Leash Training?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 25, 2013
Our FireFly was a stray that just walked on in th house one day. She seems happy enough in doors, just watching outside life through the window but my fiancee and I think it might be enriching for her to go on walks. We love to take our Chihuahua for walks and since the two of them have become quite close, I think it might be a fun family activity for her to come too. I know to use a harness rather than a collar but beyond that I don't know where to start, lol. She doesn't seem to like the feeling of the harness, she kind of just lays down and doesn't want to move. Should I leave it on her so she grows accustomed to the feeling? Any tips would be great, thank you :-)


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
I found an old thread with a link to an article at the end.   www.thecatsite.com/t/179998/any-leash-trained-cats-on-tcs   Read the thread - which has some pictures of gorgeous cats on leashes - then read the article linked in the last post. A lot of the things people said in the thread are in the article, but the thread has more pictures.

There are several members here who have cats they walk on leashes, I am sure they will be happy to give you pointers.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I walked our last cat every day for over 13 years, and he loved it. The first step was getting him accustomed to the harness, which I did indoors over a short period of time. I put it on him, then played with him so he wasn't concentrating on getting out of the harness. Then I attached the leash indoors so he got used to it. Once he was, we went outdoors, and I basically let him lead (and always had some reading material with me for the times he decided to hunker down and wait his chance to catch a bird or mouse). I used an H-shaped dog harness and a retractable 5 meter leash, but you might want to start out with a shorter one.

TCS has an article on it:
Harness and Leash Training for Cats

There are also umpteen threads you could take a look at: http://www.thecatsite.com/newsearch?search=leash+training&type=35

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TCS Member
May 29, 2013
Mayo, Florida
My cat Rascal was an outdoor/indoor cat for awhile after he was born; then he disappeared for 4 days and came back beat up and looking awful, so after giving it some consideration, and seeking advice from the vet, I decided to keep him indoors. He has always done fine, but missed being able to go outside, (he would even get a running start, jump up, and hang on the doorknob by both front paws - it was hysterical!) so I put a leash on him (didn't have a harness), and took him out. At first, he hated it, and would lie down in the grass and not move, but after trying it several times, he actually got used to it and began walking with me through the yard.

bluebird gal

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 20, 2013
On The Road
We went with a harness from PetCo called a Coastal Pet Red Mesh Cat Harness and a 6' leash (although I'm looking to order what's called a bungee leash that gives him more wandering room, or tree climbing ability if he chooses).

Si was an outdoor stray for his first 9mos and after being in our home for several weeks he seemed somewhat apprehensive about even being back outdoors.  Now he's catterwauling at the windows to come out and play!

We did the same things as mentioned - I let him play with the harness itself off & on, then worked on getting the harness on (treat), harness off (treat) for many days inside, with playing as a distraction. 

We love to sit outside in nice weather and its even better now that Si can join us without being some sort of cage or enclosure.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 4, 2013
I just started Gideon with a harness.  The first time I put it on, he didn't think he could walk.  I put it on him several times in the house for a few minutes at a time before we went outside.  The first time we went outside, he got over it pretty quick because he was so excited.  

Gideon is a slinky type (Siamese), so i was afraid he could get out of the normal harnesses.  I went with a Kitty Holster which seems very secure, and is easy to get him in or out of.  Nice tight fit and seems comfortable, with no chafing anywhere.

The only problem we are having....he has gone out in the mornings when the dogs go out, and now he is trying to run out the door when the dogs go.  I don't let him walk out, he gets carried in and out....but I'm having to pick him up when my housemate comes in or out with the dogs.

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TCS Member
Mar 15, 2013
I too am working on getting my cat comfortable on her harness and leash, in the yard she is fine and on the side street in front of my house she is cool, but i tried walking her down a busy street (Clark St in the andersonville neighborhood of Chicago) she freaked out a bit and was panting so I got her home quickly after the trip to the groomers was done (she spent more time on my shoulders then walking). I have not done that since, just been working on the small trips in the yard and around the block.

On a side note walking with a cat in a busy are gets all the girls(women) running towards you. Not that I endorse you guys doing this, but I was waiting for my girlfriend who had our dog who was busy at the Fido to Go truck after she calmed down a bit chilling out in the truck (they have all sort of dog treats they sell out of the truck around the city) Next thing I know there is the girl standing next to me petting River Song and asking about her. I quickly Point out I have a dog too and that he is over there and then she quickly walks away seeing my girlfriend hold our dog. I know they could be there just for the cat and could care less about me, but the last one she got a bit closer then I was ready for.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 4, 2013
We too created a monster taking Si out regularly.  LOL     Now we almost have to sneak out the door and sometimes run before he can make it to the door! 

I really do like those Kitty Holster's and am still seriously considering purchasing one. 
I got mine on Amazon for a bit less.  They were also selling out last year's designs for less last time I looked.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 4, 2013
I too am working on getting my cat comfortable on her harness and leash, in the yard she is fine and on the side street in front of my house she is cool, but i tried walking her down a busy street (Clark St in the andersonville neighborhood of Chicago) she freaked out a bit and was panting so I got her home quickly after the trip to the groomers was done (she spent more time on my shoulders then walking). I have not done that since, just been working on the small trips in the yard and around the block.

On a side note walking with a cat in a busy are gets all the girls(women) running towards you. Not that I endorse you guys doing this, but I was waiting for my girlfriend who had our dog who was busy at the Fido to Go truck after she calmed down a bit chilling out in the truck (they have all sort of dog treats they sell out of the truck around the city) Next thing I know there is the girl standing next to me petting River Song and asking about her. I quickly Point out I have a dog too and that he is over there and then she quickly walks away seeing my girlfriend hold our dog. I know they could be there just for the cat and could care less about me, but the last one she got a bit closer then I was ready for.
So....you are trying to say a cat on a leash is a chick magnet???  LOL
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 25, 2013
Sorry it took me so long to reply, I've been so wrapped up on training FireFly that I almost forgot this thread. First, let me say thanks for all the advice, lovely/funny stories and gorgeous pics (in this thread and the linked article) As far as her harness, when I told my parents our plan to leash train her, they ordered her a beautiful angel wing harness (you'll see in the pics). Now, while I was expecting anything from her freezing up and forgetting she could walk to her flipping out and flailing uncontrollably, I am still kicking myself at how things went.

She never entirely frozen up but she was initially very stiff and, despite a few steps, she mostly just looked at me like : "Not happening hooomman. I am the cat, I tell you what we do and when."
We had a lot of trouble, even though I tried everything to motivate her to move, she only took a few tiny steps when she wanted, usually just to attempt to get away from me. She is, I now know, totally not a food motivated cat. She didn't respond to chaser toys either... Nothing and I was trying was working and I almost have up. Then, while I was on the patio one day, she started pawing rapidly at the door like a lunatic. So I thought, what the hell, nothing else has worked. I put her in her harness and brought her outside and poof. Magic! She was walking around like a pro, albeit low to the ground, but it was still a 100% improvement. I was so proud of her, and happy and mad at myself, lol. All that hard work and death glares for nothing, all I had to do all along was put her outside. Imagine! She didn't even get nervous when the neighbor's dog started barking. I was a little nervous, though, since she was walking around crouched and the harness kept slipping down. I want to tailor/tighten it to her a little more, but I'm not sure... She's approx 11 m/o and I don't know if she's still growing/for how long she will be growing?

Anyway, with out further ado here are some pics of our accomplishment! Congrats!! Yay FireFly!!


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
AAwww, she is so cute in that pink frilly harness. Pink goes so well with calico. Congratulations on getting her to accept the leash.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 25, 2013
Thank you!! :-) And I agree.. When I was looking at fancy halters, most looked like they'd clash, except white (which I figured would get dirty too quick), blue (and I didn't want people to think she was a boy) and pink. When I saw it on her I was so pleased! I figured it'd look good but I was surprised at how much it brought out all the shades of orange without clashing, gorgeous!! Lol