Leash/harness Usage Setback - Need Advice


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Thread starter
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I have two cats. Montressor is a 19 year old male cat, who is very skittish around our other cat Midway. Midway is a 15 year old male cat with a high play aggression/prey drive.

I ended up taking Midway outside to meet some kids a couple of weeks ago and that kicked in his desire to go outside again (he lost it a couple years ago). I bought a leash and harness after that and have been taking him outside every couple of days. Pretty much all he does is walk along the concrete path eating grass while I sit on a step. I left the door open most days and Montressor would walk up to the door, cautiously step a foot out and then back up. Yesterday he walked all the way out and lay down by the door so I made a quick run to the pet store and got another leash and harness and took both boys out together when I got back. This was Montressor's first time in a harness and leash.

Montressor was laying on the grass eating it on my left side, and Midway was roaming the path in front of me. A little bug started flying around Midway's head, and he saw it, head and eyes jerking around following it. Then it took off to my right. Midway went after it full speed, so quick I barely saw him move before he hit the end of the leash hard. When Midway went full speed, Montressor apparently thought he was about to be pounced or there was danger, and he went full speed to the left and hit the end of the leash almost as hard.

My husband came out to take charge of Montressor since he was terrified. Midway was clearly spooked by the sudden stop, and then he took off full speed for the open door behind me, which meant he was moving towards Montressor, who my husband had not gotten inside yet. Montressor in turn bolted a second time and hit the leash again. We got them both inside at that point.

This morning Midway was yowling his head off at the door, but I didn't feel well and didn't take him out alone. About an hour ago Montressor was at the door meowing, behavior he's not shown in well over a decade, so I put the harnesses on both of them and took them out.

They were both very, very jumpy. Montressor only lasted a couple of minutes before running back to the door but because of where we were sitting he couldn't quite reach the door and rolled like he was trying to wiggle out of the harness. That triggered Midway who ran to the door belly low (I've never seen that). Once inside they were both down low backing up, but much, much happier once the harnesses were off. Montressor just seemed to be afraid in general, Midway seemed to be afraid of Montressor, because he got lower on the ground and pulling away more with eyes locked on Montressor when Montressor and I got to the door after him.

A catio is not an option and they both clearly want to experience the great outdoors. I don't know how to remove the negative experience of hitting the end of the leash. Do I take them out the back door instead? Do I try and shove aside my loathing of the great outdoors and take them out more often separately and reintegrate them later? Do I sit really close to the door so they can run in and not try to get them calmed down and stay out longer (desensitization)? How do I get them to enjoy going out again? Taking them out without harnesses simply can't happen because as the bug showed it doesn't matter how much they cling to the door, something unexpected can happen.
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Do I take them out the back door instead?
Definitely. Eventually you'll be able to go out the front again.

This happened to me (my guy hitting the end of the leash). It gets dramatic, for sure!

Time and patience. The low to the ground is something my guy did at first but eventually overcame. Trying to back out of the harness is also (relatively) normal.
Don't give up, keep at it.

I don't know, but maybe some harness time separately? Being close to the door, maybe yes at first so they have a safety zone they can reach.

Hang in there - it'll work :)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 23, 2018
I harness Shadow for adventures outside. She was not too keen on the harness at first, being that she basically was born outside.

I have a leash for her that is elastic, but she still likes to stretch her boundaries, and her leash.
When she is getting close to stretching the leash to the max, I give her a firm but quiet "hey" and she reins herself back in.

During harness training, when one of your guys is getting close to fully extending the leash you might try this. It's going to take some time...who am I kidding, it took me like 6 months to get her to respond to the verbal cue.

Maybe get some elastic leashes, too. They don't get that hard jerk when they pull too far.
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Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Thread starter
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I've got bungee leashes. It's just there was no time to give a verbal cue. I saw Midway watching the bug, I saw the bug start to fly away, maybe a foot away from Midway, and -BAM- my arm was fully pulled away from my body and the leash was dug hard into my wrist. I didn't have time to be aware he was moving, much less react to his movement, because he was going warp speed. And as soon as he moved, Montressor ran the other direction and he hit the end hard enough to yank the other arm away from my body. While with him I was aware he moved, I still had no time to react before he hit the end.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Strong cats, no kidding and they're fast - I couldn't react either, I just ended up talking to him and moving so the pressure/tension was off the leash, since the last thing I wanted was for him to actually wriggle out of the harness, and then know that he could.
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Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Thread starter
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I made the stupid mistake of one leash per hand, and they ended up pulling in opposite directions.
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Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Thread starter
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Today went well. Sorta. After last time, I adjusted the fit of the harnesses and Montressor's was hard to adjust and he was done with the process halfway through. (I wasn't. I'm bigger. I won.) Got them outside and Montressor wanted right back in. I'm bigger. When I carried him down a few feet and put him in the grass he happily settled down.

People coming out of the unit a few doors down did scare him a bit, which I thought odd since Midway's body language and my body language were totally relaxed. I'd have thought us being calm would have kept him calm.

I had them both in one hand. At the end Montressor went back towards the house as far as the leash would go at the same time Midway moved down the path away from the house looking for fresh grass to munch on and pulled on the leash to go farther. However since neither one was in terror and both were in one hand I could pull Montressor's leash back some to get close enough to Midway to scoop him up and then go to the door.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
You are at least making a start towards getting everyone settled back down! Rome wasn't built, nor was any cat issue settled ever, in a day!