Kitty's Ongoing Constipation Question


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 30, 2015
Hi Again Everyone,

Some of you may remember my post on Asia, my rescue kitty. She has been doing great until recently. When we first found her, she was way under weight (still working on that) and having constipation issues, which required an enema. Since then all has been well with her, until the past few weeks. Constipation again. so i followed vet advice, like giving her a small dose of Milk of Magnesia, and adding pumpkin to her food, and a lil olive oil. However i still had to take her in, and she had lost a quarter of a pound, which is a lot since she only weighed 61/4 lbs 2 weeks earlier at her check up.  

Well i took her Friday and its Tuesday night and shes straining in the litter box, and staining on the bed (urinating in the process,) and i'm worried about her. there was even a lil piece of tissue that reminded me of raw steak in the pee spot on the bed i found as i was cleaning up. 

does anyone have any experience with this, and is it normal for her to be constipated again so soon after enema? she has had several bowel movements since then so i wasn't worried until tonight.

Thank You for reading this,

Worried Mommy


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with Asia's history, not sure when she had the enema, and cannot seem to find any previous posts from you to read up on it.

When you took her in Friday, what did they do?  If they did another enema, and nothing has happened since Friday, this is absolutely NOT normal.  Did they do an xray to make sure she wasn't blocked?  Some cats have motility issues and really have problems pushing the feces along the digestive tract.  There are drugs that can be given to help.  This is called Megacolon, but has the Vet mentioned this at all?   I have no idea if this is the issue, as I don't know her history, as I said.  How old is she? 

I have a cat with chronic constipation, and what I do for her is to consistently give her Miralax.  Everyday, without fail.  1/8 to 1/4 teas. dissolved in a 1/2 teas water, then mixed into a little bit of her wet food just to make sure she eats it, then I give her more food.  I do this in the morning, then again at night.  If her stool gets too lose, then I back down on the amount to 1/8 teas.  If she appears to start straining, then I go back up to 1/4 teas.

Are you feeding only wet food?  That is the best thing for cats who have constipation issues.  It is disconcerting that she has lost weight.  Is she still eating her regular amount.  I know when cats are constipated, they normally lose their appetites. 

I'm making assumption here (since I don't know what actually happened when you took her in on Friday), but I think if she hasn't done any "business" yet and is still straining to the point of urinating while straining (which is also unusual...usually they will actually strain so hard they will vomit), I would definitely contact your Vet again.  I'm quite concerning about a possible blockage (hopefully unfounded)
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TCS Member
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Mar 30, 2015
hi there! ty for your reply. i posted about 7 months ago or so, when i found her as a stray, and received a ton of support =-)

she has the enema last friday and by tuesday she was straining for long periods, and urinating n the process. i spoke to the vet today and he gave me some amoxi drops because he thinks it may be urinary tract infection. that makes cats strain too and is painful. 

she hasnt had another episode yet, im really hoping the drops help her =) ill keep you guys updated. 
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TCS Member
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Mar 30, 2015
oh and shes 9 years old. (the vet thinks.) she had several bowel movements in the days that followed the enema. i don't think they did an x-ray, at least i wasn't charged for one. 
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TCS Member
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Mar 30, 2015
UPDATE: Asia is still straining, and there is usually red tissue in her urine spots (usually on my bed.) i think the vet may have given her an enema when she really didn't need one, but it seemed like her problem was constipation. he even said he felt a blockage...

but now i really think its UTI  or her kidneys... shes not in pain all the time, usually in the evenings after she uses the bathroom, then the straining starts and the urine leakage. 

i am so worried about her and i cant stand seeing her in pain. if the Amoxi-drops don't seem to be working by Thursday, i'll take her back in. 

has anyone else had any experience with "red tissue" when dealing with urinary tract or kidney infections?

thank you for all your support =-) Asia says thank you too! she's quite the lady you know, with outstanding Litter Box Etiquette. She pees on one side of the box and goes poo on the other side!. funniest thing! My avatar is a pic of her, when we first found her. shes put on a little more weight, but shes lost a quarter pound because of this episode =-(

thx again!

Asia's Mommy


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Blood in the urine is common with a UTI and crystals.  It's hard to tell when they are straining which it is.  I took my boy to the Vet emergency hospital in the wee hours of the morning when he was straining and I was afraid he was blocked.  Urinary blockages in males is a huge concern and an emergency.  Turned out he was constipated.
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TCS Member
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Mar 30, 2015
UPDATE: I am happy to tell you that the Amoxi-Drops worked! it was definitely UTI... wish it hadn't' taken me two weeks to diagnose, sHe was in pain, and i felt helpless, but the vet originally thought it was constipation =(

But shes feeling much better! TY for your replies, i was really worried!

yours truly,

happy mommy


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 5, 2014
Hi Having a uti & given meds I hope a culture was done & if bacteria was seen a sensitivity test was done.Which takes about three days to grow the bacteria before being able to identify & see what kills it as per antibiotics.You are privy to all test results from that urine test.Meaning they can give you a paper copy or email you the test results.I wish you could post them here.There are all kinds of causes of UTI's and many vets just hand over and antibiotic not even knowing if it will cure it.There should a have been no blood like Denice said who is on the Ball.Irritation in bladder wall etc.Uti's can be a little more complex than just handing you some meds.Crystals etc.that keep coming.Diet,stress etc.Being a memeber of the FLUTD group @ yahoo we rerad about it daily.And wished everything was done correctly.Also you are very right to keep an eye on her BM's as well.They are just as important to a cat.Hope your honey feels better soon.A/B's can cause some diarrhea with some kitties.Hugs C.An all dry diet contributes to UTI's so any canned with added water is crucial to keep  your kitty out of the vets.If it was crystals which you need to know or find out whole other thing.Any canned non fish food is far superior to the best dry food money can Hugs C.