Kitty sleeping all the time, am worried.


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 20, 2007
Nottinghamshire, U.K

My cat is a 3 and a half year old male neutered moggie. We went away for Christmas and my cat went to a cattery for three days. When we had him back he came i and had some food and then slept and slept and slept and slept, until now nearly three days later and he's still sleeping most of the time, eating small amounts, drinking small amounts and generally not interested in anything. His favorite toys don't interest him and I am worried now. He has come back a completely different cat. I have checked his ears for an infection and he doesn't is ears being touched, no sign of mites, checked his mouth no sores and he has pink gums, did the neck test and his skin went back quickly, no diarrea but not much poo either due to not eating much, he has been wormed and de-flead, is up to date on injections. He isn't scratching or itching. Just seems to have no energy or interest.Just wants to sleep. He might play a little but not for long. He was drinking quite a bit and now not much at all. I don't know if he's upset with us because we left him? Could that be why he is low? I had made an appointment today for the emergency vet but he woke up and started eating and drinking so I cancelled it. Any ideas of what could be bothering him?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
It is possible that he was so stressed while being boarded that he did not sleep well or much. And is so relieved to be home that sleeping is what he needed most.

I am glad he is eating now.

I would question the cattery as to if they used sedatives, and if they did I would raise holy heck. I mention this because what you report does sound like a cat who has been on sedatives. In fact I would insist on seeing all his daily care records.

However I am not saying that he actually was. It could just be the first scenario I mentioned (sleeping off the stress)

Hope he is now recovering fully, and will be himself very soon. If he were my kitty I would go ahead and schedule a check up with his regular vet, just for peace of mind.

I also advise you to find a reliable cat sitter, and use that service next time you have to leave him.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 20, 2007
Nottinghamshire, U.K
This is the third day but he has been eating and drinking little bits,he has shown interest in some things but not much. I wish I hadn't cancelled his appointment today.


TCS Member
Jan 30, 2005
call the vet and see if they can get you in tonight or tommarow
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 20, 2007
Nottinghamshire, U.K
Thanks Otto,

Yes I do think he was unhappy in this cattery, he is usally a very adaptable cat and has borded with no problems before. Came back happy and relaxed. This time though, not good. I will definately be having a house visiter next time. The cattery he usally goes to has a vet next door which work together. I just know that he was miserable for all that time and I don't know if it's mental or physical. I am definately taking him to vet tomorrow. Thanks for your advice
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 20, 2007
Nottinghamshire, U.K
He had an emergency appointment first thing this morning. The vet checked him all over, no signs of anything wrong, then she put the termometer up his bum and said that he was running a fever. She has given me Noroclav 50 mg tablets to be taken twice a day and Metacam drops 0.5ml to be taken once a day with food. She said that he should show signs of improvement within 2-3 days but if not to go back and they will take blood.

Thanks for your help and just being there too, it was very appreciated and supportive

Oh gosh, need more advice please. I have just looked online about Metacam, there is a website called, is it true?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Why did she prescribe the metacam? it's a very serious pain medication, in cats. I replied in your other thread, but thought I'd ask here, since it's part of the thread, what made this vet think your cat needed a pain medication?

Gah, I hate that metacam.

Fever indicates infection yes, but what kind of an infection? Is this your usual vet? Did she take a urine sample?

Get some probiotic to give him while he's on the antibiotic to help guard against diarrhea. That too (the antibiotic) may put his appetite off. and tummy upset.

Is he eating better?
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 20, 2007
Nottinghamshire, U.K
Hi Otto,

No she wasn't my usual vet but we don't really have our 'own' vet per say. This was an emergency so we just saw the vet they gave us.
I thought it was strange also as when I was there I said how he was sleeping constantly, eating and drinking but not as much as usual and that he wasn't interested in the things he usually is and he was like a different cat. I mentioned that he was lethargic and didn't seem as steady on his feet. I wonder if that is why she gave it to me. I hadn't ever used Metacam before so I didn't question it when I was there. Once home I checked online and had a shock and wasn't too happy about giving it to him. She checked him thoroughly and no sign of anything but said he did have a higher temp. Hence the antibiotics to kill of any infection he might have. When she said about the blood tests I asked what she advised and she justv said that if he hasn't improved within 2-3- days to come back to do tests. No she didn't take a urine sample.
I will get some probiotic, bless his little heart. Hopefully he will pick up more as he is showing little signs of imporvement but still not himself.
I will most definately not be using the Metacam though, no way!
Thankyou for all your help and advice, it's very kind


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 25, 2008
Originally Posted by otto

Why did she prescribe the metacam? it's a very serious pain medication, in cats. I replied in your other thread, but thought I'd ask here, since it's part of the thread, what made this vet think your cat needed a pain medication?

Gah, I hate that metacam.

Fever indicates infection yes, but what kind of an infection? Is this your usual vet? Did she take a urine sample?

Get some probiotic to give him while he's on the antibiotic to help guard against diarrhea. That too (the antibiotic) may put his appetite off. and tummy upset.

Is he eating better?
I am wondering the same thing...
I hate it when vets prescribe something without even saying what exactly they are treating with it..
If you decide not to use the metacam I suggest letting your vet know, they may have an alternative.
for your kitty!!


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
The decreased appetite & litter box activity, change in play level, and lethargy all indicate something's not right with your kitty. (Which you picked up on..yay!) Many times, in stressful situations, cats will get an upper respiratory infection or urinary tract infection. The temperature definitely indicates something's wrong. Watch him for signs of URI (sneezing, coughing, congested sounding) and UTI (going to the box, but not peeing, peeing outside the box, blood in the urine). If you see any of these, take him back to the vet.

Stay away from the Metacam! I doubt he's in pain, unless he's got a UTI or kidney infection, which he probably doesn't if he's been going potty. Watch him closely and carefully. Also, you might want to check into finding a regular vet and building a rapport with him/her so that they know you and your cat's history.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 20, 2007
Nottinghamshire, U.K
Your'e absolutely right about getting a good rapport with my vet. Our vet has quite a few different vets and rarely do we get to see the same vet twice. Too be honest, I had never thought about it much before as really, we have been enjoying really good health in him and had only been to the vet to have his booster shots. I worm and deflea him myself. Having this happen though has been good in that it has shown me how important it is to have a vet know your cat.
I am definately not using the metacam. He has perked up quite a bit this evening. He has had his second antibiotic tablet and he has been eating and drinking more, going to the loo and showing a bit more interest. Even tried to play earlier, still sleeping a lot though. I have checked his urine and its clear and when in the process, he doesn't seem to be in any discomfort at all, same with his poop. He has a wet but not runny nose and no coughing or sneezing. I think he got upset when he was in the cattery for the three nights, bless his heart. We will be having a house sitter next time too! Thanks for your advice, its greatly appreciated.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Oh yes, I agree it is so important to have a good vet you like. This place doens't even give you the option of which vet you want, when making an apoointment?

I mean, I understand in an emergency situation you take whoever is available, but for routine stuff, it's always better to see the same vet. Not just you, but the pet develops a relationship with the vet, too. And the vet becomes familiar with what is normal for the cat.

Well I am glad to hear he is perking up. Please do keep us posted!
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 20, 2007
Nottinghamshire, U.K
Update: I am so pleased to say that my boy is much much improved since the last post. He is eating more but still not as much as normal. I am not too worried about that though as I know that that the anitbiotics might be giving him a little tummy ache and he is eating enough to tide him over. He is drinking normal amounts now which I am really pleased about. I have to admit, I have been watching him like a hawk! I feel a lot better about the water, I was scared that he might get dehydrated and when he was just sleeping all the time I had been waking him a few times during the day to give him some droplets of water which seemed to make him realise that he was thirsty and he would go and drink.He hadn't been for a wee for a day which raised my concern. I inspected his litter box like a private detective! He's more active and wanting to play again. Chasing his laser pointer and enjoying some cat nip and ball game. Wee and poo normal, although one was a bit loose but I again put that down to the antibiotics and it wasn't very very running just a bit looser.
Thankyou for all the advice and support. It does really help, thats why this sites so great and I keep coming back, I never stop learning things!. Also, I have had pets before when I was a child and although I had learnt a lot, the vet is the one place that you don't get to experience. This is my first time as a pet owner in my own right and I take that responsibilty very seriously. I never knew that you would have your 'own' vet. Like me with my doctor. It seems silly now that I never questioned that. Now though, from you all who mentioned it, I shall definately ensure that I have one vet that I will choose to see him so that we can build that rapport and they will learn my cats personality and history. I really have found that advice invaluable and it might well be important to my kitty one day too. I can't thank you enough.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
So glad he's on the mend! When they are running a fever and fighting an infection, it really taxes their little bodies and depletes any excess energy so they're not active. Take little steps with him on playing and such. He'll probably continue sleeping more than normal the next day or so.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Thanks for keeping us up to date. yes the antibiotic can make him feel crummy. A little probiotic every day can help with that.