Kitty's peeing on his own bed at night, help?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 14, 2014
Hi everyone! 
I am new to the board, i browsed it sometimes in the past but i decided to join to ask for tips or help about my recent problem wsith Pika, my male 3/4 month old kitten. 
He is living here with his sister Lara, my boyfriend and me. We had to take both cats away from their mom a bit after they were 2 month (we know we should have waited at least one more month but their mom's owners wanted to get rid of them so we had to take them in before something bad happened.. ) 

Pika and Lara both immediatly seemed to feel okay here, they both were clean, using the litter, clawing only where they were supposed to, and playing together, eating well and everything so we were really happy things were going so well for them. 

But recently Pika started peeing outside his litter. In the beginning he would pee once or twice every now and then anywhere in the house (he once peed in the couch, but it was more often on the floor), i didn't want to yell at him too bad because he is still a baby so i just usually said a big "no" showing him what he did, and clean the spot to avoid him thinking it's okay to stop using the litter tray. It seemed to stop for another week or so, but for 3 nights now he's being peeing on his own bed at night. And he sleeps on it since i don't notice it before the morning, where i completly wash the bed and change his sheets, and wash his bedroom's floor. He's fine for the whole day, acting normal, then the next night he's peeing in there again, and so on. He shares this room with his sister. There are no other rooms that could suit for a cat's bedroom (the others are a bit small and the living room is too tempting, wires, lamps and tables everywhere, they like to make a mess of these where we aren't looking :p ), so the only thing we could do is giving them two beds - Pika still pees on his. 

My boyfriend called the vet and she said there was nothing to worry about before the kitty reach his 6 month old mark, but i never met this vet, we're in town so i can't say i trust her, that's why i remembered this site and though it would maybe be the place where i'd have some more answers :) 

I hope I made sense, thanks a lot to anyone reading or trying to help!

Have a meow day ~ 


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I would definitely have him examined by a vet.  He could easily have  UTI infection.  I cannot imagine a vet telling you not to bring the cat in for a check.  Find another vet and have the kitten checked out.

As far as cleaning the pee, be sure you are using a good enzymatic cleaner.  The cat will often return over and over again to the same spot if it can smell urine.  Make sure all bedding is washed too. 

I can imagine how frustrating this must be, but you really want to be certain you are not dealing with a medical issue first.
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TCS Member
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Oct 14, 2014
Thanks a lot for your quick reply! 

Well the vet sounded kind and all, but she seemed to think as long as he still uses the litter tray as normal the rest of the time, and I don't notice any other weird sudden behavior, the cat's fine? To be honest i really have no idea, i am fairly new to regular pets care, only my boyfriends has years of experience with them, he said i should keep an eye on Pika when he's using the litter to check how he is doing, i checked if there was no blood or anything after he's done, I tried to see if any part of his body or paws were hurting. But Pika looks fine. He's still acting cuddly and playful when he is around us.

Unfortunately, the place i am living in isn't a place where there are lots or vets. Only one's near, and they're kinda overbooked according to their secretary. :/ So we will have to wait a bit (i don't own a car so it make things harder too, i feel bad since I can't safely drive Pika to a clinic at the moment, it's honestly too far away). The vet we called said we should call her again a few times to tell how things are going so she can keep track of our kitty until she can check on him herself. 

If it's some UTI infection or any other kind of infection, should i take the risk of bringing him to the clinic by bus? He could maybe handle sitting in his case for this long, yet what worries me are the people around, he's stressed out when he hears noises like that.

Again thanks a lot for helping, this means a lot (: 


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
You could get some Dr. Elsey's Litter Attract and get another litter box.  It has some herbs in it that attract cats to the litter box.  It works very well.  The golden rule is one litter box per cat plus one extra.  How many litter boxes do you have?  Do you clean them each day?  Here is a video on litter box habits from the cat guru, Jackson Galaxy.  He is awesome. 

Also if you have must take him to the vet on a city bus, place him in the carrier with a soft towel on the bottom.  Then cover the carrier with a light sheet or towel so he cannot see out.  This usually helps to calm a cat.

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TCS Member
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Oct 14, 2014
Hi! Thanks for your reply!

There are two litterboxes, but there are near each other since there are not that many calm spots in our appartments, it's not that big and the kittens don't really like having their litterbox in the gaming area of the room. We don't have a third one though, we have no more space for one more to be honest, and the other rooms are staying closed most of the time. Do i need to find a way to get three boxes anyway? Maybe i can talk to my boyfriend about it. They aren't using the second one that much they often both use the same one during the day from what i've noticed. Both are closed litterboxes with doors, just not the same color. I wash them entierely once a week, change the litter as often as possible (every day or every two days, but I take their poop off every afternoon, i figured they wouldn't like to walk on it when they're going)

I will try to find some Litter Attract this week to try and see what happens

The two videos you linked sound amazing, i'll finish watching them after i replied, i'm sure they will help me learn the basics so i will know how to fix any mistake i've made, then i will make sure to watch the other videos in the channel or the featured ones, looks like i can learn a lot from it, thank you so much!

Anyway, i washed Pika's bed clean again and made sure there was no more urine scent in their bedroom at all, i asked my boyfriend for the better product in what we had already and we will probably try to find a specific one for that use later this week too just in case. It's almost kitten's bedtime here so i wait for tomorrow to see if it happens again

Also, i though about something else today that i totally forgot to mention in my first post. I'm friend with two outdoor cats that are stopping by on a daily basis to say hi, get some food and cuddle a bit. They never met my two indoor kittens but they are almost the same age, and they probably found out about each other since their smell's all over my clothes, could Pika be jealous, or scared the outdoor cats are going to move in and take his personal space? That's not going to happen but he has no way to know for sure I guess. 


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Many cats do not like enclosed litter boxes.  I completely did away with mine and now use a Sterlite (rubbermaid like )container.  It is about 20 inches long and 14 inches wide.  Many cats need more space in a litter box than what the pet stores sell.  I see you are in Europe so I don't know what your options are.  Here in the states we can find them at a store like Target, Wamart or Home Depot.  They are cheap ( about $8-10 US). 

The cats could smell the outdoor cats on you.  You might try at least washing your hands before seeing your indoor cats.

Just a side note on the outdoor cats.  Do you know if they belong to anyone?  If not are they spayed or neutered?  If not you are going to have a problem on your hand soon.  Cats reproduce quickly.  Even kittens as young as 6 months can become pregnant.  If they are strays, you might try to contact a local rescue organization and see if you can get some help.  It is nice that you feed them, but they need to be spayed/neutered soon. 


TCS Member
Sep 13, 2011
Federal Way, WA
There is also some stuff called Ultra Monthly Monitor, which is an additive you put in the litter box and it will change color according to the PH level of the urine. If your cat's PH level is off, then you can be sure something is wrong in the urinary tract. USUALLY, when a cat pees on your stuff, he's trying to tell you something. Also, getting another litter box can also work. We had the same issue with one of our cats and turns out she was being bullied in the litter box area so she would go on one of the beds. When we got her a new litter box in a different location, she immediately stopped. Good luck!


TCS Member
Oct 15, 2014
Get them fixed asap if they are not. Also indoor male cats go through a phase around 6-9 months trying to show dominance. My cat peed on my bed every so often while I slept. Luckily he drinks a lot of water so it never smelled. :p

Get open litter boxes. Two will be plenty if you keep them cleaned regularly. Try to find a different spot to put the second one rather than next to the first.

Make sure they have plenty of water. If he is getting a uti dehydration is part of the cause.

Have either of them been declawed? This can cause cats to develop bad feelings towards the litter box.

Have you tried a different type of litter? Cats are picky and he could just be developing a distaste for that brand.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 14, 2014
Many cats do not like enclosed litter boxes.  I completely did away with mine and now use a Sterlite (rubbermaid like )container.  It is about 20 inches long and 14 inches wide.  Many cats need more space in a litter box than what the pet stores sell.  I see you are in Europe so I don't know what your options are.  Here in the states we can find them at a store like Target, Wamart or Home Depot.  They are cheap ( about $8-10 US). 

The cats could smell the outdoor cats on you.  You might try at least washing your hands before seeing your indoor cats.

Just a side note on the outdoor cats.  Do you know if they belong to anyone?  If not are they spayed or neutered?  If not you are going to have a problem on your hand soon.  Cats reproduce quickly.  Even kittens as young as 6 months can become pregnant.  If they are strays, you might try to contact a local rescue organization and see if you can get some help.  It is nice that you feed them, but they need to be spayed/neutered soon. 

They had a closed one too when they where younger, and it was never a problem before, also the kittens are "throwing" the litter a bit too far away so when there aren't "walls" around the trays, we just end up having to wash the whole living room because there is litter all around (litter AND what's inside .. :/) 

I do wash my hands right after i pet the outdoors cat anyway since i give them treats and my hands smell cat treat after that eheh :) 

I don't know if they have a home or not. I just know they were born outside, my neighbor is friend with their mom and he doesn't really know either she's stray or just really independant. The sad part is, in the place/country i am living in, animals haven't a lot of people caring about them, no helping shelters (well there are shelters but the animals are euthanazied after two weeks of no one take them home and it would totally break my heart to know i've killed two kittens) nor organizations that would give any free or cheap help, all I could do is ask random people around if they would want to help me take care of them if they really don't have a home. My neighbor would love to keep them home and get everything they need done but his girlfriend hates cats so that's not an option either. I'm kind of stuck with that, sadly.
There is also some stuff called Ultra Monthly Monitor, which is an additive you put in the litter box and it will change color according to the PH level of the urine. If your cat's PH level is off, then you can be sure something is wrong in the urinary tract. USUALLY, when a cat pees on your stuff, he's trying to tell you something. Also, getting another litter box can also work. We had the same issue with one of our cats and turns out she was being bullied in the litter box area so she would go on one of the beds. When we got her a new litter box in a different location, she immediately stopped. Good luck!
Hi! Thanks, i will definitely try and find this, that will be really helpful at any times (: 

I talked to my boyfriend about getting a third litterbox, he replied than we can try and see where we could place it, but he isn't sure we can do it. He says if we already don't have much spots for the second one, the third will be hard to figure out. (The litter boxes are really large, that doesn't help placing them around ~)

I will check if Lara is hurting or annoying Pika while he's using the litterbox, it never happened when i was looking but maybe if i pay real close attention i will notice something wrong! Thank you so much for the tips!
Get them fixed asap if they are not. Also indoor male cats go through a phase around 6-9 months trying to show dominance. My cat peed on my bed every so often while I slept. Luckily he drinks a lot of water so it never smelled. :p

Get open litter boxes. Two will be plenty if you keep them cleaned regularly. Try to find a different spot to put the second one rather than next to the first.

Make sure they have plenty of water. If he is getting a uti dehydration is part of the cause.

Have either of them been declawed? This can cause cats to develop bad feelings towards the litter box.

Have you tried a different type of litter? Cats are picky and he could just be developing a distaste for that brand.
Hi! Ahah lucky you then :p
We are planning on getting them fixed around the 6 month mark:)

I refill their water as soon as needed (i check on it everytime i have a drink myself so i am sure i won't forgot ~  eheh )

They haven't been declawed, i don't plan on them being declawed at all actually :) 

We tried two different litter types (different brands too) so far, it's hard to guess wich one they prefer but we think they liked the one that was odorless with smalls rocks in it more, yet if it can help it's not a problem to try some other ones ~ 

Thanks a lot for your help! 

So a quick update on how things are going, i couldn't reply yesterday, i had a busy day and spent a lot of time playing with the kittens (one of their toys was broken so i made them a new one and we spent like an hour and a half playing with it, lots of fun eheh) 

Pika did not pee again outside the litterbox since I've posted the first message, but i still changed my habits a little thanks to what i've learned in this thread, and i am trying to figure out another place to put the second litterbox (and maybe a third one). My boyfriend called the vet again to keep her updated, she didn't say much and thinks everything is completely fine with Pika but i still wanted to ask when we can take him and Lara for a check in. Her secretary will call us back to give us a date. 

Pika did not like his transport case enough for me to carry him in, this little clown preferred a big handbag that used to be my class bag and hid in it (and that's how i found out where he did put my striped sock he stole a few days ago, ahah!), so i'm still trying to figure out a way of carrying him safely in case i need to take the city bus with him. 

So far everything seems back to normal, but i'll still keep an eye on everything happening to make sure i am not missing a big point in all of this. I'll keep the thread updated about any new info, and i want to thanks again everyone that helped, it means the world!