting his eye at all. He is acting like nothing is wrong, eats, sleeps, using the litter box as usual. He is about 18 yrs old, big boy, neutered. Normal blood work.


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  • #2


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 30, 2023
I sent the wrong pic. This is the one I took at the vets right after he pulled a bunch pus out of the hole. The first one I sent in previous is the day after the vet visit



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
It is looking really good honestly from what I can see. Plus the antibiotic shot should make sure any infection will be going away.
I think that is why you are also noticing the change in the color from a nasty infection pus color to a creamy white color.
If you are concerned you can always call your vet see if you can send a picture for them to look at to get a professionals opinion.
But by this picture I honestly think it is healing great.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 30, 2023
It is looking really good honestly from what I can see. Plus the antibiotic shot should make sure any infection will be going away.
I think that is why you are also noticing the change in the color from a nasty infection pus color to a creamy white color.
If you are concerned you can always call your vet see if you can send a picture for them to look at to get a professionals opinion.
But by this picture I honestly think it is healing great.
Thank you so much! My vet, not so good at the follow up. I did send that picture to him, he might reply Monday.

But as I look at him now, after all the blood and stuff. it looks so calmed down. The skin is pink.

I think it was sore after he extracted from it. He kind of just yanked out stuff and I think the area was sore. It looked inflamed right after.

Leo did not want me to do anything to it that day or the day after. Now he lets me clean it as long as it doesn’t go too long. He just never likes a lot of fussing.

silent meowlook

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Nov 10, 2014
I am not a vet. But if he were my cat, this is what I would do.

I would take a warm wash cloth and wring it out and hold it over the area with gentle pressure a few times a day. This is called a warm compress. It is best to remain open till the entire area stops producing puss. Don’t do this if it is a fight. You don’t want to stress him. But if you can, this would be best. Call your vet in the morning and email them pictures.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 30, 2023
It is looking really good honestly from what I can see. Plus the antibiotic shot should make sure any infection will be going away.
I think that is why you are also noticing the change in the color from a nasty infection pus color to a creamy white color.
If you are concerned you can always call your vet see if you can send a picture for them to look at to get a professionals opinion.
But by this picture I honestly think it is healing great.
I am not a vet. But if he were my cat, this is what I would do.

I would take a warm wash cloth and wring it out and hold it over the area with gentle pressure a few times a day. This is called a warm compress. It is best to remain open till the entire area stops producing puss. Don’t do this if it is a fight. You don’t want to stress him. But if you can, this would be best. Call your vet in the morning and email them pictures.
Yeah, I tried that. I ended up bleeding. LOL


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
The vet yanked it out? I hope you mean that figuratively. An abscess should be drained using a needle or by carefuly squeezing it out.

Either way at least the second picture looks far less angry than the first one.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 30, 2023
The vet yanked it out? I hope you mean that figuratively. An abscess should be drained using a needle or by carefuly squeezing it out.

Either way at least the second picture looks far less angry than the first one.
The first one is right after he squeezed it out.

first he shaved the area. There was already a big scab over it, so he pulled the scab off. A big plug of mucus came out with it. Then he squeezed what he could get out of it.

I said yanked because he did it really fast. But Leo didn’t even meow or react. He didn’t much care for the squeezing though. But I don’t think he hurt him because Leo will scratch the bejesus out of you if you hurt him.

here’s what it looks like today.

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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 30, 2023
He lets me clean it and it doesn’t seem to bother him. It had a scab over it this morning but he groomed it off.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
He lets me clean it and it doesn’t seem to bother him. It had a scab over it this morning but he groomed it off.
That is ok. You just need to make sure he doesn't keep doing this. Do you have a cone to put on him? If not can you ask the vet for one when you call to ask if you can email them the pictures to look at?

silent meowlook

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Nov 10, 2014
Hi. If there is still any pus coming out of it, let him rip the scab off as long as he isn’t doing additional damage. The wound needs to stay open until there is no longer pus draining out. Otherwise it will fill up and become an abscess.


TCS Member
Nov 11, 2022
Hi i just bought my cat to the vet today with an abscess but on his back leg. My poor guy is in alot of pain though. The vet shaved the area and drained it. She also said it needs to be open to drain all the junk out. So wash twice a day with salt water and a cotton ball so the hole doesnt close to soon. If you can get a cone for your cat.
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  • #18


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Young Cat
Jul 30, 2023
The vet said its okay that he pulled the scab off and it should be left open. That's what I am doing.

Vet said because the hole is deep in the skin and on top of his head, gravity is gonna pull it down into hole. It's gonna be hard for me to get it out. She said I could try with a Qtip. He let me attempt it and then he was like, Nope. Not having it.

So i will continue to dab at it.

The pus is just the body fighting the infection. He has 8 more days of antibiotics.

This morning there was some but it is now milky and runny.

The vet said the pus will change in color and thickness as he fights the infection. He is on antibiotics.
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 30, 2023
Update on the abscess. Seems to be healing now. Very little pus coming out, like just a tiny bit. Still keeping it open though just to be sure.
new problem.

On 8/5 about 5 pm EST, Leo was on the back of my couch, looking out his favorite window and he started to come off the couch. He normally uses steps up and down.

but I came into the room and I guess he was trying to avoid after all the pus cleaning and he jumped down directly from the top of the couch and landed awkwardly.

After he was carrying the paw, front, right the rest of the night. So I got all his stuff, food, water and litter box and basically he laid in bed. I carried him to his bowl and the litter box.

Sunday morning he started walking, gingerly. I still kept him as isolated and carried him around.

he is kinda walking like tippy toe.

he will walk to something but he will take a break and lie down, then he’ll get up and walk some more.

but just now my big weirdo just walked into my living room to sit next to his treat bowl. Yes, I want treats, lady!

he did have a full exam about 2 weeks ago for the abscess. His heart is fine, no lung noises etc.

and NOW after 2 days of non activity, after he finished his treats, he just climbed up his steps to the back of the couch to watch the birds.

this fart!

he’s still not walking like he usually does but it can’t be that bad if he just went up his steps!

this boy is gonna drive me to drink.