i have 2 kitties (13 yrs old), one who throws up at least 1-2x a week. i feed them iams senior food, and they get almost no people food. this has been going on for years and pebbles is otherwise totally healthy. any ideas?
It could be a few things. It could be that theres a hairball stuck in there and preventing the food from going down. There are also a few medical reasons they can do this. You might want to take him or her to the vet if it is worrying you. It may even be something in the food or just eating too fast. I would watch for other signs of illness and weight loss or water intake. When in doubt..consult the vet...this is the best way to be 100% sure.
When I first got my cat she barfed at least 1-2 times a day. I took her in for worm treatment, shots, etc. and she still got sick. I tried a variety of foods and I finally found one where it didn't make her sick. Iams. Ever since then she's only gotten sick a few times, mostly just hairballs. Maybe your cat has a sensitive stomach like mine. I've used both Iams Hairball and Iams for urinary tract infection prevention. Works great so far.