Klepto Kitty!!!


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
This morning, I seriously considered ringing the necks of both my Australian Shepherd puppy, Ranger and my kitty, Kojak! I have decided that boys, although more loving and affectionate sometimes, are much, much more mischevious than their female counterparts! (at least in my home anyways).

This morning I sat my coffee mug down on my end table so that I could check on something in another room. When I came back, Ranger had whipped cream all over his face and there laid my coffee mug in the floor and coffee EVERYWHERE!
(It was on the back wall, on my end table, on my computer cord, on my couch cover, and all over the carpet. I was NOT thrilled! At least Ranger's clumsy self spilled the coffee before he could drink it and make himself sick.
(He knows the "leave it" command, but I was half awake and forgot to tell him his command before I sat my drink down, so really it was partially my fault. I had been target training him to "leave it and "take it" for things on that area so that I can build his training skills (we had been working with a piece of paper and a few other things I had laying on the end table, so I guess he thought he would "take" some of my drink for himself

As I moved the couch around to clean the carpet/etc...I noticed that there were some bubblegum wrappers. At first I saw a few of them, then when I looked underneath the couch, there were multiple piles of them!
Apparently it wasn't my imagination that the Halloween candy wrappers everyone was throwing away into the trash cans kept disappearing! Kojak apparently went dumster diving and stole them!
So far, I've counted 23 gum wrappers, 6 hershey kiss wrappers, and two tortilla chips. He knows how to open doors, so he must have jumped into the trash to steal them then back out again to hide them...EWW!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Hilarious post.

Mazy is my household Thief. My food bag clips go missing all the time. At first I thought I was jsut scatterbrained, until one day I went to rotate the Box Fort. When I picked it up to flatten in and put it away (to bring another out) it rattled.

I opened it all the way up and found about 20 food bag clips and the clothes pins I had started using to replace the clips when I couldn't find the clips any more.

Mazy also is the Relocator Of Objects and Items. She brings things from all over the house and puts them under my desk. I never know what I will find there. Vacuum attachments, screw driver, hats, gloves, one memorable day, my raincoat...the list is infinite.

tara g

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
Neko is our Klepto Kitty. I found a Tic-Tac container that he stole off the couch, he used to take hubby's cell phone and keys and run off with them (now the phone is too heavy), he steals hair ties and collects them under the bed, he took an empty TP roll out of the bathroom a few days ago. I think he loves to carry things

One of the funniest was when he was standing on Rob's chest being pet, and rubbing and purring, Neko started trying to pull Rob's little screwdriver out of his work shirt pocket. When Rob looked down at him, he slowly opened his mouth, backed away and looked up at him, rubbing more. Then Rob looked back at the TV and he went back to work on trying to get the screw driver

He also tries to steal my boots out of the closet. If he can get a hold of a shoelace (or the ties on my bathing suit!) he will make a run for it when you catch him trying to steal them.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
You guys are cracking me up with your stories! Glad to know my furbabies aren't the only michevious ones out there!
I didn't have time to post pictures before I had to leave earlier, so now that I'm back home be prepared for a good laugh.

Here are the pictures of how my day started...

My morning started off with this nosy fella spilling coffee EVERYWHERE:

-exhibit A

-exhibit B

(In a side note, for those of you in the market for a carpet cleaner, the Bissell Little Green is AHHHMAZING! You can't even tell the carpet was swimming in coffee this morning after I used it!)

When I moved the couch around to clean the carpet, I noticed that there were some bubblegum wrappers behind the couch...

Upon closer examination I noticed a pile of wrappers!

Once I pulled that pile of wrappers out, I found another one!

All of Kojak's stash put together...

I was curious to see exactly how many things Kojak had amassed, so I decided to count each item...the total came to: 23 gum wrappers (left), 6 hershey kiss wrappers (middle), and two tortilla chips (right)!!!

After I finished cleaning the carpet and disposing of Kojak's "trasures" in a trash can that I hope he can't get into, I went to see where the little thief was hiding. Doesn't he look soo innocent hiding out in the cat tree??


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 24, 2005

Holly isn't that bad
But she can manage to get herself into trouble.

If you don't put the cat food into the plastic container- she will rip the bag open and help herself. And I need to replace the cover of it. Holly figured out how to open it, so if the pantry door's open she'll get into the cat food.

She ran off with a plastic bag. With nothing in it. Why? Maybe she thought food was in it.

If she's bored she'll go into the bathroom and open the cabinet door. Or she'll go into the kitchen and open one of those cabinets. So that it shuts and makes noise. I need to put child safety locks on the ones under the sink so she doesn't get into the dish detergent.

I found a cat dish sitting on the stairs. Empty.

She ran off with one of the Wii-mote covers. I found it in a room where the Wii isn't.

She tried to take off with dd's lunch yesterday. She had her sandwich in a bag on the floor. Holly started sniffing, found the sandwich and was trying to take it out of the bookbag. Needless to say dd doesn't put her lunch in her bag until she is ready to leave the house for the school bus.

She looks just like our other black kitty Mistoflees. But when I mentioned it to dh, he said that Holly's got a VERY different personality than he did.

Maybe she needs to be re-named Mungojerry


mystik spiral

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2009
Denver, CO
Holland steals cough drops out of my purse. She likes to play with them, and I find them under the couch ALL the time. She also steals my small hair clips from off my bathroom counter (when I forget to put them away). I've found them in various places, and some have yet to be found. I have to buy new ones all the time...


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
Aww, are you sure it was them? Because it looks like a lot of circumstantial evidence directed at the not guilty. I don't think this is going to hold up in court.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 3, 2010
north of London ON
I thought I was the only one who has a klepto kitty!

Spring will do that too--his favorites? My trains!! That's right...my trains--little N scale locomotives no less. Last night I had some friends over for an operating session and had to look around for about 6 n scale RS3 locomotives--Spring had taken them and placed each one under a chair!!

He has gone around the house with our robe ties and making with pitiful cries as well--looking for a place to house his 'loved ones' I guess--


TCS Member
Nov 10, 2010
Originally Posted by trimph1

I thought I was the only one who has a klepto kitty!

Spring will do that too--his favorites? My trains!! That's right...my trains--little N scale locomotives no less. Last night I had some friends over for an operating session and had to look around for about 6 n scale RS3 locomotives--Spring had taken them and placed each one under a chair!!

He has gone around the house with our robe ties and making with pitiful cries as well--looking for a place to house his 'loved ones' I guess--
That's might be not good experience.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
You know, with all the cats we've adopted, we've never had a klepto-kitty. I rather feel left out!

If we leave bread on the counter for any length of time, Ms. Pepe and/or Bootser will chew through the plastic and munch on a few slices. And if we forget to put the lid back on their jar of dry kibble, BooBoo always helps himself. But that's about it.