Kitty Pregnant Again!!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 19, 2013
Yorkshire, England
So all my cats where strays and I found two of them when they were ickle...

As they were so little one has come to trust me with her life and will let me do anything to her she loves me so much its brilliant, the boy still loves me but is not as trusting 100% of the time... They were both vet checked but it seems the girl was preggers, it seems with the little boy that she was inseparable with. Luckily her first pregnancy went without a hitch and we kept one of the kittens... but now it looks like she is pregnant again. They are both indoor cats so I know it was him and he has been done, but he must of got her just before... Unfortunately I'm unsure how far along she is and the vets are very expensive round here. Luckily I have a few vet friends but my girl Tikka has a lovely habit of showing all the signs then she will just stop for a week or two then suddenly meow at me and drop her kittens as far away from her nest as possible.... Again im stuck with being the worried soon to be grandmummy with all the fears as wondering when!! It has been 2 and half weeks since I first felt the kittens move and now I can even see them move!! Im unsure how long now as her nipples are huge and hairless again.... But as I said before she is an odd one she didnt have a loss of appetite last time and even had a snack after she gave birth too three beautiful kittens (and cause she trusted me so much she let me check them over and just purred and licked me whilst i did this!!) Are there any more signs I can look for in the unconventional kitty births like Tikka likes to have?? 

Side note she is getting done as soon as I can after she has finished feeding and such!! We were just a little to late last time but I do have homes already for these new babies!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
How long ago was he neutered? That's probably your best shot at guessing how far along she is, although boys can retain sperm and still get females pregnant for a while after neutering. But usually you can start feeling them move about 2-3 weeks before birth so it should be soon.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 19, 2013
Yorkshire, England
It's been about 3/4 weeks since we had him done... I think he knew what we were going to do!! 

but even 3/4 weeks doesn't seem long enough for how far along she is.

She's still all happy and content 
 and constantly cleaning, purring and rubbing herself all over the floor whilst smiling at me.

Earlier today she was twitching though and seemed in a bit of discomfort but that has passed so im guessing it was just kittens moving about, shes still eating a ton of food and doesnt want to be without her boys... I think she likes the other cats company until they start climbing about only then does she get a little nasty by swiping at them but again this is rare... I think she is the most good natured cat out there!! :) 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Hmm, yeah, they must have mated way before he was neutered. "Breeding season" (although this isn't as meaningful for indoor cats, as artificial lighting and heating can disrupt their cycles) usually starts around the first week of January, and that sounds pretty likely if you can see the babies moving. Good thing he was done a while ago---females can get pregnant again very soon after giving birth. At this point you should be safe. . .but keep an eye on them. There have been documented cases of male horses getting mares pregnant up to 3 months after gelding, but I don't know how long it is for cats. Probably best for her to be separated from the other cats anyway, so she doesn't get nervous about her babies.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 19, 2013
Yorkshire, England
I tried to keep them separated last time she was pregnant and then labour and just after the birth but she got too distressed... I think she prefers to have their company when she's like this and last time they just laid together... If they get too much I separate them straight away as I want to keep her out of the way, (her well being the top of my list) but she tends to sit on the sidelines anyway, i'm making sure her well being comes first :)... I'm just worried about coming home to her dropping the kittens away from her nest again even if she spends all her time there... Luckily she trusts me enough to be close to them, I wont touch them without her consent :)... Fingers crossed I wont be waiting too long she looks like she has dropped and showed signs, but last time even though she showed signs she stopped half way through and started playing then nothing till she actually gave birth, thankfully it was quick and in 3 hours she had delivered all kittens and looked after them brilliantly... I just cant help but worry :) She goes days showing signs then stops for a week it can be difficult and I dont want to have to use the thermometer more then once or twice as she doesnt appreciate it haha!!


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
 I dont want to have to use the thermometer more then once or twice as she doesnt appreciate it haha!!
Right, dont use thermometer if you dont must, feks if you suspect fever (ie going to vet or not).  No point in stressing her.  They will come when they do come.

Although, if you can get such a modern instant ear thermometer, THAT may be an idea. Useful for humans and also for cats.

If them cats are really good pals, you can let them be together, if mom wants it. Now when the tom is spayed since about 2 month, there is no longer risk of pregnancy.  Which is the risk of having a friendly tom being help mom.    :)

Good luck!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 23, 2012
Don't even think of taking her temperature.  She will have the kittens when she is ready.

And please get her neutered as soon as you can.  If you leave her unneutered she will continue to call and each call increases her risk of breast cancer.  Neutering her will also get rid of the risk of pyometra which is another potential serious health problem with entire unmated female cats.

Ring round your local vets, find out how much they charge and how soon after delivery they will operate.  Depending where you live in Yorkshire you might find vets that are otherwise expensive are cheap for neutering. 

(I used to live in west Leeds and used a vet just into Bradford that was like that)